Perang: Georgia vs Russia - Update - Russia Isytihar Undur Tentera
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Reply #282 cipanbakar's post
bai kan expert military ek?  |
apa perkembangan???  |
Rusia janji undur tentera

ORANG awam Ossetia Selatan beratur untuk mendapatkan
bekalan makanan di Tshinvali kelmarin.
TBILISI - Rusia semalam berjanji akan mengundurkan angkatan tempur negaranya dari Georgia bermula hari ini ketika Barat meningkatkan tekanan ke atas Kremlin supaya berundur dari negara bekas Soviet tersebut.
Presiden Rusia, Dmitry Medvedev memberitahu rakan sejawatnya dari Perancis, Nicolas Sarkozy bahawa askar-askar Rusia akan mula berundur hari ini, kata satu kenyataan rasmi Kremlin.
Bagaimanapun, kenyataan sama menyebut Rusia akan mengekalkan pasukan pengaman negara itu yang jumlah mereka masih belum ditentukan.
Pengumuman tersebut mencetuskan kebimbangan para pegawai Georgia bahawa pencerobohan tentera Rusia ke wilayah mereka akan berterusan.
Pengunduran hasil perjanjian damai diusahakan Perancis itu bertujuan menamatkan perang lima hari apabila tentera Rusia bertindak mengusir askar-askar Georgia yang menyerang gerila pemisah pro-Moscow di wilayah Ossetia Selatan.
Di Gori, sebuah bandar yang ditawan Rusia di luar zon peperangan di Ossetia Selatan, Jeneral Rusia yang memerintah berkata, pertukaran dari askar-askar biasa kepada pasukan pengaman sedang dilakukan.
"Tentera Rusia sudah mula berundur dan pasukan pengaman Rusia sedang memasuki Gori," kata Jeneral Vyacheslav Borisov kepada media antarabangsa.
Bagaimanapun, beberapa petugas media melaporkan askar-askar Rusia masih berkawal di sejumlah kedudukan di sepanjang jalan utama dari ibu negara Georgia, Tbilisi hingga ke Gori termasuk satu pos kawalan di Igoeti.
Seorang pegawai kanan Georgia turut sangsi bahawa pengunduran yang diumumkan Kremlin itu benar-benar ikhlas.
"Pengunduran itu hanya satu penempatan semula, askar-askar Rusia berundur dari pangkalan-pangkalan mereka tetapi mereka masih berada di Georgia," kata Setiausaha Keselamatan Kebangsaan Georgia, Alexander Lomaia.
"Mereka tetap askar-askar Rusia tidak kira seragam apa yang mereka pakai," tambahnya.
Sementara itu Canselor Jerman, Angela Merkel berkata, Georgia akan menjadi ahli Pertubuhan Perjanjian Atlantik Utara (NATO). - AFP |
Russia undur tentera dari Georgia
MOSCOW: Timbalan Ketua Staf Tentera Russia, Kol Jen Anatoly Nogovitsyn hari ini mengesahkan tentera negara itu sedang berundur dari Georgia.
Dalam kenyatannya, Nogovitsyn bagaimanapun mengakui keadaan masih tidak menentu sama ada Russia akan akur dengan janji Presiden Dmitry Medvedev untuk berundur hari ini.
Awal hari ini, askar Russia yang masih berkawal di tempat strategik di Bandar Gori, tidak menunjukkan sebarang isyarat untuk berundur.
Namun, Nogovitsyn berkata, mengikut pelan damai hari ini, misi pengaman Russsia di wilayah berkenaan sepatutnya akan berundur. - AP |
Israel bantu Georgia

BEBERAPA penduduk Georgia dari Ossetia Selatan membasuh
pakaian di sebuah kem pelarian dekat Tbilisi semalam. - AFP
apahal si Israel tu bantu Georgia,lg berapi la Rusia.mana xnya Israel 2kan sekutu Amerika. |
Russia isytihar undur tentera hari ini
TBILISI: Russia akhirnya menamatkan konflik dengan Georgia apabila mengisytiharkan pengunduran tenteranya berkuatkuasa hari ini.
Menteri Pertahanan Russia, Anatoly Serdyukov mengumumkan bahawa Russia akhirnya berundur selepas dua minggu kereta kebal dan askarnya bertahan di Ossetia Selatan apabila Georgia bertindak memasuki bekas wilayah Soviet itu.
"Atas arahan ketua tertinggi angkatan tentera, pada Jumaat jam 6 pagi, semua tentera Russia akan keluar dari wilayah Georgia," katanya yang dipetik agensi berita Interfax.
Katanya, menjelang esok, semua angkatan tentera Russia yang berada di Georgia akan keluar sepenuhnya.
