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82nd Academy Award - Early Contender for BEST PICTURE
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Post Last Edit by LimaWira at 17-11-2009 13:08
my fave one: the lovely bones!
novel best 
Ak nak baca novel Lovely Bones ni, jenuh mencarik kat kedai buku kt melaka, satu punx da, hampeh....
nak kene g kl nmpknye... |
yo yo o jer.. will win...
boleh tak kalau aku nak, where the wild things are or the imaginarium of doctor pasnassus menang (walaupun aku tak tengok lagi.... wakakaka...) |
lupa plak.. actually hurt locker tu pretty darn good movie... cuma, aku rasa, filem tu akan dioverlook.. hope its not... |
byk citer underground je...mana yg best?nak donlod... |
aku tak tahulah contender filem terbaik, tp aku rasa lead filem precious tu blh dpt nomination kat best actress kot... best supporting actress pun ramai dr filem tu.. aku rasa monique mcm blh menang....
besides, thn ni, best filem 10 calon kan instead of 5.. heheh... lg susah nak predict... |
10# Rhyno
kalau tuan tanah tak mention, ko jerlah mention... apa susah... tuan tanah dah start thread dah, kita semua sambung2 lah... |
baru layan citer ni mlm td... mmg best... minah tu psycho... huhu...
buiscasey Post at 19-11-2009 17:38 
interesting.. boring tak? :cf:
14# LimaWira
ntah.. tak boring pun.. agak best gila lah for romcom genre... |
3# apang
Tau x pe.
Best giler.
Both Amy Adams and Meryl Streep are adorable in this movie!
Citer ni sgt fresh, baru, x pernah orang buat film adaptasi dari blog.
Mcm nak baca jer blog Julie tu.... |
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