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[Tempatan] Remaja dari London hilng di seremban.

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Post time 16-8-2019 01:21 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aku stress ye.  Dia lari.  Bukan sesat.  Sebab kalo dia nak balik dia balik je la ikot jalan turap tu.  Ape susah.  Biasenye kalo dah keluor tanpa izin parents dia sendiri pon tau itu mischief dan kalo balik pon nanti kene marah or pukol.  Dia dah nekad nak blah lattew..  Kalo dia ni langsung takde sense mana la dia tahan long haul flight ke SEA ni.  Almost sehari.  Melompat tojah la dia dalam katebang tu.  But she wozen like that.  Tolong jangan pakai skrip kata dia sesat tanpa niat ye.  Dah keluor compound resort tu pon dia tau salah.  Makanye dia blah dengan kehendak hati dia.  

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Post time 16-8-2019 01:25 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
munchkin replied at 16-8-2019 01:19 AM
Mcm ada tak kena. Katanya takut strangers. Kenapa tak salah sorang parents ikut the search rescue. T ...

Ye patut awal2 dia pikir kalau budak tu dgr suara dia maybe budak tu calm skit. Tp dorg bleh wat bodoh je harapkan org yg cari.

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Post time 16-8-2019 03:00 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Hilang dalam hutan dekat anak sungai, macam pelik boleh kebuluran. Kalo lapar nak mati, daun pon ko rembat.
Isi perut she ada apa ya?


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Post time 16-8-2019 03:10 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
toxicated replied at 16-8-2019 01:12 AM
Possible ke result autopsy dinyatakan sampai tahap tu as punca kematian. Pdrm masih menyiasat or nak ...

Adakah akan ada twist mcm kes ceo cradle fund?

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Post time 16-8-2019 03:14 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sharlenetexas replied at 16-8-2019 02:10 AM
Adakah akan ada twist mcm kes ceo cradle fund?

Confirm... rasanya xsemudah tu parents dia blh lepas

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Post time 16-8-2019 05:59 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Family dia bau ikan.. teori aku, mission diorg accomplished.. dump anak yg susah nk jaga kat sini.. mesti diorg dah study kat m’sia ni, parents yg abaikan anak, takkan kena dakwa... apakehal trip of a lifetime kau dok hutan 2 minggu dgn anak yg susah kau nak jaga tu? Tgk gaya forumer yg pernah dok situ cerita pasal susah nk pi sana sini, mmg kalau aku ada anak oku mcm tu, takkan aku bawak pi situ. Nak expose pd nature? Byk lg tempat kat m’sia ni yg boleh tgk nature tp resort tu selesa & oku friendly... ini holiday dgn anak oku kat tpt off grid.. sekian teori akak di subuh yg hening dan sejuk ini.

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Post time 16-8-2019 06:10 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by scorpionkiki at 16-8-2019 06:13 AM
tumpanglalu74 replied at 16-8-2019 12:54 AM
Dahsyatnye..  Ingat dia maam besar ke?  Polis Mesia ni kulibatak dia??

Takpe la.  Omputih sinun ...

Hopefully kes ni tak mcm kes C4 Altantuya...2 polis tu saja saja nak letup dia tanpa arahan dr sesapa...lagipun waktu Post Mortem ada wakil dr ireland dan France ikut serta....tak ada ruang untuk korna baring .

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Post time 16-8-2019 06:48 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Sang_Pencinta at 16-8-2019 06:49 AM
tumpanglalu74 replied at 16-8-2019 01:21 AM
Aku stress ye.  Dia lari.  Bukan sesat.  Sebab kalo dia nak balik dia balik je la ikot jalan turap t ...

Ada betul kot. Tengok parents dia pun melebih lebih. Konon ada movement difficulties, tp boleh sahaja turun naik tangga spiral dan tarik beg luggage di airport, konon tak boleh berenggang dgn ibu tapi boleh sahaja mandi pool tengah malam sorang2.

So, maybe she is not as weak as we think she is.

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Post time 16-8-2019 06:51 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
miracle_forever replied at 15-8-2019 10:34 PM
Mcm mana kalau ada org yg sengaja biarkan dia starved to death? Results post-mortem still tunjuk m ...

Yg tu semua mmg ada kemungkinan. Tpi semua tu kerja polis utk siasat. Forensik punya kerja dh selesai utk tahu sebab kematian.