Presiden Russia, Dmitry Medvedev sebelum ini berjanji kedudukan lebih 500 askarnya akan dikeluarkan dari Georgia pada selewat-lewatnya pada Sabtu.
Sementara itu, wartawan AFP di kawasan sempadan Russia-Georgia mendapati beberapa pasukan kecil tentera Russia mula meninggalkan Ossetia Selatan. - AFP
about time --
Georgia putus hubungan diplomatik dengan Rusia
TBILISI 30 Ogos - Georgia semalam memutuskan hubungan diplomatik dengan Rusia, sekali gus meningkatkan permusuhan antara kedua-dua negara berjiran itu.Georgia mengumumkan keputusan tersebut tiga hari selepas Rusia secara rasmi mengiktiraf kemerdekaan dua wilayah pemisah South Ossetia dan Abkhazia.
"Georgia telah menghentikan hubungan diplomatik dengan Persekutuan Rusia.
"Sehubungan itu, semua diplomat Rusia akan meninggalkan Georgia. Bagaimanapun hubungan konsular akan dikekalkan," kata Timbalan Menteri Luar, Grigol Vashadze.
Menteri Luar, Eka Tkeshelashvili pula berkata, "adalah amat janggal untuk menjalin hubungan diplomatik dengan Rusia, apabila Moscow menjalin hubungan dengan South Ossetia dan Abkhazia."
Ketika bercakap kepada pemberita di Stockholm, Sweden pula, beliau berkata, tindakan itu hanya bersifat sementara dan boleh dipulihkan selepas pengunduran tentera Rusia dari wilayah Georgia.
Sementara itu, Moscow berkata, tindakan Georgia itu tidak akan membantu meredakan krisis antara kedua-dua pihak yang membawa kepada pertempuran selama lima hari pada awal bulan ini.
"Kami kecewa dengan tindakan Georgia itu. Ia bagaimanapun tidak akan membantu memulihkan hubungan dua hala," kata jurucakap Kementerian Luar Rusia, Andrei Nestrenko yang dipetik oleh agensi berita Interfax.
- AFP |
dah tamat.rusia telah mengisytiharkan kemerdekaan ossetia selatan dan abkhazia |
Georgia putus hubungan dengan Russia
TBILISI: Georgia secara rasminya memutuskan hubungan diplomatik dengan Russia semalam selepas askar Moscow menduduki sebahagian wilayahnya dan mengiktiraf kemerdekaan Ossetia Selatan dan Abkhazia.
“Wakil Russia di Georgia, Andrei Smaga, diarah hadir di Kementerian Hal Ehwal Luar Georgia dan diserahkan satu nota memaklumkan Russia bahawa hubungan diplomatiknya dengan Georgia sudah diputuskan,” kata jurucakap kementerian, Nato Chikovani.
“Mulai saat ini, hubungan diplomatik di antara dua negara tidak lagi wujud,” tegasnya.
Kementerian berkenaan pada Jumaat lalu mengumumkan langkah Georgia memutuskan hubungan diplomatik dengan Russia tetapi mengekalkan hubungan konsular. - AFP |
Moscow tidak iktiraf Presiden Georgia
MOSCOW 3 Sept. - Presiden Rusia, Dmitry Medvedev hari ini menganggap Mikheil Saakashvili bukan lagi pemimpin Georgia dan menuduh rejim beliau bertanggung jawab terhadap kematian banyak nyawa dalam peperangan.
Medvedev dalam satu wawancara melalui televisyen Rusia sejurus sebelum ketibaan Naib Presiden Amerika Syarikat (AS) , Dick Cheney ke Georgia, turut menuduh AS membantu Tbilisi membina senjata perang dan menggesa Washington supaya menimbang semula hubungan dengan Georgia.
"Pada kami, rejim Georgia sekarang telah runtuh dan Presiden Saakashvili tidak lagi wujud di mata kami," kata Medvedev dalam wawancara itu.
Beliau berkata, Moscow bersedia mengadakan perbincangan dengan masyarakat antarabangsa dan menjawab segala soalan yang dikemukakan, termasuklah resolusi selepas perang di wilayah berkenaan.
"Namun saya mahu masyarakat antarabangsa menyedari siapa yang sebenarnya bertanggung jawab dalam keganasan dan kematian ramai orang," kata beliau.
Sementara itu, Setiausaha Majlis Keselamatan Kebangsaan Georgia, Alexander Lomaia berkata, Presiden Rusia itu telah hilang pertimbangan kerana beliau gagal memusnahkan kerajaan negara tersebut.
"Presiden Georgia dilantik secara demokratik dan kami mendapat sokongan daripada rakyat Georgia dan masyarakat antarabangsa," kata Lomaia.
