Originally posted by pojisan at 15-6-2008 06:57 PM 
boleh r.........
bpe bintang??? |
sekrang ni...kalau lalu tepi pokok-pokok ala The Happening...
tringat kegerunan angin menderu...harap-harap jangan saya
cuba terjun gaung masa memandu dah |
citer neh memang agak pelik.
tapi thumbs up kat mns sbb berjaya timbulkan perasaan seram dlm penonton. i mean..bg i citer ni agak suspen lah. sbb tatau ape akan jadi..tetiba habis..and then sambung tempat lain..cam pelik sgt.
kalau lah jadi bebetul kat mesia..i tatau nak ckp pe. mmg terus beli ticket flight lari jejauh. hehehe  |
better to watch 6th sense, Village and The Signs...
citer Happening ni takde kesudahan macam 3 movies stated above..  |
the movie is not that bad, but not that good either...biasa2 jer..... at times mmg creepy... n mmg terasa la itu karya typical M.Night.....but boring pun ader....boring ngan muka Zooey Duchanel tu... akak dier lam citer Bones tu lagi cantik n pandai belakon.......
anyway, as a fan of M. Night Shyamalan, am quite disappointed... cuz takder twisted ending cam lain2 karya dier yg terdahulu......n takder penjelasan sgt as to why those things happened..... |
i was excited to watch The Happening, being a M Night Shymalan's movie..i agree with ladydolph at times memang creepy tpi ending dier like..huh..camtu jer ending dier, tak happening langsung memang betul, takder penjelasan kenapa the event happened..is it really caused by tumbuh2an mengeluarkan toksik n cause manusia jadik suicidal..hmmm |
the msg here is to be more appreciative of the environment...don't take it for granted .....good idea actually but weren't really delved into n not fully developed.... it could've been more but it didnt...too bad...... |
6th Sense jer best karya M Night nie..yg pas2 tu..borink...terlalu tergantung endingnya... |
tak best
mudah sangat jalan citer nye
tah pape tah...
ending yg tah pape |
| |