Kepada pengemar cerita2 historical..sila listkan filem2 yg pernah korang tonton, nak tonton dan best historical filem of all times..ni senarai historical filem yg aku dah tonton 
John Adams
Becoming Jane
Elizabeth: The Golden Age
Marco Polo
Marie Antoinette
The Crown Prince
Amazing Grace
Kingdom of Heaven
The Last King
The Alamo
Julius Caesar
To Kill a King
The Lion in Winter
Henry VIII
The Musketeer
The Patriot
The Messenger: Story of Joan of Arc
Aku masih lagi tercari DVD cerita The Spirit of Frederick Douglass..sesiapa tau mana nak beli pls bagi tau where to get |
Kepada pengemar cerita2 historical..sila listkan filem2 yg pernah korang tonton, nak tonton dan best historical filem of all times..ni senarai historical filem yg aku dah tonton :loveliness ...
perempuanayu Post at 24-11-2009 11:46 
is it historical films...
or films loosely based on historical events?  |
Valkyrie tuh kira historical filem x? ai like tht 1 coz am a fan of colonel claus von stauffenberg. |
aku rasa film yg based on historical events.. he he
btw aku pun minat jgk dan dah tgk movie dlm list tuan rmh
recently aku tengok film Caligula..it's a shocking film i've ever seen 
cerita pasal rise and fall of the notorious Roman Emperor Caligula
the violent methods he employs to gain the throne, the orgies,
his sexual passion for his sister dan byk lagi which leaves nothing to the imagination
tak sanggup aku nak tgk sampai habis..byk part aku skip
aku tak tau nak rate film ni..sampai skrg aku takleh digest scene2 dlm film tue
unbelievably shocking :kant: |
4# danna09
yg ni pon aku dah tgk
mati2 ingat at the end dia dpt bunuh hitler 
tragic ending |
citer jeneral us ww2 'PATTON'.. |
lupa lak...citer klasik BEN HUR ngn TEN COMMANDMENT...aktor Charlton Heston... |
lupa lak...citer klasik BEN HUR ngn TEN COMMANDMENT...aktor Charlton Heston...
soptg Post at 1-12-2009 14:03 
love Charlton Heston  |
9# J
one of my feveret actor...teringat citer omega man...sape ader citer nih???bley kongsi... |
ramai jgk pengemar cerita2 historical rupanya |
5# nidzhar
oh really..buat i lagi teruja nak tgk
will find this film  |
11# nidzhar
semua ni i dah tgk except the man who captured eichman & hiroshima
both cerita lama kan? where do you get it?
boleh pinjam tak  |
suka jgk tgk crite historical...bebaru ni tgk The Other Boleyn Girl & Becoming Jane...citer dh lame tp baru je dpt tgk.. dlm list kt atas tu, ada la jgk a few crite yg dh tgk |
Bukit Kepong
Lawrence Of Arabia
Lion Of The Desert
Kingdom Of Heaven
1957:Hati Malaya
Leftenan Adnan
Pearl Harbour |
14# perempuanayu
yup..cerita ni aku dpt from my friend
boleh saja kalau kau nak pinjam
one one condition..jaga elok2 ok
PM me your details  |
Aku tambah satu lagik...The Last Emperor |
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