- AFP |
Russia commits to Georgia pull-back

Gambar AFP Georgian troops ride in armoured personnel carriers on the outskirts of the South Ossetian capital Tskhinvali on August 8. Russia agreed Monday to withdraw all troops from Georgia within a month but reaffirmed its support for the independence of two rebel regions where Russian forces will remain.
BARVIKHA, Russia (AFP) - President Dmitry Medvedev pledged Monday to withdraw all Russian troops from Georgia apart from Abkhazia and South Ossetia whose independence he maintained was "irrevocable".
Medvedev said he had made the commitment after receiving assurances from a visiting European Union delegation led by French President Nicolas Sarkozy that Georgia would not resort to force again in its rebel regions.
Under the deal brokered by Sarkozy, Medvedev agreed to the deployment of at least 200 European Union observers in Georgia by October 1 to monitor the pull-out.
"Russia received a guarantee from the European Union and from France as representative of the European Union on non-use of force by the Georgian side," Medvedev said.
There will be a "complete withdrawal of Russian peacekeeping forces" from zones adjacent to South Ossetia and Abkhazia 10 days after the deployment of the EU observers, he added.
Sarkozy, the current EU president, said negotiations on a new EU-Russia partnership agreement -- put on hold over the crisis -- could resume "as early as October" if Moscow fulfilled the agreed measures.
Later in Tbilisi after talks with Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili he said there would also be "consequences" for Russia if it did not comply but insisted that great strides had been made since the conflict.
"Frankly, there is no comparison with the situation in the first half of the month of August. I remind you that when we took this issue up the whole world was convinced that Russian military forces were moving on the capital of Georgia. Today, we are negotiating their withdrawal," he said.
Saakashvili insisted that any solution to the conflict must respect his country's territorial integrity and announced a summit in Tbilisi on the crisis in October. He did not elaborate on who would be invited to the summit.
"We must continue to implement the European solution to reach a definitive solution respecting Georgia's territorial integrity and the principle of justice for our country and for our region," he said.
Washington stuck to a firm line, however, with US President George W. Bush taking a long-awaited decision to freeze a landmark civilian nuclear agreement with Russia in protest at Moscow's military moves in Georgia.
"The president intends to notify Congress that he has today rescinded his prior determination regarding the US-Russia agreement for peaceful nuclear cooperation," a statement said.
An official at the Russian foreign ministry reacted with ambivalence to the move, saying simply that such as step was "regrettable" and "out of keeping with bilateral relations."
The new Russian timetable for a pull-out followed EU assurances that Georgia will live up to its ceasefire commitments with Sarkozy handing Medvedev a letter from Saakashvili promising not to use force again.
The Russian leader was unequivocal about the status of the separatist regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia which Saakashvili says must remain part of Georgia but which Moscow has recognised as independent states.
"We made a choice for ourselves," Medvedev said. "This choice is final and irrevocable," he added while announcing that international talks would be held on the two regions on October 15 in Geneva. Russia's foreign ministry said it planned to exchange documents Tuesday with Abkhazia and South Ossetia to set up diplomatic relations.
Russian tanks and troops surged into Georgia on August 8 to rebuff a Georgian offensive to retake South Ossetia.
Moscow argued that the action was to protect thousands of people to whom it had granted Russian citizenship since the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union.
Hundreds of people on both sides are estimated to have been killed in the conflict, which wrought extensive destruction on the South Ossetian capital Tskhinvali. Tens of thousands fled their homes.
The conflict sent relations between Russia and the West to their lowest point since the Cold War.
Georgia, whose army was routed by the Russians after its ill-fated assault to regain control of South Ossetia, says Russia has almost 1,500 soldiers still in Georgia proper which it regards as an occupying force.
In another development Monday, Georgia accused Russia before the UN's International Court of Justice in The Hague of conducting a long-running campaign of "ethnic cleansing" in Georgian territory.
Russia has not responded publicly to the Georgian application, but alleges that Georgia committed "genocide" with its assault on Tskhinvali. |
Rusia pertingkat kawalan di South Ossetia, Abkhazia
MOSCOW 10 Sept. - Rusia meningkatkan kawalan ke atas South Ossetia dan Abkhazia iaitu dua wilayah bergolak di Georgia dengan mengumumkan untuk memanjangkan tempoh penempatan lebih 7,600 askarnya di kedua- dua wilayah itu.
Pada masa yang sama, Rusia menggesa Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) mengenakan sekatan ketenteraan ke atas Tbilisi.
Tuntutan Moscow itu terkandung dalam draf resolusi yang dikemukakan kepada Majlis Keselamatan PBB selepas Rusia dan Georgia memutuskan hubungan diplomatik.
