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History of Rosslyn Chapel
Rosslyn Chapel, or the Collegiate Chapel of St Matthew as it was to have been, was founded in 1446 by Sir William St Clair, third and last St Clair Prince of Orkney. It is in fact only part of the choir of what was intended to be a larger cruciform building with a tower at its centre.
More than thirty-seven collegiate churches were built in Scotland between the reigns of James I and James IV (1406-1513). They were secular foundations intended to spread intellectual and spiritual knowledge, and the extravagance of their construction depended on the wealth of their founder.
After Sir William died in 1484, he was buried in the unfinished Chapel and the larger building he had planned was never completed. But the foundations of the nave are said to have been excavated in the nineteenth century and found to extend ninety-one feet beyond the Chapel's original west door, under the existing baptistry and churchyard.
What was built however is extraordinary enough, 'This building, I believe, may be pronounced unique, and I am confident it will be found curious, elaborate and singularly interesting, impossible to designate by any given or familiar term' wrote Britton on his Architectural Antiquities of Britain (1812), adding somewhat despairingly that its 'variety and eccentricity are not to be defined by any words of common acceptation.'.
The principal authority on the history of the Chapel and the St Clair family is Father Richard Augustine Hay, Canon of St Genevieve in Paris and Prior of St Piermont. He examined historical records and charters of the St Clairs and completed a three volume study in 1700, parts of which were published in 1835 as A geneologie of the Sainteclaires of Rosslyn. His research was timely, since the original documents subsequently disappeared.

The foundation stone was laid on St. Matthew's Day, 21st September 1446. The orientation is due East and West, marked out by the solar ray, according to the ancient tradition. A geometrical figure is usually used to regulate the proportions, and a double equilateral triangle is used in Rosslyn.
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Unfortunately the original plans for Rosslyn have never been found or recorded, so it is open to speculation whether or not the chapel was intended to be built in its current layout. The fact the foundations for a much larger nave were excavated in the nineteenth century and can be seen today suggest grander plans were made for the chapel at its inauguration. The chapel as seen now is therefore what would have been the choir as the larger nave was never built. However as it stands today Rosslyn's asymmetry is just one of the many unique architectural features.
The height of the chapel is 40 feet 8 inches, breadth 34 feet 8 inches, Length 68 feet. There are thirty-two different forms of arch throughout the chapel, the horizontal archover the side aisles connecting the pillars with the wall, are hollow stone hung with the aid of small iron rods onto a central wooden beam.
The famous 'Apprentice pillar' or 'Prentice Pillar', also referred to in 'An account of the chapel of Roslin' 1778 as the 'Princes Pillar'. On the architrave joining the pillar, the words in latin mean 'Wine is strong a King is stronger, women are stronger still but truth conquers all' the text which comes from the book of Esdras, ch 3 & 4.

- inskripsi yg ada dlm chappel ni -
Just one more thing which makes Rosslyn Chapel unique.
The stone arched roof is finely decorated in squares with five pointed stars, ball flowers, tablet flowers, roses, a dove with an olive branch.

dalam citer da vinci code...gereja ni menjadi satu petunjuk penting..kononyya di dalamnya tertanam harta berharga knight templar iaitu holly grail..even sampai sekarang ianya masih jadi satu misteri sebab permohonan untuk mengaji dan menggali chappel ni tak diluluskan oleh pihak berkuasa...khuatir ianya runtuh... |
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holly grail ni adalah mangkuk yang kononnya di gunakan untuk menadah darah jesus semasa disalibkan...
namun sebenarnya holy grail ni tak diketahu ape bendanya....ada yang kate air mata virgin mary yg disimpan...ade yg kate mangkuk isi darah jesus tu..banyak versi mengambarkan holy grail ni...
