Shourd of turin mystery (misteri kain kafan yesus)
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shourd ni cume di'ketengah'kan sekitar 1400 je.. so, it was 'missing' from history for almost 1600 years
- even, dalam list2 rampasan tentera crusade pd tahun 900 pun takde tersenarai pun 'shroud' ni sebagai harta berharga gereja.. not in the list.
so.. fabrication concluded. |
Post Last Edit by shaz_liz at 19-4-2010 17:28
Reply shaz_liz
dijumpai didalam gua.. or mosuleum.. but.. problem dia kat sini
zaman tu ; se ...
unekspekted Post at 19-4-2010 13:58
May be you are right. That point itself contradict post-death Jesus occurance.
Anyway, let's say Jesus tu dikebumikan ikut Jewish style (sebab again,kita pun tak tau) and follow the story dalam Bible, masih ada contradiction.
According to Bible, Jesus di'kebumi'kan dalam sepulchre. That is a type of tomb atau chamber. (Wallahu'alam).
Oh yes, I have to make correction when I said there were no shroud in the coffin (I refer to tomb). I refer to kejadian Mary Magdelene sampai ke the sepulchre dan terkejut sebab tomb stone tu terbukak. Bila dia nampak Jesus takde kat situ, dia menangis. Yang ada hanya the winding sheets (aka shroud).
Ok, fine. Further, kalau Jesus dikatakan telah 'resurrected', Christians percaya ianya di'bangkit'kan sebagai spirit --> purely spiritually resurrection.
Now, if we follow that..akan ada kemuskilan.
Kalau a body is said to be resurrected (as a spirit),
kenapa stone tomb tu kena di'move'kan (utk Jesus keluar?)
kenapa ada winding sheets or shroud panjang yang tertinggal ?
Sebab kalau dah turn into spirit, mesti la tak payah nak susah2 tolak tomb and unwound the shroud ? Macam roh, tak perlu guna man physical.
So, here, the lines represent ketidak-logikkan kewujudan shroud tu.
Sebab, kalau Jesus dah jadi spirit, ianya bermula sebaik saja dia jumpa 'Father'. And obviously, you cant kebumikan spirit (formless) dan pasti takde image print. |
panjang 4,36meter dan lebar 1,10 meter... fullamak..... |
Reply 63# nanat87
bile mase plak aku cakap pasal kain kan?? ape melalut ntah.. |
good thread...
byk info bleh dapat. |
ai cakap pasai org yahudi ponya kain kafan jah
pasai jesus tuh yahudi...ai pecaya depa ikot cara yahudi ponya urusan jenazah n pengebumian..bnd nih pom mirip islam jugok...dlm board history sorg forumer jewish nama migdal ado terangkn.mmg sama |
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