Sebaliknya, Moscow mula menjalin hubungan diplomatik dengan Tshinvali dan Sukhumi iaitu ibu negeri kedua-dua wilayah berkenaan.
Menteri Luar, Sergei Lavrov berkata, tentera Rusia akan berada lebih lama di sana bagi mempertahankan kedua-dua wilayah terbabit.
Menteri Pertahanan, Anatoly Sedyukov pula berkata, persetujuan telah dicapai untuk menempatkan 3,800 askar Rusia masing-masing di South Ossetia dan Abkhazia.
Sementara itu, tentera Rusia dilaporkan menembak mati seorang anggota polis Georgia berhampiran sebuah pusat pemeriksaan di South Ossetia.
Anggota polis itu mati di sebuah hospital akibat kecederaan di kepala dan leher.
- AFP |
Russia starts pull-back from Georgian war zones

AFP Photo Georgian soldiers remove barbed wire on the site of a former Russian installation not far from the village of Nabakhtevi, 120 kilometers from Tbilisi. Russian forces in Georgia have removed a first checkpoint and began dismantling others as part of an expected troop pull-back after August's war over the South Ossetia rebel region.
NABAKHTEVI, Georgia (AFP) - Russian forces in Georgia removed a first checkpoint Sunday and began dismantling others as part of an expected troop pull-back after August's war over the South Ossetia rebel region.
The Russians made the move in a buffer zone around South Ossetia and in western Georgia, after warnings by Georgian and US officials that Moscow might try to delay the pull-back following a Friday bomb attack.
"Our observers went to the checkpoint in Ali, northwest of Gori, and saw that it has been dismantled," a spokesman of the European Union mission monitoring the withdrawal told AFP.
"This is the first dismantled checkpoint," which was in the Ali district's village of Nabakhtevi, he said. The head of the EU mission, German diplomat Hansjorg Haber, confirmed the Russian withdrawal and expressed confidence that Moscow will respect its pledge to pull its troops out from Georgia by October 10.
"Our monitors have seen indications that preparations for withdrawal is ongoing at different observation and checkpoints," he said.
Brussels confirmed the pull-back. "EU Monitoring Mission Georgia confirms first checkpoint to be dismantled," said an EU statement.
Russian forces are due to withdraw from buffer zones around South Ossetia and the second rebel region of Abkhazia by October 10 under an EU-brokered peace deal.
The Russian forces had pushed into Georgia in early August to repel a Georgian military effort to regain control of South Ossetia.
Moscow said it was protecting Russian citizens there from Georgian aggression, but Tbilisi accused it of having provoked the conflict in order to cement control over the region and destabilise its pro-Western government.
The Ali checkpoint, on a key passageway to South Ossetia, was on the southwest edge of the buffer zone, about 15 kilometres (10 miles) from the rebel region's de facto border.
On Sunday, all that was left at the abandoned site were a series of holes in the ground for tents and trenches, and garbage including empty beer cans and cigarette boxes.
Georgia voiced optimism that the removal of the checkpoint, where 20-30 Russian soldiers had been posted with several tanks, was the start of a fuller pull-back.
"It looks like the start of the withdrawal," said Georgian interior ministry spokesman Shota Utiashvili.
"Georgian police are moving into the area immediately." The secretary of Georgia's security council, Alexander Lomaia, said Russian forces were also seen preparing to leave another checkpoint near South Ossetia at Perevi.
"In Perevi, the Russians are making some preparations, possibly for a withdrawal," Lomaia told AFP.
Russian soldiers were seen taking down barbed wire fences and removing equipment from at least three checkpoints near the city of Zugdidi.
About 15 military trucks carrying equipment and four armoured personnel carriers were later seen crossing into Abkhazia at the Enguri Bridge, the main border post.
Separately, a Georgian journalist told AFP that a Russian soldier struck him on the head with a rifle while filming the dismantlement of the Urta buffer zone post, near Abkhazia.
And EU and Georgian sources said later that two more Russian checkpoints at Kvenatkotsa and Nadarbazevi, near Gori, would be taken down early on Monday.
At least 200 European Union observers deployed last Wednesday to monitor the ceasefire and the Russian pull-back.
At the time of the EU deployment, an estimated 800 Russian troops remained in Georgia outside its two separatist territories, with 10 encampments in the buffer zone around Abkhazia and eight around South Ossetia.
In a sign of continued tensions, Russia on Saturday accused Georgian security forces of carrying out a bomb attack in South Ossetia that killed eight Russian troops.
Georgia denied any involvement, saying the attack was a provocation aimed at stalling the withdrawal.
Russia recognised Abkhazia and South Ossetia as independent on August 26 and intends to keep troops there.
berapa kali cakap mau withdraw weyyyyyy  |
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