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Melancong boleh menjejaskan kesihatan mental
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Edited by seribulan at 29-10-2016 08:38 AM
The strange ways travel can affect your mental health
3:30 PM Wednesday Oct 19, 2016
From delusions of Paris to mile-high tantrums, travel can do a serious number on your brain

Travel isn't always fun and sometimes it can seriously affect your mental health. Photo / 123RF
Travel is perceived as one of the most enjoyable experiences there is - relaxing on beaches, being introduced to new cultures, ticking items off your "bucket list" - but it can also affect your mental health in a variety of interesting ways.
From symptoms relating to Paris' failure to live up to romantic expectations, to fainting fits in art galleries, to the modern plague of "air rage", here are some of the ways travelling can drive you up the wall.
Paris Syndrome
While some consider it an urban myth, the phenomenon of "Paris Syndrome" has been well-documented since it was identified in 1986 by a Japanese psychiatrist working in France.

Romantic images like this are a cause of Paris Syndrome. Photo / 123RF
The temporary psychological disorder is said to occur when a tourist arrives in Paris only to find it is not what they expected it would be - thanks to its over-romanticised reputation as a city of of love, culture, beauty and fashion.
Faced with the realities of rude service and poor public transport, tourists who were expecting something out of the movieAmelie experience extreme culture shock. Symptoms include acute delusional states, feelings of persecution, anxiety and depersonalisation.
Japanese tourists appear particularly susceptible and the Japanese embassy in Paris reports around 20 cases a year.
Bernard Delage of Jeunes Japon, an association that helps Japanese families settle in France, told the Guardian: "In Japanese shops, the customer is king, whereas here assistants hardly look at them ... People using public transport all look stern, and handbag snatchers increase the ill-feeling."
Jerusalem Syndrome
Like Paris Syndrome, but with added religious delusions, this psychological disorder is triggered by a trip to the city of Jerusalem. It doesn't adhere to a single religion, affecting Jews, Christians and Muslims from many different backgrounds.
While some sufferers have previously been diagnosed with other forms of mental illness, most of those afflicted were previously mentally balanced.

A visit to Jerusalem can spark religious delusions. Photo / 123RF
Symptoms include anxiety, the desire to split away from a group, obsessive cleanliness and bathing, the urge to chant religious verses or sing hymns and marching to the city's holy places to deliver sermons.
While the syndrome has been observed since the Middle Ages, it was first clinically described in the 1930s. Between 1980 and 1993, it was reported that 1200 tourists with severe Jerusalem-related mental problems were referred to the city's Kfar Shaul Mental Health Centre.
Stendhal Syndrome
If you've ever felt weak and dizzy in the presence of a great work of art, you might have experienced Stendhal Syndrome.
This disorder causes rapid heartbeat, dizziness, fainting, confusion and even hallucinations, when a person is overcome by emotion during an experience of great personal significance - such as viewing art.

Stendhal's visit to the Basilica of Santa Croce in Florence was overwhelming. Photo / 123RF
The name of the syndrome comes from the 19th century French author Stendhal, who wrote of an intense emotional experience he experienced while viewing Giotto's frescoes for the first time at the the Basilica of Santa Croce.
"I was in a sort of ecstasy, from the idea of being in Florence, close to the great men whose tombs I had seen," he wrote.
"Absorbed in the contemplation of sublime beauty ... I reached the point where one encounters celestial sensations ...
"Everything spoke so vividly to my soul. Ah, if I could only forget. I had palpitations of the heart, what in Berlin they call 'nerves'. Life was drained from me. I walked with the fear of falling."
The Telegraph reported that staff at Florence's Santa Maria Nuova hospital have become accustomed to dealing with dizzy, overwhelmed tourists who have been admiring Michelangelo's David and other treasures of the city.
Air rage
Incidents involving angry and unruly air passengers are on the rise, according to the International Air Transport Association, which reported a 16 per cent increase over the last year.
The most famous recent case of this was the "nut rage" incident, which saw a Korean airline heiress pack a sad when her in-flight snack was delivered to her in a packet, rather than in a bowl.

