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Post time 11-11-2012 07:27 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

Jack Reacher Trailer 2012 - Official movie teaser in HD - starring Tom Cruise, Rosamund Pike, Robert Duvall - directed by Christopher McQuarrie - a homicide investigator digs deeper into a case involving a trained military sniper who shot five random victims.

"Jack Reacher" movie hits theaters on December 21, 2012.

Adapted from Lee Child's best-selling Jack Reacher Series #9 novel One Shot. Jack Reacher (Tom Cruise), an ex--military investigator turned vigilante drifter, finds himself drawn into the case of a sniper who randomly targeted civilians. Jack Reacher goes back into action to prove that the former military sniper is not responsible for gunning down five innocent people. Jack Reacher movie trailer 2012 is presented in full HD 1080p high resolution.

Genre: Crime, Thriller, Adaptation
Director: Christopher McQuarrie
Screenwriter: Josh Olson, Christopher McQuarrie
Official Website:
Starring: Tom Cruise, Rosamund Pike, Robert Duvall, Werner Herzog, David Oyelowo, Richard Jenkins, Jai Courtney

Jack Reacher official movie trailer courtesy Paramount Pictures.

---ok sbnrnye jack reacher ni adalah watak dalam novel ciptaan lee child. aku baca novel ni. best.. sbb jack reacher ni jenis manusia drifter yg tak terikat ngan law. tp yg menjadi isu bg peminat jack reacher ni adalah...jack reacher ni pttnye tinggi, rambut sandy pastu umur dalam 36 to 40 years la gitu. motip tom cruise yg pendek, rambut gelap n kertu ni dicasting jd jack reacher?????

pilem ni akn ditayangkn di pawagam pada 21hb dec 2012.



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Post time 26-12-2012 09:23 AM | Show all posts



apa persamaaan?

kesemuannya huruf 'J' di depan

something about being a slick, smart, smashingly brilliant ( this is for jason bourne and  jack probably ahahhhh) , intuitively relying on calculated risk, stakes before embarking on certain bone- joint breaking , twisiting action  to the antagonists ... so  I would  say Jack is hmm...brilliant in looking at 'pattern' in the chaos / randomness....

quite a rare aspect to tap ...for  a JASON BOURNE _ RIVAL movie...


and hmm Helen Rodin  hhaahahahah well ...interesting....well ...hmm [ i just smiled and grin]

anyway  ni interesting actually ....

brilliant movie  fdor those who love JASON BOURNE hmm...


i tatau kenapa i tersenyum yaaa

in certain scenes



naughty. Last edited by mbhcsf on 26-12-2012 09:25 AM


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 Author| Post time 26-12-2012 09:28 AM | Show all posts
mbhcsf posted on 26-12-2012 09:23 AM


ade lg sorg... Jack Ryan

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Post time 26-12-2012 09:30 AM | Show all posts
i nyaris pengsan bila dengaq one line ni 'punchy betul'

SANDY : i do not scared of the blood  [ or at the sight of blood  something like that ]

REACHER : well...jawapan dia pengsan dan ouchhhhhhh gitu ....brilliant  sarcastic answer  hahhaa

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Post time 26-12-2012 09:31 AM | Show all posts
annehuda posted on 26-12-2012 09:28 AM
ade lg sorg... Jack Ryan

oh that patriot games guy

hmm...tak baca novel dia ....yeah  good ones.... heheheheheh

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 Author| Post time 26-12-2012 09:36 AM | Show all posts
mbhcsf posted on 26-12-2012 09:31 AM
oh that patriot games guy

hmm...tak baca novel dia ....yeah  good ones.... heheheheheh

jack ryan pun tgh dlm penggambaran skrang... tp hero nye skrang adalah chris pine... dulu ben affleck... mcm terbalik plak..masa filem pertama heronye harrison ford tak silap la... terus jadi muda plak. haha


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 Author| Post time 26-12-2012 09:43 AM | Show all posts
mbhcsf posted on 26-12-2012 09:23 AM


kalau ikutkan dlm novel la... jack reacher ngan jason bourne ni lain sesgt... bourne mmg kene sentiasa hidup dlm pelarian ... reacher ni mmg pembawa suwey la... the right person at the wrong time and wrong place gitu dlm novel die mmg heroin akan bertukar2... tp tu novel la...

kalau ai baca novel die ai terbayangkan mamat ni

sbb ikut novel die mmg reacher ni berdarah half european (mak org france) tinggi lampai n kurus2 skit...


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Post time 26-12-2012 09:47 AM | Show all posts
annehuda posted on 26-12-2012 09:43 AM
kalau ikutkan dlm novel la... jack reacher ngan jason bourne ni lain sesgt... bourne mmg kene sent ...


gosh. better damon or cruise even that bourne - viral  guy tu....

but well....

the qualities are the most important ...

he can be  the rival for jason bourne...

dedua guna otak , doing things with purpose...


