Originally posted by johngage at 19-5-2007 04:47 PM
Platform vs Platform comparisons are meaningless in combat. Wars are not won on the basis of weapon 'X' vs Weapon 'Y'. It is the side which has the best military 'system' which will win.
Weap ...
I was refering to F15 of USAF vs F14 of USN since both sides have the similar system.
It would not be a fair comparison if Iranian Air Force F14 is pitted against USAF F15. |
Reply #19 wei_loon5063's post
Reply #23 SONofODIN's post
Remember the Irangate scandal? Anyway, they have 79 airframes. Ground at least half and you have qute a steady supply of parts. Besides the Iranians are pretty indigenous in this matter. |
Reply #25 alphawolf's post
Oh I see. They used potong kapal terbang parts. |
I, personally think F14 is a better fighter. It is designed to protect the carrier fleet. It is armed with powerful radar and long range Phoenix AAM, the only kind in the US arsenal. |
The beauty of the F-14 is that it is able to engage targets far beyond the F-15. Although I doubt the Phoenix's ability to kill maneuvring targets like another fighter planes. It need to have that capability to kill russian carrier killers from reaching missile release points. It's close range fighting ability is actually no better than the F-15. |
Reply #28 alphawolf's post
It is also equipped with sidewinder for close range dogfight. I am sure it is designed for this purpose just in case it ran out of Phoenix. |
Reply #29 SONofODIN's post
That's right, all American planes are so equipped...however maneuvrability is still a factor in WVR combat. I read somewhere that F-14As suffer from 'anaemic' TF30 engines making them come second best in mock combat with their USAF couterparts (read F-15). The much improved F-14D level the field somewhat. |
Reply #30 alphawolf's post
I read that too. Many Tomcats were lost because of engine problems. |
Phoenix is no longer in service and production. Read below.
When production ceased in the early 1990s, more than 5000 AIM-54 missiles of all versions had been built, about half of these being AIM-54Cs. By the early 2000s, all operational Phoenix missiles were of the AIM-54C variant, the remaining AIM-54As having been placed in storage. Because the Phoenix was used only by the F-14 Tomcat, it was planned remain in service as long as this aircraft (the F-14 will be phased out by 2007 approximately). However, the Navy officially retired the AIM-54 from fleet service already on 30 September 2004.
The AIM-54 was primarily designed for long-range fleet defense against incoming bomber streams, a threat which has dimished nowadays. Although it can theoretically also be used against low-flying high-speed anti-ship missiles, there are more effective weapons for this role. Currently, there are no plans to field any other missile with Phoenix-like performance characteristics. The fleet defense role after the retirement of the F-14/AIM-54 combination will be taken by the F/A-18E/F Hornet armed with AIM 120C/D AMRAAM missiles. |
Reply #32 SONofODIN's post
Indeed, with the break-up of the USSR plus the near-bankruptcy of the armed forces, the Backfires, Badgers and Bears are no longer the main threat to US CVBGs hence the loss for the need to have Phoenix. |
Reply #33 alphawolf's post
Beg to differ. US is currently developing Aim-120D long-range AMRAAM (or ALRAAM if you will) that will have >180 km range, even more than the Pheonix. Notwithstanding, the Aim-120 C-7 (which both Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia (20units) has), possesses a range in excess of 100km (not specified but estimated). Many of the nations which Uncle Sam deem to be potential 'enemies' in the future are arming themselves with the R-77, and the emergence of Russian AEW&C aircraft has demonstrated the need to continue to have a long range missile. |
Reply #34 mentosonline's post
Okay...but until the introduction of the D model AMRAAM, current missiles have less range than the Phoenix. |
Reply #35 alphawolf's post
Yup, you were right in saying there is no need for the phoenix... at the moment. That's why the D model is still in development, IMHO to compete with the Meteor which many countries including Singapore are very interested about. Assuming the French and Germans agree with each other for once. |
NOt 100% correct ...most important .. ada dukungan integrated sistem or not ..
F14 does have a fame reputation notjust because it was featured in both of Topgun Movie. |
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