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Author: perang_salib


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Post time 11-9-2012 01:28 PM | Show all posts
mmg xde kt panggung la criter ni

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Post time 12-7-2013 03:59 PM | Show all posts
dah tengok versi US,memang best...tak sabo nak tengok sambunganya..tapi macam lambat lagi jer..

Last edited by noyya on 12-7-2013 04:33 PM


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Post time 17-1-2016 11:22 AM | Show all posts
wah...penat2 search...x kluar pulak movie n...korek2 kat 2011 pun x wujud....
agaknye mmg search cari ni mulfunction kot....slalu gituww... mesti kat thread 2012...

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Post time 17-1-2016 11:56 AM | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 17-1-2016 12:32 PM

Casting was complicated by the raft of prominent candidates such as Natalie Portman, Ellen Page, Kristen Stewart, (..kalau x Kiki dah dinominated for an oscar) Jennifer Lawrence, Keira Knightley, Anne Hathaway, Olivia Thirlby, Scarlett Johansson, and Emma Watson.[8][9] Despite the hype, some eventually withdrew from consideration due to the time commitment and low pay.

p/S: susah jgk nak fight for the role..

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Post time 17-1-2016 12:01 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 17-1-2016 11:22 AM
wah...penat2 search...x kluar pulak movie n...korek2 kat 2011 pun x wujud....
agaknye mmg search ca ...

sorry awak.....entah laaa forum nih.....bukan type 2011 tuh punya pasal...
tpby search nama pun tak leh detect ......


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Post time 17-1-2016 12:22 PM | Show all posts
eddlisa_uyuk replied at 17-1-2016 12:01 PM
sorry awak.....entah laaa forum nih.....bukan type 2011 tuh punya pasal...
tpby search nama pun t ...

tu la kan..geram betul kadang tu...nyway...i search dekat thread movies 2011...
tu yg xde...maybe movie ni ade dlm thread 2012...ape2 pun x kose i nak search lagi...haha...

calling2...@shanew3stga1z J-law pun kena reject u..

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Post time 17-1-2016 12:30 PM | Show all posts
sorry citer basi tp nak ungkit jgk..sbb x puas hati (& baru je dpt tau..)

Kristen has been battling it out for one of Hollywood’s most coveted roles, Lisbeth Salander, in The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo! But Inception starlet, Ellen Page might just snag the role right from under her!
Everybody wants to know: who will land the lead in The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo? We thought Twilight star Kristen Stewart would land the lead of Lisbeth Salander but it might very well be Inception star, Ellen Page who will walk away with the role! The American version of the film is based on the best selling book by Stieg Larsson and the competition is getting intense! Nikki Finke’s reports that even though Sony Pictures has set a Dec. 21, 2011 release date for the film, the fight for the lead is getting fierce!

Not only is director David Fincher, debating between K-Stew and Ellen, but actresses like Carey Mulligan [An Education], Mia Wasikowska [Alice in Wonderland], Emily Browning [Sucker Punch], Sara Snook [Sleeping Beauty], Rooney Mara [The Social Network], and Sophie Lowe [Blame] are all in the running!

It sounds like there’s some pretty steep competition but it get’s even tougher! says David, who is best known for directing Fight Club, 1999, and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, 2008, is telling all of the actresses to work on their Swedish accents, now that’s not an easy task!

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Post time 17-1-2016 02:55 PM | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 17-1-2016 03:24 PM
tabasco replied at 31-8-2012 11:04 AM
langsung takde kena mengena...persamaan tu mungkin tatu naga kat belakang
kalau tengok movi ...

eh..i baru terjumpe info ni about maksud simbol dragon...
ade 9...manja rasa maksud dragon tatoo pd badan lisbeth ni bermaksud "protector"..
Lisbeth has gone through so much of traumatic experience and abuse...where by i rs die org guna simbol dragon tu..
sbg ssuatu simbol pelindung/protector (realitinye sometimes u can only depend on self to "save/protect" yourself/your soul) utk watak Lisbeth mengharungi hidup she allz..i mean..some people might have killed themselves..
but Lisbeth...x begitu....Lisbeth is her own Protector....

  • P'u-lao:
    [color=rgb(27, 142, 222) !important][backcolor=transparent !important]Alerts one to danger, and serves as a protector. Often engraved on bells, sacred singing bowls, and gongs.
  • Ch'iu-niu:
    Creator of Yang energy through the use of ancient dragon music.
  • Pi-his:
    Provider of knowledge, luck and upholds the virtue of finer education.
  • Pa-hsia:
    Provider of strength and support when called upon during times of need.
  • Chao-feng:
    Guardian of the holy places, sacred lands, and holy temples.
  • Chih wen:
    Symbolizes the power of water over fire.
  • Suan-ni:
    Mighty protector and emblem against theft, loss or betrayal of any kind.
  • Yai-tzu:
    Protector and guardian against any physical harm.
  • Pi-kau:
    Defends again litigation, verbal disputes, or false accusations.


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Post time 18-1-2016 02:20 PM | Show all posts
mjfh replied at 19-2-2012 03:47 PM
dah tengok... ok lah, best citer ni...

tapi sangka pulak ada sex scene between rooney mara dengan ...

1st time tgk trailer masa movie ni baru2 kluar dulu...
tgk muke daniel craig..fine..the bile rooney muncul..terus i off...
1 sbb takut.. 2..sbb alaa..tajuk what? just girl with dragon yg best sgt..?

so smlm dh tgk..sambil tgk sambil google..mmg complicated jgk..ade yg paham ade yg x brape paham..
ape yg hype sgt..pd manja xde ape sgt..the movie was more hype than bite..gituww...jalan cerita agak slow..
and die org mcm nak dengar..

part yg manja tertarik..lagu "immagrant song" intro tu..that was soo good..lepas dh bc wiki..
paham la serba sedikit kenapa gelap & disturbing cgi nye..most wicked & sick movie best..
so..kira metafora phoenix rising...yg berapi tu utk watak lisbeth la yea...


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