sy pernah telan ubat selesma - sengaja minta ubat yg effect ngantuk tu.
sbb flight x boleh landing, terbang balik around 15 minutes dlm keadaan ribut.
4 hari lepas tu kena fly balik. klu tak sebab urusan rasmi, mmg taklaaa saja2 fly.
so solusinya makan ubat selesma
Post time 30-12-2024 11:50 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by bpbbppbp at 30-12-2024 05:28 PM
makita replied at 29-12-2024 10:01 PM
Kalau chuols rasa cemas, dpt sebut dlm hati 'Allah' pom dah besar rahmat.
Dari YouTube, ada ustaz kata yg non muslim pun klau terdesak akan mngaku adanya Allah last2. Petikan dari Al quran cerita firaun, nabi musa.
Btw, sorang flight attendant yg selamat tu, dia tak ingat apa yg brlaku bila doktor tnya dia. Yg dia igt pkai tali pinggang sbelum nk landing.
News kata, ada Jeju air plane yg lain brlaku masalah gear jugak lalu patah balik ke Seoul.
Post time 30-12-2024 06:04 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Login_ID replied at 30-12-2024 10:15 AM
sy pernah telan ubat selesma - sengaja minta ubat yg effect ngantuk tu.
sbb flight x boleh landin ...
ubt selsesama tu kita tidor nyenyak ke...kang flight dh landing kita dk kroh kroh lg..wat malu pulak
i tgh risau sbb mcm kerap pulak kes katebang ni..wiken ni nk balik kl...seram la wpn jarak dkt
tak ingat meols pnh terbaca or dgr kat mana ntah...kalu salah satu penumpang ada baca doa naik kenderaan, insyaAllah selamat...cuols baca lah doa tu dan pastu tawakal...
layan world news, ramai expert yang diinterview persoal kenapa ILS array (Sensor nak tolong airplane landing) tu pasang kat konkit
salah sorangnya
keadaan 2 survivors - The crew also included four [color=var(--color-progressive,#36c)]flight attendants; the two seated in the aft [color=var(--color-progressive,#36c)]jump seats were the only survivors of the crash and were conscious.[color=var(--color-progressive,#36c)][20][color=var(--color-progressive,#36c)][16] They sustained moderate to serious wounds, including one with fractures to his ribs, shoulder blade and upper spine,[color=var(--color-progressive,#36c)][20] and the other with injuries to her ankle and head.[color=var(--color-progressive,#36c)][21] Both received medical treatment at separate hospitals in [color=var(--color-progressive,#36c)]Mokpo before being transferred to a hospital in [color=var(--color-progressive,#36c)]Seoul.[color=var(--color-progressive,#36c)][22][color=var(--color-progressive,#36c)][18] Both survivors appeared to be disoriented and were unable to remember what had happened immediately following the landing.[color=var(--color-progressive,#36c)][23]
Samalah. I pun akan telah pil selsema. Lepas tu akan tertidur, sampailah nak landing nanti.
Yang tak sedapnya, bila dah landing pun masih mengantuk, grogy.