walaupun x brape menjawab soalan, tapi as ref, bely refer kat sini..
Claims - Frequently Asked Questions
No Claims Discount
1. What is NCD?
NCD, short for No Claim Discount, is a discount given to the policyholders upon renewal of their motor insurance if no claim is made or arises from the policy for a continuous coverage of 12 months. The discount given is based on a fixed rate provided by Persatuan Insurans Am Malaysia (PIAM) Motor Tariff.
NCD For Private Car / Commercial Vehicle
Period of Insurance Private Car Commercial Vechicle
After 1st year 0% 0%
After 2nd year 25% 15%
After 3rd year 30% 20%
After 4th year 38.33% 25%
After 5th year 45% 25%
5th year onwards 55% 25%
2. Will I have NCD if this is the first time I purchase a vehicle?
If you are buying a vehicle for the first time, you will not have NCD on your motor policy for the first year on the road. If you have at least one claims free year, then, upon renewal of your motor insurance policy, you will be rewarded with a 25% NCD off your renewal premium.
3. Can I transfer my NCD from one vehicle to another?
Yes you can. This typically happens when you have sold your old vehicle and want to transfer your NCD to the vehicle you are purchasing. If you do not transfer your NCD to another vehicle, your NCD entitlement level will drop one level each year. For example, if your NCD entitlement is 55% this year, it will drop to 45% next year, if it is not transferred to another vehicle. This will continue until the NCD level reaches 0%.
4. How will my NCD be forfeited?
If any claim is made or arises (with exception to windscreen and No-fault Own Damage claim) on your motor insurance policy during the period of cover, your NCD for that vehicle will be forfeited and reverts to 0%. You will have to begin to accumulate your discount in a new cycle.
refer kat sini.. http://www.roadtax.com.my/faq.htm |
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tanya skit..tapi ada kaitan ngan insurance la gak...apa tu loading..apasal lagi lama kereta tu lagi banyak loading? |
Originally posted by acura at 3-9-2008 12:09 PM
Macam mana pula sekiranya kita ada banyak keta??
contohnya aku pakai wira...ni dalh 6 tahun nya pun dah NCD 55%
dan aku ada juga sebiji kelisa untuk isteri aku, tapi atas nama aku...yg dah 2 ...
kalau tak plan utk tukar tukar tu, so....
wira: 55%
kelisa: 25% (after 2 yrs)
keta baru: 0%
paling untung adalah gunakan 55% tu kat keta yg sum insured nya paling tinggi.. |
Originally posted by Z77 at 4-9-2008 12:45 PM
tanya skit..tapi ada kaitan ngan insurance la gak...apa tu loading..apasal lagi lama kereta tu lagi banyak loading?
loading ni macam extra charge / percentage on top of calculated premium..
of course makin lama keta tu makin mahal sbb possibility utk breakdown, failure etc lagi tinggi.. |
Reply #27 genie2522's post
keter kak jel ni dulu langgar batu sampai henjin problem apa ntah..
dia ada bukak tred khas pasal ni dulu...
terror gak aku boley ingatt... |
Reply #29 genie2522's post
biasa laa.. aku memang prihatin kat porumer kat sini..
kalau aku ada bengkel sendiri nanti.. aku kasik free labour jerr..
tapi barang aku charge korang kawkaw laaa... |
tanya sket..
kalau kita beli keta baru, byr d/p termasuk insurans asal keta(xde ncd) and nak transfer ncd dr keta lama, sykt ins akan pulang perbezaan ncd tu guna cek ker?
then, bile kita dah tukar ncd keta lama ke keta br, keta lama ncd 0% kan..so, kalau keta lama kita insured bln 5 katakan, so kita kena insured keta lama sampai bln 5thn dpn or sampai bln 12thn dpn? |
alang2 dah tanya pasal NCD kannn?
kalau keta dah 3 thaun tak pernah claim insurans berapa NCD dia eh??
aku bulan depan nak renew isnurans sudah.. |
Balas #34 ashna\ catat
Tahun pertama =25%
Tahun ke-2 = 30%
tahun ke-3 =38.33%
Tahun ke-4 =45%
Tahun ke-5 dan seterusnya =55% |
Balas #35 ashna\ catat
ashna, saman pertama ko tu sama ngn saman haku..haku x dpt surat & haku xde di tmpt kejadian masa tu........ |
wow..banyak aku faham tentang NCD melalui baca thread ni jer
i think should digest this thread |
up balik topik ni..
nak tanye la, aku dah juai kereta aku bln 12 tahun lepas. pastu aku xdak la beli kete baru. boleh ke aku claim balik ncd aku tu. ye arr dpd biar burn camtu.. agak2 korang boleh ke? ape yg perlu aku buat?buat surat kah? |
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