banyak voice actor dalam family guy yg berlakon ~ patrick warburton, alex borstein, seth macfarlane, mila kunis..sora ted lebih kurang sora peter griffin dalam family guy + perangai ala2 brian si anjing family guy..brian suka mabuk minum arak ted suka high isap bong....lebih kurang macam family guy lawaknyaa tp tak se'jahat' dan segila family guy ... |
mila kunis!!... |
gadis_tulip posted on 12-11-2012 09:54 AM 
Ryan reynolds jadi gay dalam movie nie. Siap kiss dengan partner gay die. Alahai~
alah not the first time pong. kalu tak silap, die dah pernah bawak role doktor gay kat citer harold and kumar go to white castle ke hape tah.. tapi tade la sampai kiss2.. 
edee_91 posted on 12-11-2012 07:19 PM 
alah not the first time pong. kalu tak silap, die dah pernah bawak role doktor gay kat citer harol ...
Tapi this time siap comolot bagai. Tak ke iyaaakkess!!
Kesian Lively Blake. 
lawak citer ni best gak 3star aku bagi |
citer best, tp kotor...x sesuai utk tontonan bdk2...okla 18PL
p/s: terus x minat Ryan sbb kiss partner..klu gay pn, xyah cium2 xleh k?? alahaiiii...kiss pipi pn leh terima lg..erkkkkk |
aku tengok sebab nak tengok Mark Wahlberg jer tapi best cuma tahan jerla lawak dia yg berunsur2 panas tu lol tapi masa Ted jatuh dan badan dia bercerai tu, aku sebak wei.. paling tak tahan scene gaduh mcm real tu adoiii~ |
movi seth mcfarlene mesti ade mila kunis..
pastu lawak slalu sarcastic n infamous parody nye tu..sesape yg layan family guy bple layan citer ni jgk |
seth mc farlane mesti ada lawak kutuk jew |
kawan wa, ngutuk..pasla cerita lucah..tgk pulak dgn anak2....dia ingt cerita utk anak2... |
hahahhaa... dia tak perasan ke ada '' 18 PL ''.............. |
budak gemuk tuh jadi Lautner bila dah besar...... |
HangPC2 posted on 20-12-2012 10:01 AM 
scene mata garfield tak ada dekat dalam filem ted....
Utk msian show punya konfem2 la kena potong dgn lembaga penapisan teh tarik kopi o. Hehe! Try donlod yg original version punya lagi la banyak kelucahan dan lawak melampau. Haha!
HangPC2 posted on 28-2-2013 12:03 PM 
bengong... hahahaha... 
Oscar Host Seth MacFarlane Angers Anti-Defamation League With ' Ted ' Segment
9:01 AM PST 2/25/2013 by Jordan Zakarin

Mark Walhberg " onstage " with Ted
The media-monitoring Jewish group speaks out against a part of Sunday's telecast, in which a MacFarlane-voiced digital teddy bear joked that Jews control Hollywood.
And the next group to fire outrage at Seth MacFarlane's Oscars performance is … the Anti-Defamation League.
The Jewish group, led by longtime chief Abraham Foxman, issued a statement Monday slamming MacFarlane and the Academy for a segment of the show that it said perpetuated anti-Semitic stereotypes. The moment featured Mark Wahlberg and Ted -- the foul mouthed, digital stuffed bear that was the center of the summer's mega-hit comedy, Ted -- present the awards for best sound mixing and best sound editing.
During the segment, Ted (voiced by MacFarlane) joked that Jews controlled Hollywood and that fealty to the religion was required to work in the industry. " I was born Theodore Shapiro, and I would like to donate to Israel and continue to work in Hollywood forever, " he said, to audience laughter -- and Wahlberg's feigned displeasure.
" While we have come to expect inappropriate ' Jews control Hollywood ' jokes from Seth MacFarlane, what he did at the Oscars was offensive and not remotely funny, " the ADL wrote in its statement. " It only reinforces stereotypes which legitimize anti-Semitism. It is sad and disheartening that the Oscars awards show sought to use anti-Jewish stereotypes for laughs. "
The missive continued, noting that the international audience for the show might not have known it was a joke.
" For the insiders at the Oscars this kind of joke is obviously not taken seriously, " the ADL statement said. "But when one considers the global audience of the Oscars of upwards of 2 billion people, including many who know little or nothing about Hollywood or the falsity of such Jewish stereotypes, there’s a much higher potential for the ‘ Jews control Hollywood ’ myth to be accepted as fact. We wish that Mr. MacFarlane and the Academy Awards producers had shown greater sensitivity and decided against airing a sketch that so reinforces the age-old canard about Jewish control of the film industry."
This is not the first time the Anti-Defamation League has complained about a MacFarlane production; in 2009, it fumed over an episode of Family Guy titled " Family Goy," which the group said was guilty of " employing excessive negative stereotypes about Jews and money. "
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