any forumers can gives me opinion on which laptop is the bestest to use? apple with mac os or others with windows os. apa plak benefits korang? sbb mac lebih secure. dgr citer la. so nk dgr korang nyer opinion. |
Reply #1 aladin's post
mac-no virus. license tak leceh cam windows. linux pun leh guna.
nape ko tak masukkan linux dlm list ko? aniway, ibook skrg guna dual core.
lebih smooth berbanding leptop biasa. |
tengok pada penggunaan.
rasanya mac more sesuai utk multimedia kot banding windows, but lately notebooks have grown so powerful these days. |
depends on your usage and of course money. mac is more expensive but if you're into graphic a lot, mac is the best, especially the one that uses motorola processor (last edition called powerbook). the latest model, macbook, uses intel porcessor but still better than windows.
if you don't want to spend a lot of money and don't do a lot of graphical tasks, then windows is more than enough.
also, mac hardly have any viruses compare to windows sebab tak ramai guna mac and it's a bit harder for virus to spread around.
[ Last edited by oobi at 13-12-2006 10:16 AM ] |
aku rasa paling penting ialah utk kegunaan ape... kalo just biasa aje..nak buat laporan etc aku rasa baik guna windows aje.. lagi satu pasal pengguna laptop nih. kalo ko sorang ajer guna ok la kot utk beli mac (maybe ko nak explore benda baru) tp kalo ada 2-3 org yg nak guna.. kena consider gak tahap pengetahuan diorang pasal mac nih |
Originally posted by oobi at 12-12-2006 09:45 PM
... mac is more expensive but if you're into graphic a lot, mac is the best, especially the one that uses motorola processor (last edition called powerbook) ...
its not for me. my bro-in-law yg seriously dah into that laptop sbb laptop tu lawa gler. according to him laa. and he's not IT literate cuma dia suka explore all these stuff. 5000 duit msia = dlm 2500 duit spore. cmni la. in case the laptop meragam, all he has to do is just bring the thing to the centre kan. byk ke mac centre's ni? he's not multimedia kinda guy but involves in business. money is not a problem to him. i need ur help. plezzz :tq:
:hatdown: |
Mac Rulez..
Beli Mac beb... |
aku rasa aku dah paham maksud korang. but is there any other reasons yg aku buleh ketengahkan? at least before my bro in law tu pi beli mac tuh. |
Originally posted by tegang_berbisa at 13-12-2006 08:37 AM
Mac Rulez..
Beli Mac beb...
sbb konkrit skit? xkan sbb kita suke mac, so kita beli dan dan. :hmm: ko mesti multimedia ff: |
Reply #9 aladin's post
mac is the easiest OS to learn and maintain.
Aku pernah kerja ngan Apple Computer.. aku guna Mac ni sejak tahun 1994, masa tu Mac Plus lagik.. sejak 1994, Mac OS pun, (masa tu dipanggil System) System 7. aku memang suka Mac sebab sebagai technician computer, Mac sangat mudah nak troubleshoot, nak setting apa apa pun senang sebab semua dah built-in.
Sekarang ni Mac dah guna Intel pulak, dan kita boleh buat dual-OS, both Mac OS ngan Windows sekali dalam satu computer (senang lak tu nak setup 2-2 tu).. dan memang betul, Mac memang tak ada masalah Virus (kalau ada pun, teramat lah jarangnya).
Mac sinonim dengan Multimedia, dan kat Malaysia ni, orang putih suka pakai Mac sebab dulu2 education kat US, semua pakai Mac.
