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[Tempatan] RUU 355: MAZA- Muslims don’t need this right now’

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Post time 20-2-2017 10:15 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Dr Asri pointed out that countries like Pakistan, Sudan and Nigeria that tried to implement hudud have stopped because in today’s world, people and conditions are different.

PERLIS Mufti Datuk Dr Asri Zainul Abidin spoke bluntly at a recent forum on religion.
“Gossiping is a big sin in Islam but are there (syariah) laws against gossiping? Do you see the religious authorities sending officers out to haul up those who gossip?’’
He points out that while some things are haram (forbidden) and sinful in Islam, that does not mean that Allah demands for all of these to be punished in a court of law.
In the case of adultery, for example, he says, if there are only three witnesses of good character present and not four as required by the religion, the adulterer would have to be let off.

“Not all sins have to hauled up to court. The religion doesn’t ask us to go and check up on people, from room to room or car to car, asking for their surat nikah (marriage licence) to find out if they are married or not.’’
Citing another example, he says, a powerful and rich person who commits a crime might be able to afford a good lawyer who cleverly argues the case and gets it thrown out of court.
“But that doesn’t mean that because they got away with it in a court of law, they will get away with it in the Court of the Hereafter. God knows everything.
“Muslims believe we will be tried for all our sins. Drinking alcohol, adultery, stealing are all sins. When we die, we will have to face God and answer for whatever we did. There is no escape.’’
Dr Asri was speaking at the “How Much Do you Know About Hudud” forum organised by Angkatan Merdeka Malaysia.
Touching on PAS president Datuk Seri Dr Hadi Awang’s motion before Parliament for the amendments to the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction ) Act 355 (popularly referred to as RUU355), Dr Asri said there are concerns it is all part of a political game.
Dr Asri stresses that while the Quran and Sunnah (tradition of the Holy Prophet) are divine, the interpretations are not.
He points out that while hudud (Islamic Penal Code) is mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah, it is not spelt out in great detail with regards to the context and conditions.
So it was left to scholars to deliberate on these.
“Scholars do not always agree so they have different interpretations of things. So which interpretation should you favour? These are not divine.’’
On RUU355, Dr Asri says, the politicians supporting it keep saying it is not the hudud.
“If it is not hudud, then surely we Muslims are allowed to criticise and give our views. So why is it that whoever criticises RUU355 is labelled as going against Islam? How is it that if you oppose the amendments you are said to oppose Allah’s Laws?
“And what are Allah’s Laws? Does it mean that if you increase the penalty for an offence from RM5,000 to RM100,000 that it now becomes Allah’s Law?’’
Dr Asri says even within the country, there are differences from state to state in the way Islamic matters, including polygamy, is dealt with, “so we must be very careful about calling something ‘Allah’s Law’.’’
For him, discussion and debate are essential when looking into the dimension of punishment, because it is not only about implementation but also the conditions, the context, and suitability.
He points out that in the Quran, there is a verse, Surah Al Anfal, which talks about the spoils of war and how they should be distributed, with fighters entitled to their share of them too. But he points out that this is not implemented today, because even though it is in the Quran, the wars of today are different from those in the early days; and soldiers now are paid salaries and allowances.
“Defending the country is jihad (a noble struggle) but we don’t hear any political party in the country asking for a spoils of war law to be implemented because the context in today’s world is different.’’
In a jibe at PAS, he says, “tens of years ago’’ they used to label other Muslims who were not with them as “infidels’’, they described the Federal Constitution as a “Jahiliyah” Constitution (Constitution of Ignorance) and warned Muslims against wishing non-Muslims during their religious festivals because for them that was tantamount to leaving the Muslim faith.
But, he says, PAS has backpedalled now on what it said previously and today it says it upholds the Federal Constitution.
“Allah’s Law should never be politicised. It is difficult when political parties come in and play a role in what they deem is Islamic law.
“When religion is politicised, the discussion is no longer fresh and not the sort that can stimulate rational thinking and a healthy discourse.’’
Dr Asri questions: Why do Muslims have a mentality that says, in order to be Islamic the hand of someone who steals has to be amputated?
This kind of mentality is wrong, he says, adding that these kinds of Muslims understand Islam in a closed-off, secluded and non-holistic manner.
“It is like the IS (Islamic State) mentality, where they think of only punishing and not about developing the place.’’
For him, it is wrong to give the world the impression that justice in a Muslim country is served “when we cut off the hands of those who steal, whip those who commit adultery and punish those who drink alcohol’’ and that “this is what showcases the beauty of Islam’’.
Dr Asri says Islam is all about better welfare for the people, spiritual development, strengthening family bonds, and ensuring peace and harmony in society.
And he points out that the Government has already taken action to do a number of these, such as building schools and universities and giving people an education, which is something sought by the religion.
He says there are many things which could have been brought before Parliament, such as how to inculcate the beauty and mercy of Islam into education and the economy.
“But in tens of years in parliament, they (PAS) never even brought these up and focused instead on labelling other Muslims infidels, and having two imams during prayers (because they refused to be led in prayers by an Umno imam).”
He points out that Muslim countries with renowned scholars such as Egypt, Kuwait and Qatar have never discussed implementing hudud, and countries like Pakistan, Sudan and Nigeria that tried to implement it have stopped, because in today’s world, people and conditions are different.
He also says that in Islam there should never be double standards in implementing a law.
“I fear that a person who steals a car will get his hand amputated but a nobleman who steals millions will not get his hand amputated.’’
He questions what such a thing would do to the fabric of society and the image of Islam.
Dr Asri says if a Muslim faces amputation for a theft and non-Muslims do not, that would not help create harmony and peace within society because there are two sets of laws for the same crime.
He fears if such laws are enacted and implemented in an unjust manner, it will cause Muslims to leave the faith.
“Muslims don’t need this right now.
“There are many other issues that we should be looking into, such as the issue of good governance, the environment and corruption. We should also be looking at issues that help women, such as expediting divorce cases, because there are a number of cases where women in the midst of getting a divorce are left hanging for years without their cases being resolved. I think all these matters should be sorted out first otherwise people will feel that Islam is unjust to women.
“For me, if the amendments to RUU355 are not going to result in good, let us postpone them and focus on our priorities.’’ ... b0aXlKEcfYuxsPsO.99