Air rage incidents are on the rise. Photo / 123RF
While many would assume the availability of alcohol to be the main culprit, sober passengers are often the instigators of chaos at cruising altitude.
So what can we blame? A University of Toronto study earlier in the year found a strong correlation between class segregation on airlines and incidences of passenger misbehaviour.
It's always a bit of a buzz kill having to walk from the front of the plane, through business class, to cattle class in the back, and the report found the existence of a first class cabin made an incident of air rage four times more likely.
Other potential triggers included lack of leg room, narrow seats, small cabins and long flights.
- NZ Herald
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Mohon ..
tak yah la letak gambar tu bang
Komen ikut topik ja..
malas arr nak baca artikel panjang sangat 
Melancong boleh menjejaskan kesihatan mental Betul.. lelebih lagi kat tempat tak ada internet
cukuplah sekadar baca yg warna merah 
kat CI nie pun makin byk yg sewel sejak tuhan zeus pijak2 tuhan mereka  |
bukan masalah tempat2 tu, tp masalah mental individu2 tu. Ramai org mahu percaya kpd illusi dan tak mahu kpd realiti. Tgk dlm Nat Geo akan tunjuk tmpat spt Paris, Madrid, Amsterderm, Vegas dll sebenarnya sarang penyanggak2 jalanan. Tourism industri ni multi billion business mesti la pihak2 yg berkepentingan nak tunjukkan tmpat2 ni mcm syurga 
owh ..
yang warna merah ..
dah baca ..
tak ada efek kat FC kot ..
paling-paling FC melancong pun..
ke kedai-kedai D.I.Y
ilang stress .. rasa bahgia 
i'm in my own heaven
flight 13 jam sudah ckup mmbuatkan sy benci flight... no more |
of kos la sakit mental bila mengenangkan duit yg susut sbb gi travel, tmbh2 lagi nilai rm yg makin solution nye cuti2 malaysia jelah  |
kesimpulannya tt xyah melancong, duk kt rumah je. |
Bila melancong kena le berlapang dada tak perlu le terlalu cerewet dan nak banding2kan itu ini, makan tak ikut tekak, keadaan tak macam kebiasaan macam ditempat sendiri dll. Kalau ada attitude sebegitu maka akan jadi le melancong menjejaskan kesihatan mental. Buat yang ada attitude sebegitu elok duduk rumah je tak perlu gi mana2. |
Mcm mana tak meroyan dlm kapal terbang. Dok mabuk minum arak free. Ditala arak byk2 psl free. Psl tu mabuk. Bila dah mabuk, pi kacau orang. Nak lg atas udara, makin merenglah otak. Dahlah arak bikin kepala ting tong, tambah lg dgn atas udara, tambah ting tong. |
Tak pernah nengok orang mabuk / minum dalam flight
kot sebab FC tak pernah naik flight berbelas jam kot
paling lama takat 3 jam ja 
Setuju sangat ..
banyak kali juga dengar rungutan itu ini sedara mara yang balik dari melancong komplain itu ini
seolah-olah expectation keluar ja dari flight terus melompat masuk bilik hotel
keluar dari bilik hotel terus jumpa tempat yang nak pergi
kalau macam tu ..
baik google je lah kan..
tak pun nengok kat youtube sambil ratah ayam golek dan air kelapa fresh dari belakang rumah
lagi heaven

Biasanya yg long haul flight ada arak free flow. Dulu gi Aussie ada mamat Italy mabuk pastu jerit2 meroyan kat sapa ntah. FA kena restrained dia. Pigi Europe last year pun sama. Ada satu mamat ni jerit2 nak tambah lg arak. Tp FA dah nmpk pola mamat ni, so derang stop serve arak kat dia. Tak tau apa jd selepas tu psl aku tido. Lantaklah dgn yg kaki royan dan mabuk ni. Klu berlebih2 sgt, kami penumpang tampor saja dia. Baru dia rasa.
Manusia jenis mcm ni elok dok rumah diam2. Tak yah melancong. Klu semua nak imitate keadaan di rumah, buat apa jln2 gi luar negara.
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