Reply 140# sukisukusuka
ehehehe.... no komen .. cuma phone nie support 3G / HSDPA tapi bukan video call... mgkn tu maksud dia kot.. kot la kan.. |
bru beli e5 ni smlam kat kota tinggi ori set rm690  |
hai beautiful and handsome readers
korang perasan tak Nokia E5 ni ada lock phone. Tapi cena nak lock nya la haiii
Bila aku masukkan pass kata error error error |
untuk lock phone Nokia E5.
Ctrl. panel | Setting | General | Security | Phone and SIM card|
pi ...
gomogi Post at 12-4-2011 14:54 
Wah! thank yaw honey bunny |
Reply 145# kiwibenz
welcome |
knape rmi user complain pasal henfon ni eh..
sume yg ada problem tu..AP ke original?
igt nk sambar satu la |
so far ok-ok je la.. wife aku dah 5-6 bulan pakai ok je.. yang lum update software tu silalah update coz aku terasa cam ringan sket lepas update.. updatenye realese bulan 2 hari tu.. |
knape rmi user complain pasal henfon ni eh..
sume yg ada problem tu..AP ke original?
igt nk sa ...
paanz Post at 9-5-2011 12:33 
ok je... member aku ngah guna hp neh |
E5 leh retrieve deleted sms x?
Sebab dok jumpa kt tenet suma musti ada gini kt hujung tips/ tricks:
Do Note that this trick does not work on Symbian 3rd Edition cellphones. |
1 lagi soalan..aku xleh guna Nokia PC Suite 
Laptop aku detect E5 aku as 'Portable Media Player', bknnya 'Handphone'.
So even aku connect gune USB cable, still xleh guna Nokia PC Suite..dia akan soh aku connect, dan tros connect, walopon dh connected sebenonye..
Pakai bluetooth xleh authenticate la pulak..aihhh 
Ada sapa2 tau cmna nk solve ini problem? |
1 lagi soalan..aku xleh guna Nokia PC Suite
Laptop aku detect E5 aku as 'Portable Media Player ...
tigapersen Post at 25-9-2011 20:16 
ni kes salah setting nya pasal.. ok gi kt setting-connectivity-usb-ask on connection(pilih yes) |
ni kes salah setting nya pasal.. ok gi kt setting-connectivity-usb-ask on connection(pilih yes)
cmf_death Post at 25-9-2011 20:22 
Thanks cmf_death..tp kn Death, x jumpe aa 'connectivity' tu..
Setting kt Nokia PC Suite ke? kalo kt PC Suite, aku just jumpe Settings -> Settings.... -> General/ Audio Conversion/ Video Conversion.. |
Thanks cmf_death..tp kn Death, x jumpe aa 'connectivity' tu..
Setting kt Nokia PC Suite ke? k ...
tigapersen Post at 27-9-2011 21:33 
setting kt hp |
setting kt hp
cmf_death Post at 27-9-2011 23:43 
Dah set ke 'Yes'. Masa connect thru usb cable, dh pilih 'PC Suite' kt hp..
Tp rsnya prob die kt laptop aku nih.
Memule akan naik notification 'Nokia E5-00 connected in a non-compatible USB-mode'., pastu Ovi Player yg kuar, instead of PC Suite.. |
Dah set ke 'Yes'. Masa connect thru usb cable, dh pilih 'PC Suite' kt hp..
Tp rsnya prob die ...
tigapersen Post at 28-9-2011 23:57 
try pilih mass storage kt setting tuh |
try pilih mass storage kt setting tuh
cmf_death Post at 29-9-2011 00:14 
Ok dh tuko. Bezanya cuma
1. Ovi Player x kuar
Tp still detected as Portable Media Player |
korang nak tanya....
kan dah install garmin kat e5....
asal xleh gune ek? camne ek? sbb gune prepaid ke? setting?
bile gune dier deduct prepaid ke?
camne nak browse?
bleh tulun ajar x? |
| |