First sekali,
CCcleaner, Windows Defender, BitDefender, Adaware, Malwarebytes, Spybot
Semua software yg tertulis di atas tak dapat bantu aku menyelesaikan masalah
Setiap 10 minit, mesti keluar pop-up advertisement entah dari mana yg direct kepada link bit.ly

your pc slow???
can u open task manager???
did you have copy from folder/file/application that u dont copy it??? |
my pc didn't slow
yes, I know how to open pc task manager and no, I did not copy files.
I think I got them through downloading app/software online without checking them first.
But now, all the suspicious software have been uninstall but it does not solve the problem yet

haha i mean did your task-manger not blocked by something, can you open it
never mind
i think i know your problem
Download this choose "direct download" the volume 10.3 mb
Download this too choose "direct download" the volume 2.4 kb
password : www.bagas31.com
read carefully how to install it---> u must offline
after u install
- open revo uninstaller
- choose the suspect file(unusual file) and uninstall--->keep the processes until finish and select all leftofer element and deleted
- if u don't find the suspect file, choose "force uninstall" and type what file/extensions u need to remove (example "bitly") and uninstall it(don't browse the file if u dont know the address just type it) select all leftofer element and deleted
next move
Windows 7
1 Internet Explorer
-open tools--->toolbars and extensions--->(under show)choose all add-ons
-find unusual target---->remove it
-or if u can't remove it, chose to disable it
2 Chrome
-open menu(right corner)--->settings--->extensions(left side)
-find unusual target--->disable and remove it (recyle bin picture)
-choose settings again--->On startup(set pages)--->deleted all page
-search--->manage search engine--->deleted unusual search engine
-show advanced settings--->(at bottom line) reset settings
3 firefox
-open menu(right corner)--->add-ons--->extensions/appearance/plugins
-remove unusual target
-menu again--->options--->content--->check Block pop-up windows(remove all data from exceptions)
-search--->(under one-click search engines)uncheck app u don't need
-general--->change your home page (example https://www.google.com/webhp?source=search_app&gws_rd=ssl) or restore it to default
add this to firefox
add this to chromium/chrome
good luck
almost forget
after u succes install revo u must online to remove the "bitly" |
tgk list dalam programs tu..uninstall ape yg ptot means cari software yg pelik2 yg tak guna... try guna Junkware Removal Tool (JRT), lepas buat tu guna adware then hijack tool, last gne combofix... leh google software2 tersebut.. |
Edited by blackgoat at 3-10-2015 09:10 PM
Rasanya aku ada masalah lebih kurang sama.banyak gila adware popup. Lepas tu aku jumpa Support PL 1.1. Aku yakin itu adware sbb aku dah google.tp aku tak boleh uninstall benda ni. Dia cakap "there was a problem starting c:\progra~.....
The specified module could not be found
Any idea camne nak uninstall benda ni.stress gila tekan apa2 je keluar ads
3. Web-Browser
- Statistik menyatakan 3/4 penduduk didunia ni pernah menggunakan web browser atau pelayar sesawang (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera, etc.). Untuk mengelakkan daripada terkena jerat malware @ virus, pasanglah add-ons seperti AdBlock Plus, NoScript dan Redirect Remover. Ini bagi untuk mengelakkan daripada berlakunya serangan malware yang dikenali sebagai Drive-By download. Benda2 macam ni biasanya berlaku jika kita hendak menonoton video. Apabila kita hendak meng"click" utk play video tersebut, ianya akan memberitahu bahawa kita kenalah memuat turun Flash Player yg ditetapkan kerana ianya akan support untuk video tersebut. Walhal apa yang di"click" tersebut adalah malware yang dimuat turun. Inilah salah 1 serangan malware yg paling berkesan dan sukar untuk dielak.
terkena gini...! STRESS NYA 
kena wat cam solutions kat atas tu ke? |
boleh install plugin adguard, popup blocker.
jgn lupa clean cache serta install antispyware/malware dlm PC tu
| |