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Hereafter (2010)

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Post time 22-10-2010 05:04 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

A drama centered on three people who are haunted by mortality in different ways. George (Damon) is a blue-collar American who has a special connection to the afterlife. On the other side of the world, Marie (de France), a French journalist, has a near-death experience that shakes her reality. And when Marcus (Frankie/George McLaren), a London schoolboy, loses the person closest to him, he desperately needs answers. Each on a path in search of the truth, their lives will intersect, forever changed by what they believe might-or must-exist in the hereafter.Written by Warner Bros. Pictures  

Release date : 22 October 2010 (USA)
Release info : tayang kat Canada/US/UK/Italy/Spain/Germany je. Asia langsung takde. Terpaksa tunggu DVD/download je Frust betul.


User Reviews
A surprise hit ... Eastwood at his finest.
19 October 2010 | by KateBeth (Houston, TX, United States)   
The viewer doesn't know quite what to expect when sitting down to watch"Hereafter". I went in thinking it would be something a bit spooky, ormind-bending like "Inception". What I experienced was even morefascinating - and thought provoking - leading me to ask more questionsthan I would have answers.

"Hereafter" presents you with fascinating characters - literally fromthe first few minutes of the film, you find yourself both riveted andsquirming to look away. Scenes from a vicious tsunami that takes thelives of hundreds of thousands leaves the viewer feeling shocked andempty -- but what follows in the aftermath is what is truly astounding.

The acting in this movie is absolutely superb. From Matt Damon'sportrayal of George - a man who has abandoned his psychic gift (or whathe considers to be a curse) for a more simple and obscure life as afactory worker... to Cecile De France's talented portrayal of Marie, aFrench journalist who experiences a tragedy of such enormity you wonderhow she will ever get back to living a 'normal' life... to young Georgeand Frankie McLaren's work as the adorable Marcus and Jason - Britishtwins who must contend with their mother's drug abuse and, later, atragedy that will tear them apart - the viewer is left to feel as ifthey are literally part of the story. You rally for the characters -and yearn to see how their fate will unfold. The intersection of all oftheir lives is what is so fascinating.

While I went into "Hereafter" expecting something a bit obscure andmind-bending, I was pleasantly surprised to see that this film is adrama that delves into not only the topic of life after death - butlife itself. Clint Eastwood does an amazing job at giving us a lookinto the peace and mystery that awaits us on the other side... but alsothe joy and beauty of what is right in front of us.

"Hereafter" was a pleasant surprise. While some questions remain at theend of the film, I feel it is a perfect ending to a film about a topicas mysterious as life after death. At one point in the film, ThierryNeuvic's character, Didier, makes the comment that if there were lifeafter death, it would have been proved by now. By the end of the film,you realize that the most wonderful and amazing events in life cannotnecessarily be proved - but with enough faith and through fate -everything lines up exactly as it should.

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Post time 25-10-2010 02:13 PM | Show all posts
hmmm check kat
rate cite nie 8.0 over 10
so means cite nie mmg best
plus de matt damon ..
wajib tgk
torrent blum kuar lg


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 Author| Post time 25-10-2010 05:29 PM | Show all posts
hmmm check kat
rate cite nie 8.0 over 10
so means cite nie mmg best
plus de matt damon . ...
fly_in_d_sky Post at 25-10-2010 14:13

kan. syg tul tak kuar kat msia

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Post time 26-10-2010 09:08 AM | Show all posts
Reply 3# avrilizana

sama mcm cite Jonah Hex
xde org berani bwk movie tuh
takut xde org nak tgk

Use magic Report

Post time 26-10-2010 09:22 AM | Show all posts
tunggu cd cetak rompak mesti keluar punya baru 5.00.

Use magic Report

Post time 26-10-2010 09:35 AM | Show all posts
o matt damon my favorite...kena tggu dvd ni..

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 Author| Post time 26-10-2010 10:54 AM | Show all posts
tunggu cd cetak rompak mesti keluar punya baru 5.00.
ghaniacwpg Post at 26-10-2010 09:22

    yup. for sure cari dvd punya. ujung thn mesti dah dpt. hehehehe.

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