The Holy Grail is generally considered to be the cup from which Christ drank at the Last Supper and the one used by Joseph of Arimathea to catch his blood as he hung on the cross. This significance, however, was introduced into the Arthurian legends by Robert de Boron in his verse romance Joseph d'Arimathie (sometimes also called Le Roman de l'Estoire dou Graal), which was probably written in the last decade of the twelfth century or the first couple of years of the thirteenth. In earlier sources and in some later ones, the grail is something very different. The term "grail" comes from the Latin gradale, which meant a dish brought to the table during various stages (Latin "gradus") or courses of a meal. In Chr閠ien and other early writers, such a plate is intended by the term "grail." Chr閠ien, for example, speaks of "un graal," a grail or platter and thus not a unique item. Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzival presents the grail as a stone which provides sustenance and prevents anyone who beholds it from dying within the week. In medieval romance, the grail was said to have been brought to Glastonbury in Britain by Joseph of Arimathea and his followers. In the time of Arthur, the quest for the Grail was the highest spiritual pursuit. For Chr閠ien, author of Perceval and his continuators (four works take up the task of completing the work that Chr閠ien left unfinished, two of which are anonymous, one is by Mannesier, and a fourth is by Gerbert de Montreuil), Perceval is the knight who must achieve the quest for the Grail. For other French authors, as for Malory, Galahad is the chief Grail knight, though others (Perceval and Bors in the Morte d'Arthur) do achieve the quest. Tennyson is perhaps the author who has the greatest influence on the conception of the Grail quest for the modern English-speaking world through his Idylls and his short poem "Sir Galahad". However, James Russell Lowell's "The Vision of Sir Launfal", one of the most popular of nineteenth-century American poems gave to generations a democratized notion of the Grail quest as something achievable by anyone who is truly charitable. The notion that the Grail story originated in fertility myths was popularized by Jessie Weston in her book From Ritual to Romance, which was used by T. S. Eliot in the writing of The Waste Land. Eliot's poem, in turn, influenced many of the important novelists of his and succeeding generations, including Hemingway and Fitzgerald.
hehe, dulu2 mana ada org amik tau sgt. Thanks to Dan Brown didalam bukunya Da Vinci Code, org berpusu2 pulak mencari Holy Grail nih |
Dun forget Indiana Jones oso yg mempemeskan lagi citer Holy Grail.... interesting theory gak pasal Holy Grail ni :hmm: |
ada rumours said that holy grail di sorokkan kat vatican city bersama salinan asal injil yg berlainan isi kandungannya dari nowdays christian bible...dan tujuan ianya di sorokkan masih tidak di ketahui tapi kita rasa ada rahsia yg masih belum di bongkarkan.tatau le kalu ianya sekadar rumours or sebaliknya...:hmm: |
Originally posted by narvmarishka at 28-12-2006 02:16 PM
ada rumours said that holy grail di sorokkan kat vatican city bersama salinan asal injil yg berlainan isi kandungannya dari nowdays christian bible...dan tujuan ianya di sorokkan masih tidak di ket ...
Mungkin ada betulnya mengenai tersimpannya salinan asal injil yang berlainan isi kandungannya tu, pasal saya ada pernah terbaca satu article yang umat Kristian takut kalau rahsia itu terbongkar, kerana mereka takut umat mereka berpecah belah kerana isi kandungan asal itu sangat rapat kandungan dengan ajaran Islam maksud saya mengagungkan tentang Islam dan dll yang bersangkut paut mengenainya dan kalau tak silap saya ada mengandungi yang mana Nabi Muhammad itu adalah nabi yang akhir sekali dan Rasulullah yang sememangnya umat Kristian tiadak mempercayainya, sepertimana tersebut dalam kitab Bible mereka yang hanya disebutkan berkali-kali hanyalah tentang Jesus (Nabi Isa Alaihissalam). Secara tidak langsunya, sudah tentu kitab yang ada pada mereka itu (bible) sudah tentu cuma bohongan belaka sedangkan mereka telah berpegang dengan ajaran itu berabad-abad lamanya.
p/s: sorry kalau ada terkasar bahasa, in this case, we need to be open minded sikit, boleh tak? 
