Reply #21 cz's post
bukan takliq da....TAKLID... |
Originally posted by alphawolf at 22-7-2007 09:43 AM 
bukan takliq da....TAKLID...
thank you fren.. |
"Dan Nabi mereka berkata lagi kepada mereka: Sesungguhnya tanda kerajaan
Talut itu (yang menunjukkan benarnya dari Allah) ialah datangnya kepada kamu
peti Tabut yang mengandungi (sesuatu yang memberi) ketenteraman jiwa dari
Tuhan kamu, dan (berisi) sebahagian dari apa yang telah ditinggalkan oleh
keluarga Nabi Musa dan Nabi Harun; peti Tabut itu dibawa oleh malaikat.
Sesungguhnya peristiwa kembalinya Tabut itu mengandungi satu tanda
keterangan bagimu, jika betul kamu orang-orang
yang beriman. " Al-Baqarah - 248 |
Reply #26 cz's post
i suggest we all look ourselves as a moslem "from the christian/jews" point of view and do the readings how they look at our prophet Muhammad and Islam as a religion....
Once you had gone thru the reading and researchs then you all would know why moslems struggled,confrantation,opressed,even malays going for murtad.......
Example i can give after few readings-from the "others"about our islam........
a)they cannot accept the fact that our Muhammad SAW marrying Aisya at age of 9 and called him peadophile(pardon the spelling)even Nabi only touch her at the age of 16,they already making character assasiinations of him and islam.... i dont want to mention here...(find yourself)
islam is about barbarian and work of swords,people only take islam by force or fear...(if u all watch kingdom of Heaven,the final stage when
orlando bloom about to surrender jerusalem to sallahudden,the chief priest told him"we embraced islam and renounced later"for fear being killed by the moslems..(the film made in hollywood and base on history..and these words of priest shown how they look at islam...... |
i have the kingdom of heaven dvd..very clear one...dvd 9 woo... hehehehhe.. |
Originally posted by ganisara at 23-7-2007 05:06 PM 
i suggest we all look ourselves as a moslem "from the christian/jews" point of view and do the readings how they look at our prophet Muhammad and Islam as a religion....
Once you had gone thru t ...
apa yg u ckp tu ada juga betulnya ganisara. tapi ini semua actually kita boleh anggap sebagai 'the clash of belief'.
Bak kata ppl from different religion "Agama u silap, kami yg betul", yg kita plak "Sebenarnya, u all silap, kitorang ni yg betul". The best is to separate first agama and duniawi utk tempoh sekejap utk mengkaji perkara2 mcm nih (actually sama je this method compare masa kita belajar dulu, fizik is fizik, biologi is biologi, agama is agama). Then later, after kita dah discover lebih mendalam, barulah kita buatkan hubungkait dgn keagamaan.
To thread owner, lets get back to 10th commandment, dah lari topik plak kita...hahaha... |
Reply #29 cz's post
betul tu cz..it is good that forum camni boleh mencabar minda kita supaya lebih kritis dan berforum dalam nada yg "intelektual"...berbanding dgn last 10 years kita tak bermimpi boleh berkongsi minda dan pendapat sebegini......
back to 10 commandments.......ada rahsia yg banyak dlm isi atau"ayat ayat tuhan"direct to moses on top of Tursina hill,coz ada info from kitab jews yg lama ttg ilmu "membelah laut",dlm commandments tersebut....(actually laut merah tidak terbelah tetapi unsuprisingly surut(seperti ditarik due to tsunami).....jaraknya terlalu jauh untuk menyeberang dan bila tiba waktunya air pasang firaun telahpun berada ditengah2.... |
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