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Post time 23-4-2016 12:16 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by annehuda at 23-4-2016 09:45 PM

The Shallows, originally entitled In the Deep, is an upcoming American horror film directed by Jaume Collet-Serra and written by Anthony Jaswinski. The film stars Blake Lively, and óscar Jaenada. Principal photography began on October 28, 2015 in New South Wales, Australia. The film is scheduled to be released on June 24, 2016 by Columbia Pictures.

A young surfer named Nancy (Blake Lively) was surfing at a secluded beach when she becomes stranded on a giant rock 200 yards away from shore after an enormous great white shark attacks her and circles the giant rock. Now she must find a way back to shore without getting killed by the great white shark.

Initially Louis Leterrier was to direct, although he dropped out in June 2015,[3][4] leading to Jaume Collet-Serra being considered for the job.[5] Blake Lively joined the cast in August 2015.[1] That same month the film's title was changed from In The Deep to The Shallows,[6] and it was announced that filming would begin in November in Gold Coast, Queensland Australia.

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 Author| Post time 30-6-2016 10:43 PM | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 30-6-2016 11:02 PM

Wow...not bad la movie ni...tgh tgk skrg....

mmg movie ni ikut peredaran zaman...ade byk scene2...dari angle2 menarik sebelum ni manja belum pernah tgk....especially part whale terapung, blake kena serang dgn shark dlm laut..terguling atas choral...rasanye CGI...pun ade..part ni....

a bit slow pace tetap entertaining...sgt cantik scenery pantai laut biru...gorgeous...
tp for guys...elok tgk lepas bulan puase la..yea..nnt kurang pulak pahala tu... ....

my 3 favourite shart movies:
1- The Reef
2- The Shallows
3- Shark Night 3D
Oh ni jgk buat manja teringat 127 hours lakonan James Franco...moral of the story..jgn la gi adventure sorg2..kat tempat yg xde org...

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 Author| Post time 30-6-2016 10:56 PM | Show all posts
behind the scenes....hehehe...shooting dlm tank studio....??...


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Post time 1-7-2016 10:59 AM | Show all posts
wah..baru kuar wayang kah...masih hangat2 lagi nih...nak tgk2...ak minat giler movie2 mcmni....paling best JAWS...stven splberg punya..terbaik sepanjang zaman...

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 Author| Post time 1-7-2016 01:46 PM | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 1-7-2016 01:48 PM
toyaq_03 replied at 1-7-2016 10:59 AM
wah..baru kuar wayang kah...masih hangat2 lagi nih...nak tgk2...ak minat giler movie2 mcmni....palin ...

74%=Rotten Tomatoes



i x sure la showing kat malaysia ke x....

this just in...

Moviegoer stabbed in California theater showing 'The Shallows'
A 21-year-old man is hospitalized with life-threatening injuries Thursday after he was randomly stabbed inside the Roxy Theater in Santa Rosa, California late Wednesday.
Police arrested a man shortly after the crime.
Investigators are trying to figure out if this unprovoked attack is connected to another random stabbing a few days ago in that city.  
There are similarities between the crimes, and police say these two random stabbings could be linked.
The latest attack happened inside the Roxy Theater in downtown Santa Rosa just after 4 p.m. Wednesday.
Shortly after the movie "The Shallows" began playing, police say a man with a knife came up behind another moviegoer and stabbed him several times in the throat and the chest.
Investigators say the attacker tossed the knife in a trash can and calmly walked out of the theater.


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Post time 1-7-2016 08:43 PM | Show all posts
jaws kawen cast away = " The shallows "

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 Author| Post time 1-7-2016 09:14 PM | Show all posts
bluezink replied at 1-7-2016 08:43 PM
jaws kawen cast away = " The shallows "

masa die start berbual the seagull tu..yup! terus teringat castaway tp yg x puas ati..ending tu la...aiseh..nak ber VS pulak dgn shark tu..
come on la...shark x suke gigit besi full stop ok...i tau sbb tgk national geographic...
sbb tu xleh nk bg 7


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Post time 8-7-2016 09:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Levespa at 8-7-2016 09:57 PM

Biasa je crite ni.. dahlah ending tak logik...Yg tak boleh blahnya ada org boleh samakan tahap bestnya dengan movie jaws..such an insult to the jaws movie.. So far jaws is the still the best..  Great storyline... Great acting.. Dan effect yg sangat superb especially pada zaman tu..  Cerita ni tarap2 tv movie je, not too bad, but not that good either

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 Author| Post time 9-7-2016 12:29 AM | Show all posts
Levespa replied at 8-7-2016 09:48 PM
Biasa je crite ni.. dahlah ending tak logik...Yg tak boleh blahnya ada org boleh samakan tahap bestn ...

dah tgk "the reef" x?...true story..mmg best...


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Post time 9-7-2016 05:58 PM | Show all posts
Baru selepas menonton fillem ni.

Good movie. iols suka ketabahan heroin menempuh saat2 sukar ketika nak lawan shark tu.