Majulah sukan untuk Menteri belia dan sukan |
Minah_Flunxy This user has been deleted
seriously kalau ur brother in law baru nak kenal computer,jgn laa burden dia ngan viruses,spyware adware yang akan bakal ada dalam windows tu.. nanti u jugak nak kena mengajar nak clean, formatting etc..bagai..sebab some new users nie mudah terpedaya dalam cyberspace.
so let him do his works and stuff on mac, mac simply just works... cam windows tgh buat keje tetiba error,hang restart..leh pening kepala gak tu...mesti dia akan rasa guna computer nie cam satu nightmare nyer..., mac untuk daily computing, surfing, music, blog, photos.. cam raya lepas pakcik saya nak hookup it's digital camera sebab dah penuh... jenuh surf internet via dial up carik driver time raya...ouch!..bila i plug masuk my G4 ibook, ok it detects and i start copy the photos and gave it to him..
i had all my photos,music on my mac,.. my windows laptop jadik internet gateway server buat downloading stuff,P2P, FTP server etc... sume keje2x i buat kat mac..
actually i sukakan windows jugak since games and great programs cam utorrent is in it...
so i minat 2-2, windows leh tweaks fooling around, games..tapi itulaa kan windows nie much more pada technical sket..kalau u tahu banyak windows technical stuff, seronok gak guna nyer.
so i cadangkan u beli mac, and purchase lagi satu separate licence windows xp, u dual boot ur mac book/imac with OSX and XP..that way u can have both mac world and the windows world...leh u ajar ur bro using mac and sambil2x ajar gak guna windows..dah makin IT literate nanti move on pada linux laks..
[ Last edited by Minah_Flunxy at 13-12-2006 10:17 AM ] |
Originally posted by tegang_berbisa at 13-12-2006 09:35 AM
Aku pernah kerja ngan Apple Computer.. aku guna Mac ni sejak tahun 1994, masa tu Mac Plus lagik.. sejak 1994, Mac OS pun, (masa tu dipanggil System) System 7. aku memang suka Mac sebab sebagai tech ...
:tq::tq::tq: i'll tell that to my ipar |
Ok, aku dah bertahun hidup dengan window. Pendek kata aku dah tahu komputer ni sejak kita kena boot pakai floppy disk lagi untuk masuk DOS. Aku pernah pakai komputer 8088, then XT, AT, hinggalah sekarang ni P4. Aku pernah guna Windows, Win98 SE, WinME, Win 2000, Win XP dan dah cuba beta release Window Vista.
Beberapa bulan yg lepas aku saja gatal2 tangan beli PowerBook G4 sbb dia org kasi diskaun kerana Intel base Mac dah nak keluar. Aku beli then aku peram Mac tu 2 bulan. Sbb dah terbiasa dgn Windows. Baru2 ni aku betul2 guna dan adalah dalam 3 minggu then aku dah start jatuh cintan dengan Mac. 5 hari lepas, aku beli intel base nya pulak iaitu desktop iMac!!
Sekali aku dah pakai Mac, aku dah nampak Windows ni leceh. Tapi aku masih ada 4 biji laptop Windows dan bbrp lagi desktop yg terpaksa digunakan sampai umurnya expired. |
drpd idea kawan2, nampaknya aladin kena mencuba MAC dulu.
Aku dulupun, bermula ngan MAC. Drpd MAC aku kenal Windows.
MAC Memang senang untuk belajar berbanding Windows. Masa aku
beralih drpd MAC ke Windows dulu, mcm nak 'pecah' kepala buat troubleshoot kat pc.
Tp, berbekalkan ilmu MAC skit2, aku boleh dan rakyat Malaysia pasti boleh.
Lagi satu org yg pakai MAC ni nampak lebih glamor ngan productnya yg gempak.
Dalam mana2 iklan di tv, aku tengok semua pc atau laptop yg dipakai, mesti keluaran Apple (I-Mac/e-Mac/Ipod dll), Tp, ini bukan keutamaan...Dan sudah tentu bg yg mengutamakan MultiMedia, MAC lebih serasi....... |
huhuhuhu gunala linux.... *ducks* |
kirenyer kalo dia ni beginner (bukan multimedia guy tau!) so aku patut suggest dia beli mac ar? gtu? |
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