Originally posted by maberik at 4-4-2007 05:43 PM
hahaha susah betul cakap ngan ko ni. nak kene explain satu2.
itu common sense la ngol. sbb tu aku kata filem ni klise. belambak2 lagi filem yg bertemakan pasal 'freedom' ni. yang jauh lebi ...
wtf with pointless thattt... Betui laa.. kate Dr Mahathir.. melayu ni mudah luperr... sikit sikit fedup kalo asyik citer bende yg same jerr... espcially pasal freedom semuaaa....
bodoh laa weiii.. tgk citer 300 takkan x dpt tangkap msg dierr pasal aperr.... takper laa... mungkin ko time upsr ,pmr ,spm.. bab soalan pemahaman ko tak reti kottt.. takperrrr... |
Originally posted by maberik at 4-4-2007 10:37 PM
aih nyampuk pulak. sampukan yg tak relevan lak tu. dah nama thread pasal 300. aku komen la pasal 300. common sense la weh. apa punya mod lah
u know wutt??? u not argue with common sense but with emotion.. so wut the point argue with guy like thattt... |
well u still not answer my questionn.. do u know all races cultures?????? to make conclusion that wearing goat head is stupidd...??who are u to said that custom is stupid?????
answer thissss... |
Reply #342 LimpBizkutMerri's post
ko baca ke idak ni post aku yg kat atas tu? yang aku buat point2 tu.
ataupun ko tak reti baca.
aku tak cakap pun pakai goat head tu stupid. aku cuma cakap betul ke orang persia zaman dulu pakai camtu sebab ko kata cite ni 90% tepat! |
Originally posted by LimpBizkutMerri at 5-4-2007 03:35 AM
ahahaha.. aku kene tgk banyak movie??? LOL.. u are talking to guy that 1.2 TB hard disk.. with 24/7 torrent running.. LOL.. ko suruh aku tgk banyak movie???? i bet the movies i saw more tha ...
ko tengok katun je banyak. dan tengok movie2 yang sama bodoh. |
Originally posted by LimpBizkutMerri at 5-4-2007 03:39 AM
wtf with pointless thattt... Betui laa.. kate Dr Mahathir.. melayu ni mudah luperr... sikit sikit fedup kalo asyik citer bende yg same jerr... espcially pasal freedom semuaaa....
bodoh la ...
ahaha cite yang telampau simplistic macam ni tak payah nak "tangkap" pun dah paham da. semua msg sama je dgn mana2 filem perang "swords and sandals" lain. cuma 300 menjadikannya cheesy and lame.
cite 300 ni pasal tentera2 Melayu ke? pasal tentera2 Islam ke yang membuat ko semangat gilababi sayang dan cinta dgn cite ni?
kalau Bukit Kepong tu takpe la jugak.
[ Last edited by maberik at 5-4-2007 10:14 AM ] |
aku bg citer ni 6/10
kire okla, mula2 slow tp biler start lawan2, best la skit
[ Last edited by milo84 at 5-4-2007 04:38 PM ] |
storyline - 7.5/10
cinematography - 9/10
just watch it 2nd time last night clear copy download it from internet.. |
I must watch this film again in High Definition.
Truly awesome looking film from a technical & visual point. |
Originally posted by movieman at 6-4-2007 07:56 PM
I must watch this film again in High Definition.
Truly awesome looking film from a technical & visual point.
ff: eh movieman itu kucin ko sebetulnya ke kucin internet..cant help asking  |
Reply #350 kulit's post
Pengarah filem 300 ni nak buat citer filem komik lagi pulak iaitu Watchmen dan Sin City 2. Watchmen akan di rate R. |
Originally posted by maberik at 4-4-2007 03:30 PM
the dialogues here are infinitely better than the actual movie.
kecoh la ko ni Maberik...tgk je la citer tuh...nak real fact ke ape bukak ah astro channel 50...wahahahaa... |
Originally posted by Kezman at 13-4-2007 11:56 AM
kecoh la ko ni Maberik...tgk je la citer tuh...nak real fact ke ape bukak ah astro channel 50...wahahahaa...
hekleh orang2 forum ni ada masalah pemahaman bahasa la aku rasa. takpun tak baca abis nak menyampuk tak pasal2.
aku tengok la cite tu. dan aku rasa cite tu bodoh. suka ati aku la haha |
ok la citer ni..wpun berzaman tp baru tengok....
tp punya la lemah tentera parsi...bodoh2 cam tu je kena belasah dgn 300 spartian tu...yg spartian 300 ekor tu..punyalah gigih..x penat ke berperang siang malam...lepas tu siap nak susun2 mayat jadi tembok...
king persia tu mcm nyah jer...tetiba je nak claim diri dia Tuhan...lucu gak... |
king persia bukan nyah, tp adrogyny 
-raja parsi memang anggap mereka ni godking, tuhan di bumi |
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