Cuma secara logiknya, kenapa lelaki yg bawa di pergi pantai tu tak datang cari dia waktu malam? Takkan dia taktau heroin tu belum balik kan....

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 Author| Post time 9-7-2016 10:06 PM | Show all posts
Rhyno replied at 9-7-2016 05:58 PM
Baru selepas menonton fillem ni.

Good movie. iols suka ketabahan heroin menempuh saat2 sukar keti ...

yes2,..thats why i teringat movie 127 hours mmg sakit la tgk die jahit luka sndiri...
mmg i lowkan volume..masa tu.....x sanggup nak dengar die melaung...

bezanye...mood agak...sedih..sbb die baru kehilangan mak die...
dlm 127 hours pulak...happy & happening mood part mmg sronok tgk...adventure sgt. lepas tu dapat .buat kenalan baru..

i rasa laki yg bawak jip tu bukan tourist guide..die driver bukan tanggungjawab die pun...nak take care kan blake ni...yea x?..
lagi pun patutnye blake nak jumpe dgn kawan die kat sana kan? last2 kawan tu ditch die..sbb nak gi tinggal la blake sorg2..

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Post time 14-7-2016 02:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 9-7-2016 12:29 AM
dah tgk "the reef" x?...true story..mmg best...

Dah tengok... Movie the reef guna real shark kan?

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 Author| Post time 14-7-2016 02:22 PM | Show all posts
Levespa replied at 14-7-2016 02:16 PM
Dah tengok... Movie the reef guna real shark kan?

ahaha i pun x pasti...yea ke?..dahsyat nye...
tp pd i mmg the reef tu movie shark terbaik ....

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Post time 14-7-2016 02:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
I ada baca  dia guna real shark footage n lepas tu dia ngedit masukkan dlm movie tu, ada jugak guna cgi tapi sangat minima.. berlakon pun dlm laut sebenar bukan byk guna kolam mcm most shark movies lain, tuan direktor dia cakap sampai kecut2 semua pelakon dengan krew2 sekali sebab berendam dlm air masin lama sangat

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Post time 14-7-2016 03:05 PM | Show all posts
Levespa replied at 8-7-2016 09:48 PM
Biasa je crite ni.. dahlah ending tak logik...Yg tak boleh blahnya ada org boleh samakan tahap bestn ...

ada ak pnah baca org sama kan jaws dgn movie sharkando...

aku..kalo jmpa insan2 terpilih tu nak je ak bagi penampar ganda 23...haha..

sharknado...pppffftttt....tensen ak..xbole terima dek akal cita tu....

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Post time 14-7-2016 05:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
toyaq_03 replied at 14-7-2016 03:05 PM
ada ak pnah baca org sama kan jaws dgn movie sharkando...

aku..kalo jmpa insan2 terpilih tu nak ...

Iyee? Adoii melampaui batass betul golongan ituu

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 Author| Post time 14-7-2016 05:35 PM | Show all posts
Levespa replied at 14-7-2016 02:39 PM
I ada baca  dia guna real shark footage n lepas tu dia ngedit masukkan dlm movie tu, ada jugak guna  ...

owh..i see...patut la hebat shark2 die...shark betul rupenye...bgs..excellent..mmg elok kalau part2 cgi ni biar buat minimum..sbb slalunye nampak sgt kesan cgi dh xde kesan la..kat penonton..

ahahha..i rs die org x shoot kat studio sbb indie movie kan? so x cukup budget nak sewa studio etc.
tp tgk kalau pandai edit, sanggup berkorban ape saje aka berendam dlm air masin...sampai kecut, sgt puas ati hasilnye...

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Post time 2-8-2016 01:40 PM | Show all posts
akak dah tgk cite ni aritu...

memule mcm mls nk tgk, tp sbb ade blake lively, akak tgk jela...

body blake sgt menggiurkan...dan sexy...dan...wao...

kesah blake g surfing kat secluded bitch utk mengenang mak heshe yg dulu pnah dtg tempat same mase muda (skang dah mati)..xde org g tempat tu eksep few ppl jah yg tau..blake surfing then kene serang ikan jos, heshe tpakse belindung kat atas batu tgh laut yg timbul mase low tide (distance dr pantai dlm 200m) kesahnye adelah mcm mane heshe nk survive dr serangan ikan jos sbb pastu high tide/batu tu tenggelam balik..

tgk cite ni kalu uolss nk tgk body blake yg hot...selain faktor tu, x pyh la tgk...

nora bg 2.5 bintang...


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 Author| Post time 2-8-2016 02:08 PM | Show all posts
philipinoe2 replied at 2-8-2016 01:40 PM
akak dah tgk cite ni aritu...

memule mcm mls nk tgk, tp sbb ade blake lively, akak tgk jela...: ...

"secluded bitch"
luahan perasaan ke ni?
2.5 over 5? sian u gi tgk kat cinema...i tgk online je


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Post time 4-8-2016 09:12 AM | Show all posts
ok la citer ni.. sapa yg fobia ikan jos, laut dalam tgk citer ni blh terkujat2 jgk la.. hahaha
sikit ngilu masa scene dia jahit luka kat peha tu...

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