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 Author| Post time 16-8-2019 07:03 AM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHER-MUCKER at 15-8-2019 03:48 PM

How could they have missed her? Tragic Nora Quoirin's grandfather says 'dark areas' surround her death in Malaysia as police admit ravine 15-year-old was found in was searched REPEATEDLY
  • Nora Quoirin’s family said there are ‘many unanswered questions’ over the death of the 15-year-old girl
  • They urged police to open a criminal investigation despite officers insisting she wandered into the jungle
  • Family lawyer Charles Morel said ‘criminal involvement’ cannot be ruled out, and Nora's grandfather Sylvain Quoirin insisted there were ‘dark areas that need to be cleared up for the family to be able to grieve in peace

Nora Quoirin’s family said last night there are ‘many unanswered questions’ over her death and they still believe the tragic teenager may have been abducted.
They have urged police to open a criminal investigation, despite detectives insisting the 15-year-old wandered into the Malaysian jungle by herself and starved to death a week later.
Family lawyer Charles Morel believes ‘criminal involvement’ cannot be ruled out and told the Mail it was highly improbable that Nora voluntarily disappeared from the family’s holiday lodge. And the schoolgirl’s grandfather Sylvain Quoirin insisted there were ‘dark areas that need to be cleared up for the family to be able to grieve in peace’.
The naked body of Nora, who had serious learning difficulties, was found by a hiker near a waterfall on Tuesday – ten days after she went missing.
The ravine where she was found – which is only 1.6 miles from the lodge – was repeatedly searched by rescue teams during the first seven days of her disappearance. Police have been unable to adequately explain why she was missed.

Nora Quoirin’s family said last night there are ‘many unanswered questions’ over her death and they still believe the tragic teenager may have been abducted

Sylvain Quoirin, Nora's grandfather, believes someone put Nora’s body there ‘to get rid of her’, adding: ‘She wasn’t there yet [during previous searches]. Someone put her there’

Nora Quoirin's parents, Meabh Jaseprine Quoirin (3-L) and Sebastien Quoirin (C) talking to the police during search and rescue operations for 15-year-old Nora

Malaysian authorities confirm Nora died from internal bleeding

To compound their agony, Nora’s family were told that she was still alive during the search. A post-mortem examination found that she died from intestinal bleeding caused by hunger and stress – ‘two or three days’ before her body was found.
Police have also been unable to explain why Nora was not wearing the underwear she had on when she was last seen by her parents, Meabh and Sebastien Quoirin, at bedtime on August 3.
Mr Morel said the Malaysian authorities must not rule out a ‘criminal hypothesis’ just because of the importance of tourism in the region.
He added: ‘The family are just concerned to find out the truth. There are many unanswered questions and we cannot exclude criminal involvement.
‘Nora was found where people have already searched. If she was alive for that long, then it is possible that she met somebody. We cannot exclude anything at this stage. In view of the importance of Malaysia’s image for tourism, the authorities may tend to favour the theory of a disappearance over the criminal hypothesis.’
Mr Morel said Nora’s disability made it highly unlikely that she left the lodge at night and walked to the bottom of a ravine via ‘an extremely steep path through the jungle’ by herself.

Sean Yeap, a volunteer who was among the party which found Nora's body, said she was lying with her head resting on her hands and looked like she was asleep

Shirley Yap (far right) described how two members of the search team which found Nora broke down in tears after discovering the body.


Nora Quiorin, the 15-year-old schoolgirl found dead in the Malaysian jungle Tuesday, survived for a week before dying of intestinal damage caused by starvation, police revealed

The teenager had a smaller than average brain and struggled to act independently, having been born with Patau’s syndrome, or holoprosencephaly. The condition left her struggling to complete everyday tasks and with limited speech, walking ability and co-ordination.
‘One of the effects of her condition is that she was very dependent on her parents,’ said Mr Morel, who is based in Paris.
‘She was shy, she was quickly scared, she had travelled for 18 hours and she was exhausted.
‘So there is no reason why she would leave the lodge in the night, almost naked. There is no previous episode in her life to suggest she might do something like this.’

Emergency services and rescue workers arrive at the Dusun Resort, where Nora went missing from her family's apartment on August 4

The 15-year-old's body was discovered near this jungle waterfall after a 10-day search involving hundreds of police and volunteers, helicopters and sniffer dogs

Police commanders brief their men on the search for Nora on Tuesday, just hours before her naked remains were discovered

Malaysian search and rescue teams pictured at the scene where a body was found in the hunt for missing fifteen-year-old Nora Quoirin

Sylvain Quoirin, the mayor of a small town in Burgundy, believes someone put Nora’s body there ‘to get rid of her’, adding: ‘She wasn’t there yet [during previous searches]. Someone put her there.’
He dismissed theories that Nora could have wandered outside on her own. He said: ‘Can you imagine her walking 2.5km, naked and barefoot, over rocks, in the middle of the night? For me, that’s absurd.’
Nora’s uncle Pacome Quoirin, a graphic designer, added: ‘How could she have survived for five days in the jungle without food or water, if you believe the theory that she left the hotel on her own? We remain very dubious.
‘The findings that were announced in no way discredit a criminal act. She could have been kidnapped and fed at the beginning. There is insufficient evidence to jump to definitive conclusions.’

