Hai ada campers tak kat sini?jom la share pengalaman korang...tempat camping yang best2...bajet atau peralatan basic camping yang perlu ada |
Sorry to blow your bubble but most people from Malaysia are not into camping. Due to safety reasons (most women are advised not to camp). But hope you do find campers. |

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Post time 6-10-2022 05:10 PM
From the mobile phone
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Page88 replied at 4-10-2022 04:15 PM
Sorry to blow your bubble but most people from Malaysia are not into camping. Due to safety reasons ...
Ok tq atas nasihat...nampak ramai dah start camping...mcm best plak hehe... |
aku setakat tengok kat youtube aje.. 
aku subscribe Frugal Outdoors & Camping channel.. 24 Hour Travellers sekarang ada bot..
indonesians campers lagi best ah.. camping kat hutan, sungai, tasik, gunung.. jeles..  |

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Post time 7-10-2022 02:59 PM
From the mobile phone
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redz85 replied at 7-10-2022 08:51 AM
aku setakat tengok kat youtube aje..
aku subscribe Frugal Outdoors & Camping channel.. 24 Hou ...
Tu la tgk kat YouTube tu la buat teruja..tu tnya pendapat kat sni kot ada tips Dan tempat2 yang sesuai utk newbie |
women campers kena pilih location yg selamat jgn pegi2 tepi2 sungai tepi laut tepi air terjun.
tapi selalunya camp sit kat situ je lah tempat sesuai yg telah owner set up utk campers.
mungkin owner dh study safety dan precaution so better choose yg berbayar lebih sikit takpe asalkan selamat. aku pun dah lama tak gi camping anak2 pun tak suka join..ee serba salah. |

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Post time 8-10-2022 01:08 PM
From the mobile phone
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rospinki replied at 7-10-2022 03:10 PM
women campers kena pilih location yg selamat jgn pegi2 tepi2 sungai tepi laut tepi air terjun.
tapi ...
Ok tq so much kak Ros..sgt2 membantu..anak2 ajak camping, mgkn boleh try tempat yang dekat2 dlu.. |

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Post time 9-10-2022 04:22 PM
From the mobile phone
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Terjumpa ni kat fb...munchkin boleh jadikan rujukan ..kot sni pun ada yg newbie mcm saya |
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