tak sabar tengok Battlestar |
Originally posted by HangPC2 at 2-2-2007 08:23 PM
Sepot cuba hang cek sejarah sebab apa PKM kalah ..... sebab malaysia mula menjalinkan persahabatan dengan China..... lupa agaknya kau nih..
Bodoh ... PKM kalah dlm cara lawan Gerila je. Selepas PKM dibubarkan secara mutlak pada lewat 1980an dulu, ketua2 bekas PKM menbuat kenyataan yg mereka akan "cuba lagi" dgn menjadikan PKM sbg Parti Politik di Arena Politik Malaysia. Mungkin sebab itulah, sampai sekarang Malaysia tak benarkan Chin Peng masuk ke Malaysia.
Communism (spt mana Atheism) adalah penyakit yg senang merebak dan sukar dibentung. Macam Penyakit Demam Burung dr China itu juga. ;) |
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 6-2-2007 08:37 AM
Bodoh ... PKM kalah dlm cara lawan Gerila je. Selepas PKM dibubarkan secara mutlak pada lewat 1980an dulu, ketua2 bekas PKM menbuat kenyataan yg mereka akan "cuba lagi" dgn menjadi ...
zaman sudah berubah sepot  |
China ASAT
Anti-Satellite Weapon
I can see why China needs to have the proper defense system. nothing wrong with it. I think the situation is getting way too complicated in East Asia.
US: main priority is to protect Japan as condition of Japan's defeat on WOrld WAr II. Secondary objective is to protect Korea and Taiwan as part of its promoting democracy propaganda.
China: main obejective is to defend its soveriegnity on its lands that include to prevent Taiwan getting independence and prevent the any changes on status quo on the Korean peninsula.
Since the US have bases on both Japan and Korea, China felt herself under pressure. Current situation do not helped either. When North Korea developed its nuclear arsenal, Japan and US became very afraid that Japan agreed to allow the US built interceptor missiles in its land to intercept any missles heading to states. Obviously, China is not please with all of these thus that's why it developed its arsenal.
Nonetheless, I do not belief a war is going to break out in East Asia cause its the capitalists are running the country on both sides of the Pacific. CAuse having a war between US and china is the last thing that we need as it could cause a serious economic applications. |
Originally posted by naz_1969 at 19-1-2007 02:58 PM
Itu lah..double standard betul la US ni. China tak kisah pun Iran nak develop nuclear technology. Sanggup lagi buat joint venture untuk Oil and Gas lagi. US ni jer tak habis2 jeles ngan oran ...
hahaaaa.... reminds me of wat saddam hussien said.... british and usa are godsent people to stock up nuclear warhead
but if the muslimworld wan to built one, they are Satans....
hahahaaaaa |
Reply #25 keep88's post
wat about USA and north korea  |
Reply #27 wei_loon5063's post
USA kan takut North Korea punya nuclear could reach its shores apalagi Japan yang confirm dalam missile range regardless of what happened. That's why USA protect japan. which results in China tak puas hati. which results in China buat missile sendiri. |
Originally posted by keep88 at 22-3-2007 06:21 PM
That's why USA protect japan. which results in China tak puas hati
china tak puas jepun bukan tu je.... pasal WWII jugak... sampai sekarang jepun tak mau minta
maaf dengan dunia tentang kezalimanye semasa WWII |
[quote]Missile Defence, often known as 慡tar Wars |
Originally posted by wei_loon5063 at 22-3-2007 06:38 PM
china tak puas jepun bukan tu je.... pasal WWII jugak... sampai sekarang jepun tak mau minta
maaf dengan dunia tentang kezalimanye semasa WWII
Pasal Bahan Sejarah tentang WW2 Jepun dalam buku Teks Sekolah Dijepun dipadamkan atau PM Jepun Melawat Yoshikuni |
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