Whatever Is...Singapore is separated from Semenanjung Tanah Melayu...
Peace yo...;) |
Reply #21 narvmarishka's post
Yeap separated by the Straits of Johor.. |
Originally posted by TimahMulia at 26-5-2008 04:11 PM 
tim pernah baca buku tajuk 'Karayuki San',
pasal pelacur2 n kongsi gelap yang cari makan kat Singapore awal abad ke 20..
patut le pun kelakuan orang Singapore(tapi tak semua)ni..
samseng bagai ...
kalau awak nak tahu tentang singapura - yang
dulunya nama temasik.. banyak buku2 sejarah yang ceritakan -
dari awal sang nila utama nampak 'singa' dan menamakan temasik
bandar singa = singapura - hingga kepada stamford raffles
majukan singapore jadikan sebuah pelabuhan intreport yang disegani
di rantau asia... kepada lee kuan yew dan sampai kemasukan singapure
ke malaysia in 1963 dan keluarnya in 1965 -
saya bukan orang singapura - dan saya rasa your reply was
uncalled for - considering awak nak tahu tentang singapore etc etc -
then suddenly you reply with this 'pernah baca buku'.. and stories
yang tak ada kena mengena dengan tujuan awak buka topic ni -
if i were singaporean i will take offense and i think your intention
to discuss this topic nothing to do with leaning and gaining knowledge
instead to put down something that you yourself know nothing about - |
Originally posted by ijad_adiputera at 12-7-2008 07:52 AM 
Tapi yang mendapat nama bukanlah Sang Nila Utama tapi Stamford Raffles yang kononnya dikatakan sebagai orang yang mula2 menjumpai Singapura. Any comment?
i will comment that -
i never heard such a thing - that raffles yang 'kononnya orang yang
mula2 jumpa singapore' - tapi one of the main contributors to make
singapore as develop and preposterous as now -
i studied re: sang nila utama since i was in standard four -
if i am not mistaken a prince from tanah seberang yang belayar
kemudian kapal pecah - so dia dengan few crew dia - landed in
this island.. masa rehat rehat dia ternampak 'singa' etc etc..
lama dah ni.. dalam 13th or 14th century --( however funny though
sebab kalau baca sejarah, tiada singa di sana - tapi.. well.. tu yang
dicatatkan.. - pura = bandar - thus: singapura - lion city)
* you can read more about it - in the book in the library -
and understood since then about temasik became singapore
and in 1819 raffles came to singapore and worked on it i.e
developed it and make it one of the best intreport in this region
if not in the world - |
Reply #7 jaundice's post
what's the difference with malaysia?
kaum pendatang are also not allowed to hold high government/military post?
having stayed in singapore i find there aer more chinese who are disgruntled with PAP than malays.
the malaysian government can learn alot from singapore in terms of efficiancy..and giving affordable housing and for one |
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