Post Last Edit by qimi08 at 11-2-2011 14:35
Kuning diraja....
Orang yang berkulit cerah bila memakai
baju atau tudung warna kuning....lagi bertambah cerah dan putih.
Hari ini bertudung kuning
Fungshui - Dragon , warna merah, batu delima .....
bukan warna kegemaran saya
Cantik awan berwarna biru penuh macam air laut |
Reply 1661# qimi08
Putih yg bersih
orenge yg memancar
Sentiasa buat kita senyum gembira serba coklat
Coklat - Suka merebut, tidak bertolak ansur, pesimis terhadap kesejahteraan dan kebahagiaan masa dep ...
jusoren Post at 31-8-2007 22:09
cam tepat la warna aka karakter deskripsi ni , my sister suka ungu and dia tak teliti macam i .. |
jusoren Post at 1-9-2007 15:46
I like ,.. hitam tu menawan , tapi i lagi suka kaler putih , suci murni ... he he he |
Reply 1667# adelea
adelea......warna apa? |
Reply adelea
adelea......warna apa?
jusoren12 Post at 8-3-2011 09:49
saya kaler putih .... |
Post Last Edit by jusoren12 at 18-3-2011 09:40
Reply 1668# adelea
Putik nampak bersih.....kalau kotor sikit pun nampak jelas |
Pink yang mengancam |
i nak gold... bak kata donald trump |
Warna yg menawan |
Color Psychology as Therapy
Several ancient cultures, including the Egyptians and Chinese, practiced chromotherapy, or using colors to heal. Chromotherapy is sometimes referred to as light therapy or colourology and is still used today as a holistic or alternative treatment.
In this treatment:- Red was used to stimulate the body and mind and to increase circulation.
- Yellow was thought to stimulate the nerves and purify the body.
- Orange was used to heal the lungs and to increase energy levels.
- Blue was believed to soothe illnesses and treat pain.
- Indigo shades were thought to alleviate skin problems.
[AceHand SPECTaceLAR]
Mana kaler puteh...?
Jizzz... Klong! Klong!
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