[ Last edited by LailaTempawan at 28-12-2006 04:19 PM ] |
Originally posted by LailaTempawan at 27-12-2006 10:15 PM
Mungkin ada betulnya mengenai tersimpannya salinan asal injil yang berlainan isi kandungannya tu, pasal saya ada pernah terbaca satu article yang umat Kristian takut kalau rahsia itu terbongk ...
hmm...thanks for the info...dan kita pernah cite di mana sorg ex paderi tlh jumpa salinan ni dan discover about everything...dan dgr cite lagi,last2 ex paderi tu masuk Islam...:hmm: |
Originally posted by narvmarishka at 28-12-2006 05:25 PM
hmm...thanks for the info...dan kita pernah cite di mana sorg ex paderi tlh jumpa salinan ni dan discover about everything...dan dgr cite lagi,last2 ex paderi tu masuk Islam...:hmm:
Ex-paderi ni dr bangsa ape? Bagus jika benar beliau telah mndapat hidayah sejurus selepas menemui salinan tersebut. SEpatutnya paderi ini menghebahkan juga kpd org ramai ttg kebenaran tersebut kpd yg mgkn beliau memikirkan keselamatnnya...
The Knights of Templar..:jeling: |
Originally posted by LailaTempawan at 28-12-2006 16:15
Mungkin ada betulnya mengenai tersimpannya salinan asal injil yang berlainan isi kandungannya tu, pasal saya ada pernah terbaca satu article yang umat Kristian takut kalau rahsia itu terbongk ...
:setuju::setuju: kalo salinan asal ni tersebar..abis aa agama mereka |
penah gak dengar citer gitu |
Originally posted by narvmarishka at 28-12-2006 02:16 PM
ada rumours said that holy grail di sorokkan kat vatican city bersama salinan asal injil yg berlainan isi kandungannya dari nowdays christian bible...dan tujuan ianya di sorokkan masih tidak di ket ...
dan Rumor yang aku pernah dengar Kazanah Islam dulu pun di sorok kat situ..... berdasarkan cerita sewaktu perang dunia kedua tentera berikat berjaya menakluk itali..... |
Originally posted by narvmarishka at 28-12-2006 05:25 PM
hmm...thanks for the info...dan kita pernah cite di mana sorg ex paderi tlh jumpa salinan ni dan discover about everything...dan dgr cite lagi,last2 ex paderi tu masuk Islam...:hmm:
yer, dengar dengar berita memang betul tu, paderi tu akhirnya masuk islam.. |
aku ingat. Paderi tu dari Sabah kan? Asalnya dia ke Vatican utk menyambung pelajaran tapi dia pi curi2 masuk ke bilik rahsia yg menyimpan dokumen tu, membacanya (I wonder dokumen tu dlm bahasa apa) dan kemudian melarikan diri, ntah camne dia leh lepas balik ke Malaysia pastu menyembunyikan diri sebab org Vatican cari takut dia pecah lubang. Dia masuk Islam, sebarkan kisah itu. Kebenaran cerita ini, Tuhan sahaja yg tahu. dimana dia agaknya skrg ini.... |
ada kena mengena dgn dead sea scroll ke? |
Originally posted by HangPC2 at 28-12-2006 01:20 AM
dan Rumor yang aku pernah dengar Kazanah Islam dulu pun di sorok kat situ..... berdasarkan cerita sewaktu perang dunia kedua tentera berikat berjaya menakluk itali.....
ha'ah...pun ada gak dgr rumour sal ni...ada kata benda tu adalah salinan2 pelbagai ilmu pada zaman uthmaniyah yg sempat di selamatkan...tatau betul or sebaliknya sal nak masuk ke vatican city tu susah nak lepas for public to enter...masih byk misteri yg belum terungkai...:hmm: |
Injil Barnabas dipercayai injil yg asli kerana ia ditulis oleh pengikut Nabi Isa pada zamannya. Dlm injil tersebut ada memberitakan tentang kedatangan nabi akhir zaman (Muhammad saw). boleh search dlm google. |
Originally posted by narvmarishka at 29-12-2006 12:07 PM
ha'ah...pun ada gak dgr rumour sal ni...ada kata benda tu adalah salinan2 pelbagai ilmu pada zaman uthmaniyah yg sempat di selamatkan...tatau betul or sebaliknya sal nak masuk ke vatican city t ...
Kazanah Ilmu Dari Zaman Utmaniyah hingga Abbasiyah |
injil barnabas tu kalau tak silap aku ditulis oleh st barnabas tapi rome tak recognize bible st barnabas. tapi still boleh didapati di afrika. |
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