DEAR JOHN - Channing Tatum &Amanda Seyfried
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Citer ni mmg bestttlaaaa :pompom:
bspotgurl Post at 12-2-2010 11:41 
ko dah nengok ke??? best x? |
movie yang takkan tengok kt wayang.. nanti meleleh2 air mata mcm tengok a walk to remember & the notebook haritu.. maluu baik aku layan jiwang sorang2 kat rumah  |
kalau cite nicholas sparks ni...mesti sedih endingnyaaa |
Post Last Edit by evey709 at 15-2-2010 23:33
Saye ade bace buku die..
ending die mmg agak sedey la..
bile dpt tau tatum ni jadik john,rase cam sesuai sgt watak tu utk die..
fits my imagination!
nk tgk gak! tp donlod je kot.. 
sape da tgk, review pliss! |
Can't wait for the movie..I love A Walk To Remember and The Notebook.. |
27# nashrudean
Best. Sad too. Get your tissues ready. |
Notebook best ke?
nashrudean Post at 16-2-2010 11:00 
Kalo yg nie dah best....
Notebook pung best jugak lah... Penulis yg sama maaa...!!! |
suka channing tatum dlm step up, terer gak menari |
cite ni tak msk pangung msia ke?? check takde pong |
cite2 nicholas sparks ni semuanya  |
seriously citer ni terlalu biasa...
tertunggu2 part yg WOW...tp xde....
really2 beyond my high xpectation..
kisah pompuan yg sanggup lepaskan cinta sejati dia and kawen sekejap ngan lelaki yg tgh sakit cancer sbb nak jaga dia...
wtf..haha..x leh terima aku ngan watak Savannah tu..bullshiit...ha3 |
eh cita ni dah kuar panggung ker ek? |
love channing tu..emsem bangattttttttttttttt |
review ak la after watch this movie...
bg ak cite ni jln cite dye bez ttapi tak dtrjemahkan ngan baek..
bg ak pmilihan plakon x sesuai..especially tuk wtak savannah...
tp both amanda and tatum have give their best shoot...
no part yg bleh wat korng really touching...
tp overall cite ni bez la jugak...
x bosan... |
actually citer ni xde byk beza pon ngan NoteBook..
and sgt2 cliche..
a girl from town....summer break...balik kg....jumpa lelaki kampong tue....summer love...pastu school break over..pastu balas2 surat...bla2....
4 me..A walk 2 remember still the best kot in this genre |
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