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LEBANON: 5 mati serangan bom kereta!!

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Post time 30-9-2008 10:38 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
5 maut serangan bom kereta di Lebanon

TRIPOLI, Lebanon 29 Sept. – Sekurang-kurangnya lima orang terkorban dan 25 lagi cedera hari ini dalam satu letupan bom kereta berdekatan sebuah bas tentera yang membawa askar ke tempat bertugas di utara Lebanon.

Pegawai keselamatan berkata, kebanyakan mangsa adalah askar dalam serangan maut kedua ke atas tentera di utara negara ini dalam tempoh kurang dua bulan.

Kereta yang sarat dengan bahan letupan itu diletakkan di tepi jalan dan diletupkan dengan alat kawalan jauh apabila bas itu lalu di kawasan kediaman Bahsas di jalan masuk sebelah selatan ke bandar pelabuhan ini.

Menurut pegawai keselamatan, bahan letupan yang digunakan dicampur dengan bebola besi untuk memaksimumkan kemalangan jiwa.

Letupan yang menyebabkan kereta berkenaan tercampak beberapa puluh meter berlaku semasa waktu sesak sebelah pagi.

Siaran televisyen menunjukkan askar menutup kawasan berkenaan dan menghalang penduduk menghampiri tempat kejadian.

Tripoli sebelum ini digegarkan oleh pertempuran puak antara pejuang Sunah prokerajaan dengan kumpulan bersenjata pro-Syria yang bermazhab Syiah.

Pada 13 Ogos lalu, sejumlah 18 askar dan orang awam terbunuh dalam letupan bom tepi jalan dekat sebuah bas yang membawa askar di sebatang jalan sibuk di sini.

Letupan bom itu adalah yang paling dahsyat di negara ini dalam tempoh lebih tiga tahun

– AP

tak habis2 dok bom ke hulu  bom ke hiliq.... kejap syria  kejap iraq  kejap pakistan... kejap jordan  palestin  israel  egypt... biler ler  doniya mau aman weyyy

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 Author| Post time 30-9-2008 10:42 AM | Show all posts
our Lebanese soldiers killed in bomb blast

AFP Photo Lebanese policemen secure the area as forensic experts gather evidence from the site of an explosion in the northern Lebanese port city of Tripoli. Four Lebanese soldiers were killed in the car bomb blast targeting an army bus, security and military officials said.

TRIPOLI, Lebanon (AFP) - Four Lebanese soldiers were killed on Monday in a car bombing targeting an army bus on the outskirts of the restive northern city of Tripoli, security and military officials said.

They said 26 soldiers and two civilians were also wounded in the second deadly attack to target the army in two months, further shaking stability in the troubled country amid efforts at national reconciliation.

"Once again a treacherous hand has reached out to strike at the military establishment in a terrorist attack clearly aimed at undermining efforts at peace and stability," said a statement from army command.

The bomb, placed under a parked car in the Bahsas neighbourhood at the southern entrance to the city, was packed with nuts and bolts and police suspect the device was detonated by remote control.

It blew up as the bus headed towards Beirut during morning rush-hour in Tripoli, which has been rocked by a wave of deadly sectarian violence this year.

The owner of the booby-trapped car, which was transformed into a blackened and mangled pile of metal, was detained for questioning, a security official said.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility.

5 ker  4 ker... mana2 ler... tapi mmg ada yg mati!!     apa agaknya komen gaddafi  pasai nih  ek..

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