break, broken,
break a leg...  |
like a bolt jolting from a seat..
as in BREAKthrough or a jolt from a long slumber |
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tetbe teringat prison break  |
break =
1.morning break/ tea-break.. [lain menunyerr wehhh]
2.diversion..[nuthing yg hafta do with the stove.. ] |
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Break fast = breakfast, that important meal of the day. Yet you find many people flouting it. Some just over do it with nasi lemak, lontong, roti canai.... Second round at 10am! No wonder there are so many XXL sized bums... |
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Another one: The load that breaks the camel's back.
Kalau di ofis, kalau orang tu rajin ....bosspun suka beri dia kerja bebanyak. Huuu...........satu hari nanti sure dia tension dan terus masuk hospital kan? |
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breaking wind |
Reply #28 hamizao's post
masalah nyer hami.....camel lain byk sgt songeh, itu bukan keje dia..nie bukan keje dia ....
byk camels tanya soalan lebih drp buat keje |
Reply #30 my-alja's post
Huhuhuhu....itulah tuan punya camel mestilah ada that last provision dalam job spec somthing like.............any other duties given from time to time. Camel2 la ni pandai bersuara..... .! |
Reply #28 hamizao's post
ok apa boss suka kasi keje banyak2 kat org yang rajin2 ni..
lagi banyak experience gitu rather than tau mengarah aje..
errr..ada ke yang sampai masuk hospital? |
Reply #32 nashra's post
Actually depends on oneself. Kalau yang juga workaholic and does not lead a healthy life ....like lack of exercise but too much smoking ......dah ada yang diserang jantung kat ofis.... Ada satu lagi (cerita dari kawan) hilang buat beberapa hari .......jumpa dok kerja di supermarket jadi cashier............to him this is simpler........ |
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Category: Belia & Informasi