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hp apa yang harga <RM2300 yang korang rasa bagus?
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Post Last Edit by musang_pulut at 24-7-2009 08:04
salam n helloo...
nak miintak pndapat sume...
hp apa yang harga <RM2300 yang korang rasa bagus?
priority utk touchscreen hp...dan hp tu ada sensitivity touchscreen yg bgus..
so apa pndpt korang? |
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HTC Magic
iphone 3g/3gs
LG Arena
LG Viewty Smart |
iphone 3g.. $1990 maxis prepaid plan |
3# slax
selain drpd iphone? sbb aku ni xminat langsung iphone..hehe |
3# slax
selain drpd iphone? sbb aku ni xminat langsung iphone..hehe
zaffer Post at 21-7-2009 23:06 
Sama cam aku memula kuar tu aku bukan main excited nak membeli tapi sepupu ngan member dah pakai than menyesal...
Kalau tanya aku ofcoz aku recomend SE tr check kat website dier yang coming soon tu cam best, so far selepas aku tinggalkan nokia dah 3 SE aku pakai sumer ok...
Or U can try N97 kalau tak silap sidekick & touch screen |
5# Ibrahim8876
haha..tu la..aku tak paham gak kenapa org suke sgt iphone..
latest iphone 3GS ni, baru ada video caalling, baru ada function copy/paste yang semua brand smartphone lain dah ade function tu sejak sblm tahun 2000 lg..byk bnde fundamental handphone yang takde dalam iphone..
utk SE, aku minat gak, nak try search2 nnt iA... |
Pilih htc sudah tentu.. Cuba selak site mcm gsmarena atau mobile88 dan buat pilihan ikut selera |
7# musang_pulut
htc..menarik gak...lagi2 UI die memang smart..aku try usha2.. |
dulu aku pun tak minat iphone mcm korang..tapi bila masuk app store..tgk byk sgt games yg best2.. terus aku minat iphone .Minat iphone bukan sebab apa yg ada dekat iphone tapi apa yg ada kat app store..
The iPhone’s Competitors Have A Big Problem: Their Games Stink
It’s no secret that gaming on the iPhone has been one of the main keys to the App Store’s success. You know it, I know it, and so you have to believe that all the competitors know it too. And yet, their actions would seem to suggest that they don’t know it. Because they keep building devices, operating systems and app stores to compete with the iPhone, that simply can’t hold a candle to the iPhone when it comes to gaming.
At the Casual Connect conference in Seattle today, some numbers were thrown out there, talking about just how big gaming is now on the iPhone. Of the nearly 70,000 apps in the App Store, some 20% are games. Yes, that means there are between 10,000 and 15,000 apps that are games, just for the iPhone alone. To put that in perspective, that is more than the total number of apps that all of the App Store’s big competitors (Android Market, Nokia Ovi Store, Palm’s App Catalog, BlackBerry’s App World) have — combined.’s-competitors-have-a-big-problem-their-games-stink/ |
9# slax
utk gaming mgknla org ble suke iphome, tp kalo business etc..bukn iphone pilihannya...
aku mmg minat games...aku built pc utk gaming..not handphone..
terpulang pd selera masing2..sstakat ni top share market hp pd nokia, samsung... |
manyak nye duit  |
HTC...model apa tu desk?? |
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