A lawyer for parents Meabh and Sebastien said they are still concerned their daughter was abducted and are waiting for the results of DNA and toxicology tests to decide whether or not to pursue a criminal probe

Nora Quoirin's remains were found Tuesday after 10 days missing in the Malaysian jungle, before police said a post-mortem showed she was alive for a week before dying of starvation

Four pathologists carried out a 12-hour post-mortem at Tunku Jaafar Hospital (pictured) before the results were revealed Thursday

Nora’s body was found in a sleeping position close to a stream at the foot of a ravine on Berembun mountain, 1.6 miles from an eco-resort where her family were staying.
Nora, from south London, had travelled to the Dunsun resort, about 39 miles south of Kuala Lumpur, on August 3 with her parents, sister Innes, 12, and brother Maurice, eight. After going to sleep with her siblings in an upstairs bedroom, she was discovered missing by her French father shortly after 8am the next day.
Police were left with no clues apart from a large downstairs window that had been left ajar. Detectives believe she climbed through the window and then got lost.
State police chief Mohamad Mat Yusop said the results of the post-mortem examination reinforced his belief that Nora was not abducted, and instead died of starvation after getting lost.

The naked body of Nora, who had serious learning difficulties, was found by a hiker near a waterfall on Tuesday – ten days after she went missing

Malaysian police chief Mohamad Yusop insisted that Nora was alive and evaded searchers for six days in the jungle before they moved on, then discovered her body when they returned to the previous search area after 10 days

Nora Quoirin's parents thanked all those involved in the search

Family members arrive at the hospital where Nora's body was taken after it was discovered in the Malaysian jungle

‘For the time being, there is no element of abduction or kidnapping,’ he said. ‘The cause of death was upper gastro-intestinal bleeding. It could be due to a lack of food for a long period of time and due to prolonged stress.’
He also confirmed that the search and rescue team did cover the area where Nora’s body was found during the first seven days of the search and suggested she could have been on the move at the time.
In an attempt to reassure Nora’s family, Mr Yusop added: ‘We will continue to investigate and find out what really happened.’
Mr and Mrs Quoirin, a data analysis firm salesman and market research company director, met in Northern Ireland and the family live in Streatham, south London.

  • Did Nora leave the holiday lodge alone, given her family insist she was incapable of doing so – physically and mentally – and was highly dependent on her parents?
  • Did local police take seriously enough the Quoirins’ insistence that abduction was the most likely explanation for her disappearance?
  • How many times did the search party visit the ravine where Nora’s body was found?
  • When did these searches take place, and could the timings have allowed her body to have been deposited there at a later time, as has been suggested by her grandfather?
  • Why was Nora found naked given that she was wearing underwear when she went to bed the night before she disappeared?
  • Have police found any of her clothes in the jungle?
  • If Nora was alive and lost in the forest for a week, why did she not respond to recorded messages from her mother which were played over loudhailers from the fifth day of the search?
  • Why were thermal imaging drones only deployed on August 9 – the sixth day after the alarm was raised?



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 Author| Post time 16-8-2019 07:07 AM | Show all posts
Sang_Pencinta replied at 15-8-2019 02:48 PM
Ada betul kot. Tengok parents dia pun melebih lebih. Konon ada movement difficulties, tp boleh sah ...

Hari semalam saya ada tengok lokal news, guru Nora iatu di sekolah tempat Nora belajar ada bagi tau Nora baru sahaja mula belajar berdakari dan memberanikan diri.

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Post time 16-8-2019 07:12 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
munchkin replied at 15-8-2019 11:56 PM
Mangsa took his pineapple snack. Ada undigested pineapple. So tak lama lepas makan kena bunuh

OT utk kes jonbennet
Dlm latest ivestigation 2019 dihiglite sekali lagi dlm show the untold story of jonbonet 2-3minggu lps  ada kat tv..  Yg kesan pistol renjatan kt badan dia.. N linked to a guy yg diairang baru find out..(tp i lupa mcm mana dia boleh dikaitkan) Tp dia dh mati bunuh diri..tarikh dia bunuh diri.. Adalah tarikh selepas sehari polis buat pc.. Ckp kami tau sapa.. Dh akn ditgkap dlm masa terdekat.. Pistol renjatan juga dijumpai kt rumah dia..  Dan kesan jerutan kt leher tu..i lupa samada ia selepas dh mati. Samada Sengaja dibuat utk bg nampak mcm org jerut.. Atau itu punca kematian. Lupa dah.. Tp mmg mcm x de org sebut dlm video burke kena invtw dgn psychiatrist psl jerutan tu.. Mostly ckp psl undigest pineapple.. N burke acting weird masa desribe mcm mana jonbenet mati..  dia ada buat acting jon kena hentuk dgn hammer.. Oh ya dlm untold story of johnbennet tu pun ada 2-3lg suspects.. Selain mamat yg pistol renjatan tu.. Termasuk salah seorang bapa beauty pageant sama batach dgn jon.. Tp dia dh buat ujian dna.. Negatif. Ketua kultus pun ada gak as suspect.. Dikatakan surat ransom tu dia yg tulis.. Dkt signature kan ada SBTC...n ada maksud tertentu n link dgn ketua kultus tu. Penyiasat assume bukan dia yg bunuh.. Tp dia upah org utk culik.. But it gone wrong smpai membunuh.. Penyiasat nk bercakap dgn dia.. Tp dia x beri kerjasama..

