Audrey Niffenegger -1. Time Traveler's WIFE - 2. Her Fearful Symmetry
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ala fly....
spoiler lagi....
yg part henry tnya...what's the/your worst fear...?
claire jwb... when i was 12... i woke up...heard u called my name...and gun shot...
and saw my father + brother in the meadow...
henry senyap jer...
mmg henry dah tau part tu yg dia kan mati...ditmbak...
so ...that's really happen...
henry tak leh escape sbb tak de kaki.... |
smlm tgok movie nya.... best jg...
fly.. tgok la.... |
I baru je habis baca Her Fearful Symmetry. It's good and I've enjoyed my reading of it but not as much as I have enjoyed TTW. Nevertheless, looking forward to read her third book whenever it comes out. Hopefully soon though! |
hopefully... time trveler's husband la plak kot... kisah alba... hihihi |
25# gorgonz
I would buy that! |
me cam kesihan dgn anak alba..
dia mesti naked jugakkan tiap kali dia jadi time traveller tu.. sian dia..
anyway, i love this book dan takut nak tenguk movie..
takut tak sehebat buku.. nanti kecewa.. |
14# chicmushroom
gorg baca both ...ebooks
gorgonz Post at 8-1-2010 17:02
gorg..kta pun dh bc HFS tu..
ebook gak...siap pi download lam hp..
bc time tgu traffic lite haha....trok btol aku..
tapi best cite dia...ske la cite yg twisted mcm ni..
best tp still xreti nk review...
now tgh bc thirst by christopher pike...
but cite tu cm so much into hinduism la...
mcm takut jek nk abiskn...
sori mlalut cite pasal len plak... |
28# chicmushroom
tp still tak leh lawan TTW kan...? TTW superb... filem pun tak mengecewakan...
yup...siyan Alba...klu time trvelling...pakai baju oversize sokmo |
29# gorgonz
mmg...sbb lepas bc TTW aku kena stop dulu dr bc buku len...
tp ngan HFS xpe jek lps abiskan aku pi bc buku len plak...
mcm time aku bc gone with the wind by margaret mitchell..
lama aku stop dr bc buku2 len sbb cite tu best...dhla tebal gila..hehe |
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Category: Belia & Informasi