Originally posted by rourouleya at 27-1-2009 02:45 PM
woweee... kawen ngan penduduk situ leh dpt anak kembo...
takyah gi jauh jauh.. ko kawen ngan aku pung.. insyaallah dapat anak kembo gak :victory: |
Originally posted by amazed at 28-1-2009 07:25 PM
takyah gi jauh jauh.. ko kawen ngan aku pung.. insyaallah dapat anak kembo gak :victory:
bestnye de kturunan twin... |
meramaikn n memeriahkn umat manusia ne.. |
Ramainye kembar, kalau rita nengok alamat merembes la lagi.. |
Reply #21 amazed's post
Kalau muka anak seiras ngan bapak dia tu kira kembar gak ke wey.. |
ni mst kes kawin sesama sedara nie... |
Yang ni dkt Kodinji - is a village in Malappuram district in Kerala, India
Double Trouble? India's Mysterious Twin Village
A Small Village in Southern India Has 300 Sets of Twins, Leaving Doctors Puzzled
KODINH, India, May 20, 2009
Two hours from the nearest airport, at the end of a stomach-churning curving road, is a paradise of palm trees, purple houses and what is believed to be the world's highest concentration of twins.
Twin Village/Double Happiness
In this tiny village of about 2,000 families, more than 300 have sets of twins. And in the case of many families, multiple sets of twins. There are about 45 twins per 1,000 births here which is nearly six times the national average.
(Karen Russo/ABC News)
More Photos
In this tiny village of about 2,000 families, more than 300 have sets of twins. And in the case of many families, multiple sets of twins. There are about 45 twins per 1,000 births here, which is nearly six times the national average.
Mohammed Ali Pottayi's family has seven boys ranging in age from 18 to 4, including two sets of twins aged 12 and 4.
Pottayi and his wife, Suhara, feel fortunate for their unique family.
"Very happy," said the husband. "Two things you're getting in one."
His wife feels the same.
"I was very happy," she said.
Neither one was surprised by the multiple twin births, which is easy to understand considering that as we're speaking in their driveway filled with grass-eating goats, neighboring 12-year-old boy and girl twins stop by.
PHOTOS: 300 Twins Take Over Indian Village
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The town's unofficial motto goes something like this: If you don't have kids, if you are having fertility trouble, come to our town and stay a while because you will leave with many kids.
Down another twisting road, dotted with men wearing traditional skirts called dhotis, are the newest additions to the village: twin girls Afna and Afra Kozapavetit, who are 65 days old.
Like the Pottayis, the Kozapavetit family of eight is very enthusiastic.
"I'm happy that I have twins," said mother Asiya, who admits that twins are more tiring than singletons. Asiya gave birth to twin girls Lubana and Lubaba seven years ago.
"I didn't feel anything surprising," said father Yusuf, an auto rickshaw driver. "In Kodinhi, this is not a rare phenomenon so it's expected."
The town's oldest living twins are 65-year-old sisters Fatima Kutty and Kuhni Pathutty. They say they don't remember any other twins when they were growing up. They also added that they are very happy to be twins.
Dr. Krishnan Sribiju has been studying the village of twins for two years. The dermatologist works in a nearby hospital and is currently studying for his master's degree in public health. In his free time, he is trying to unravel the medical mystery. |
hurmm.... kembar seiras... kira semua yang lahir kat kawasan tuhh takde kembar siam ehh, maksudnya kembar yang cantuman pelik2???? semua lahir normal kerr??? wahhh.... |
ada yang ckp psl water kat situ
"I hear people say that's it's because of the water, but I strongly believe that it's given by God's gift," he said. |
korek2 laa... sayur apa... mana tau boleh meningkatkan kesuburan..... |
nenek kembar |
sepupu aku leh kata smua kembar xseiras cuma sorg jer seiras...
dlm family aku adala dlm 8 psgan kembar trmasuk nenek n pakcik aku...
ikut pemerhatian aku kalo kembar xseiras dlm family aku ni mesti salah sorg dominan n sorg lg akan sakit time kecik...
yg syok time raya..mesti kecoh.. |
ada yang ckp psl water kat situ
"I hear people say that's it's because of the water, but I strongly believe that it's given by God's gift," he said.
ketupat79 Post at 15-7-2010 22:05
yearpss... baru teringatt..... mcm pernah dengar dulu ttg air kat brazil nihh... kononnya siapa yang susah dapat baby minum air tuhh mesti dapat baby setahun lepas tuhh....
wallahualam.... |
yearpss... baru teringatt..... mcm pernah dengar dulu ttg air kat brazil nihh... kononnya siapa ...
edy137 Post at 15-7-2010 22:21
jauhnye nak gi brazil ...ke india dkt sikit..nak lagi dkt g tasik dayang bunting? |
sebab dulu terbaca pasal air tuhh kat brazil... tak tau laa tpt lain ada yang same.... kita pon masih tak tau adakah air itu mmg benar2 ada karomahnye... ataupon hanya dongengan turun temurun....
not sure maa.... heheh... |
Cerita pasal kembar ni teringat kisah anak jiran mak aku...
masa mengandung dia disahkan mengandung anak kembar...memang masa scan doktor sahkan anak kembar. Beberapa hari sebelum bersalin 3 kali dia mimpi..first tu dia mimpi..ada orang baju putih datang dekat dia....sebelum orang tu sempat buat apa2..dia dah terjaga. Kali kedua ..mimpi orang yang sama...kali ni pun orang tu tak sempat buat apa2 sebab dia dah terjaga....Mimpi kali ketiga....dia nampak orang tu dah pegang baby dan bawa pergi .
Bila dia bersalin, satu je yang keluar, lagi satu tak de tapi beg ketuban tu ada 2, ke uri ada 2..aku tak berapa ingat.
Kalau kes2 macam ni apakah sebenarnya yang jadi ? Kiranya kembar budak tu akan hidup di alam lain ke macamana ? |
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