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Post time 16-8-2019 07:18 AM | Show all posts

Did Nora leave the holiday lodge alone, given her family insist she was incapable of doing so – physically and mentally – and was highly dependent on her parents?
Dia tak selemah yg kita sangka

Did local police take seriously enough the Quoirins’ insistence that abduction was the most likely explanation for her disappearance?

How many times did the search party visit the ravine where Nora’s body was found?

When did these searches take place, and could the timings have allowed her body to have been deposited there at a later time, as has been suggested by her grandfather?
There were 300 SAR member at times at the area, almost impossible for someone to come and dump the body

Why was Nora found naked given that she was wearing underwear when she went to bed the night before she disappeared?
Berjalan dalam hutan tebal akan mencarikkan pakaian

Have police found any of her clothes in the jungle?
What clothes? Her underwear?

If Nora was alive and lost in the forest for a week, why did she not respond to recorded messages from her mother which were played over loudhailers from the fifth day of the search?
Tak dengar kot

Why were thermal imaging drones only deployed on August 9 – the sixth day after the alarm was raised?
Tak cukup bajet??

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Post time 16-8-2019 07:19 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
toxicated replied at 16-8-2019 01:25 AM
Ye patut awal2 dia pikir kalau budak tu dgr suara dia maybe budak tu calm skit. Tp dorg bleh wat b ...

Secara logiknya mmg itu approach pertama yg org akan buat.. Tambah2 dia tu org asing kat negara ni.. Mesti dia takut dgn org lain...  Pelik jugak kenapa x dak sorang SAR team yg advise suruh mak dia sendiri panggil masa awal2
... N mak dia pun... X kan hang x terpikir bende tu...

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Post time 16-8-2019 08:08 AM | Show all posts
dari mula mak nora kata kena kidnapped tapi polis insist nora sesat.
Sekarang dunia persoalkan team SAR Polis.
Harap abam2 SAR polis tak salahkan pokcik bunian lah......

Itu hari ada satu forumer kata cousin dia dlm forensic team.
Kata Nora di rogol.
Mungkin dia keje angkat baldi kat situ tapi sembang dgn keluarga konon dia dlam team forensic .....melayu sembang kencang memang nombol one


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Post time 16-8-2019 08:10 AM | Show all posts
matjerk replied at 16-8-2019 07:19 AM
Secara logiknya mmg itu approach pertama yg org akan buat.. Tambah2 dia tu org asing kat negara ni ...

sepatut nya keluarga nya yang harus ikut cari for the first few days......... terutama bapak dia. Tapi bapak dia pun nampak macam lembab juga .....


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Post time 16-8-2019 08:12 AM | Show all posts

pokcik2 ini faham ke ape mak nora cakap ??


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Post time 16-8-2019 08:19 AM | Show all posts
MenteriWanita replied at 15-8-2019 03:27 PM
Ramai ummah Malaya speku yang famili ni nak duit insurans :

1) Sebelum sampai The Dusun Resort, m ...

aku rasa setuju dgn semua speku uols ni

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Post time 16-8-2019 08:29 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
MatDeghem replied at 16-8-2019 08:08 AM
dari mula mak nora kata kena kidnapped tapi polis insist nora sesat.
Sekarang dunia persoalkan tea ...

Entah wujud ker tidak cousin mcm kes mamat facebook cerita beria mcm nampak tp lepas tu megaku dengar dr orang lain.

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Post time 16-8-2019 08:38 AM | Show all posts
joy_ah replied at 16-8-2019 03:00 AM
Hilang dalam hutan dekat anak sungai, macam pelik boleh kebuluran. Kalo lapar nak mati, daun pon ko  ...

cuba nak bersangka sy pun sokong ayat awak ni.. kan ada yang sesat kat gunung tahan ke yang 19 hari tu..sebab dia dekat sungai, dia boleh survive.lagi le tengah hutan. ni tak jauh dari resort, dekat anak sungai. jumpa body pun mcm tengah relek..lengan alas kepala

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