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Post time 26-12-2012 03:42 PM | Show all posts
watched last week. my frens kata sgt i expect lagi best dari transformers...ahaha...but doesnt meet my yang di siasat tak sebest sherlock holmes. dan saya tak suke watak helen rodin itu..sbb muka pempuan itu asyik tunjuk muke blur..muke terkejut..sangat sakit hati..

tapi ape yang best..cara dia related orang-orang yang mati tu...2 dari 5 mati tu related. the rest random.

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Post time 26-12-2012 06:55 PM | Show all posts
tips of the day.
a good muvee is the one that could put u into the muvee and 'feel' the scene...make u feel like u were there

1. plot yang tak disangka , sebab ada unsur 'black flag' & 'scapegoat' mcm korang akn sebut, "ehhhh, ni bukan orangnya...salah orang ni!"
2. ilmu baru yang diketahui daripelemini iaitu 'muscle memory'. seme urang pasti ada 'muscle memory'nya sendiri
3. scene bertumbuk.uhhh, sedap betul dia debik!"
4. karakter Jack Reacher yang 'muker ketat' seketat semacam tangan yg memakai ssurgikal glove ...rasanya sepanjang pelem ini, aku tak nampak dia senyum pun.
5. ada scene yang membuatkan penonton gelak spontan walaupun Jack Reacher dari awal pelem yang 'ketat' karakternya
pelem ini nmpak sungguh pass /menarik bagi sesapa yg minat ala ala sherlock holmes

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Post time 26-12-2012 08:17 PM | Show all posts
bg aku best ceta ni....asyik gelak je

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Post time 26-12-2012 08:23 PM | Show all posts
mbhcsf posted on 26-12-2012 09:30 AM
i nyaris pengsan bila dengaq one line ni 'punchy betul'

SANDY : i do not scared of the blood  [ o ...

hahah...yg ni klakar

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Post time 26-12-2012 08:28 PM | Show all posts
scarlett-jo posted on 26-12-2012 08:23 PM
hahah...yg ni klakar

semua audience  yang dengaq tu woa.....tajam the boot...

i am not afraid at the sight of blood

that is good , that means you are not pregnant

mmg ouccch sarcastic habis...


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Post time 26-12-2012 08:46 PM | Show all posts
citer ni sgt best...smooth dan x der part yg bosan

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Post time 27-12-2012 09:38 AM | Show all posts
pompuan lawyer tuh cantek.. pompuan yang kat bar tuh pun cantek..

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Post time 29-12-2012 02:51 PM | Show all posts
tom cruise (1.7m) terlalu pendek utk pegang watak jack reacher (1.9m)

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Post time 29-12-2012 06:01 PM | Show all posts
bluezink posted on 26-12-2012 06:55 PM
tips of the day.
a good muvee is the one that could put u into the muvee and 'feel' the scene...mak ...

apa yg boleh ak kata,.bahwa pelem adalah meroperkan  usahasama tom krus bapak si suri dan christopker mc kuari ker hapa  ak da lupe..yg jugak meroperkan penulis skrip mission imposible:ghost protokol.dan tom bermatian pertahankan keseme tuduhan malah penulis novel jack reacher pon mengatakan tom tak sesuai untok melakon watak seperti yg dikehendakidlm novel..tapi jawab ..tom :"ada aku kesah".
tom berusaha membuatkan jack reacher, sehebat franchise dabelzeroseven dan bourne dan mengharapkan pelem akn laris mcm kedua versi yg ak katakn.walopon pelem ini dikatakn "action crime"..tapi sebenarnya "banyak bercakap",sehingga sesapa penat ker, tak bersedia ker,akan mudah terlelap aka berdengkokerana nak menunggu "action"...alamakkk...lamaaaaaaaa nyerso sesapa nak tahu mcm mana karekter yg sebnar jack reacher aka A Wanted Man aka detektif yg penoh teka teki ini ,haruslah kena mmbaca novel..itu sebab ramai peminat buku karya buku One Shot mencemuh tom kerus.tapi yg boleh dibangga kn adalh kesemua action kejar mengejar dan fighting scene dilakon sendirik tom walaipon udah berusia 50 tahun,.. tanpa mengunakan dabel actor.In my opinion, justru karena alur yang pelan tapi pasti itulah pelem ini jadi semakin menarik. Kiter seolah dituntut untuk turut mencari jawaban dari 'ada apa', 'siapa' dan 'kenapa'.perempuan yg jadik lawyer itu, kalu tadak pon tiapa,mungkin boleh setakat jadik  teman ngentot dlm pelem itu sajer yg ak nampak .yg lain ...memek muker dan gaya mcm tak opinion ..pelem ini nmpak nyer maseh jauh jika nak dibandingkan francise yg telah lama berada di dunia pelem iaitu dabelzeroseven dan bourne..dan ending nyer emmmmmm! abis gitu ajerr


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Post time 8-1-2013 07:19 PM | Show all posts
annehuda posted on 26-12-2012 09:28 AM
ade lg sorg... Jack Ryan

ada lagii..  Jefri Zain.

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