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Post time 20-2-2017 10:24 AM | Show all posts
surat nikah (marriage licence)

tf is marriage license ???? bkn cert ke????

sampah nya editor....

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Post time 20-2-2017 10:26 AM | Show all posts
Dr Maza ni kapir ke?
Pendapat peribadi aku sebijik macam dr maza punya. siapa sangka..

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Post time 20-2-2017 10:31 AM | Show all posts
maza ni penyokong ahok
klu ikut otak PAS Perok

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Post time 20-2-2017 10:39 AM | Show all posts
finesse replied at 20-2-2017 10:26 AM
Dr Maza ni kapir ke?
Pendapat peribadi aku sebijik macam dr maza punya. siapa sangka..

ko ni dr maza ke?

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Post time 20-2-2017 10:44 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
say no to sunni

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Post time 20-2-2017 10:48 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
saya muslim dan saya tolak ruu355..pandangan sedari awal sama je mcm maza.

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Post time 20-2-2017 10:52 AM | Show all posts
ruu355 ru bagus.
tapi ada benda lebih penting utk kita laksanakan.
- kuburkan umngok.

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Post time 20-2-2017 11:09 AM | Show all posts
Perkara paling otama adalah membebaskan minda masarakat dan rakyat daripada teros-meneros diracuni olih pahaman ekstrimism, jumud dan sempit.

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Post time 20-2-2017 11:15 AM | Show all posts
sorang lagi teamahok

Tonjolkan keindahan Islam, bukan sekadar hukuman - Dr Juanda
Ashwad Ismail, Astro Awani | Februari 20, 2017 07:00 MYT
[url=whatsapp://send?text=Tonjolkan+keindahan+Islam%2C+bukan+sekadar+hukuman+-+Dr+Juanda%20 ... an-dr-juanda-132994][/url]

Dr Juanda antara lain turut mengulas mengenai pandangan seorang tokoh ilmuan dan falsafah Islam, Dr Tariq Ramadan yang berpendapat dunia Islam sekarang sedang melalui revolusi intelektual secara senyap. - Gambar hiasan

KUALA LUMPUR: Bekas Mufti Perlis, Dr Juanda Jaya menyarankan agar semua orang Islam di Malaysia memberi fokus kepada menonjolkan keindahan Islam sebagai agama yang melengkapi segenap aspek kehidupan.

Beliau yang juga Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Jemoreng menegaskan, semua orang perlu menggali semula sejarah pada peringkat awal Islam dibawa oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW dan para sahabat.

"Mereka datang dalam bentuk memberikan penawaran kepada manusia untuk berfikir.

"Mereka tidak hanya fokus kepada bagaimana untuk menghukum manusia, tetapi Rasulullah SAW fokus kepada mengajar bagaimana seseorang manusia itu hidup sebagai insan yang dikehendaki oleh Allah SWT, ruang untuk memajukan kehidupan dan menyebarkan keadilan dan kesaksamaan dalam kalangan manusia," katanya semasa ditemu bual dalam Hari Ini 8 pada Ahad.

Pada masa yang sama, Dr Juanda berhujah, orang Islam secara umumnya berhadapan dengan dilema.

"Bercakap mengenai hukuman, ini dilema yang dihadapi oleh Muslim, kadang-kadang kita lupa kita ada akhirat dan hukuman adalah satu juzuk yang terlalu kecil daripada sebuah agama sedangkan agama Islam itu lebih besar," katanya.

Dr Juanda antara lain turut mengulas mengenai pandangan seorang tokoh ilmuan dan falsafah Islam, Dr Tariq Ramadan yang berpendapat dunia Islam sekarang sedang melalui revolusi intelektual secara senyap.

Masyarakat Islam di peringkat global sedang meniti arus perubahan yang menyaksikan Islam tidak lagi terperangkap dengan acuan baik daripada orang Arab mahu pun acuan patriarki Asia atau kerangka pemikiran blok barat.
Menurut Dr Juanda, fokus di peringkat global adalah agar kembali kepada asas Islam itu dan sekali gus ditonjolkan sebagai agama rahmat dan bukan sebagai agama yang sempit yang berkisar hukum-menghukum semata-mata.

"Bukan sekadar kepada kulit tetapi isinya. Ia lebih kepada bagaimana Islam itu dipersembahkan dalam bentuk perjuangan menegakkan pendidikan, keadilan sosial, ekonomi, pentadbiran, bernegara dan bermasyarakat," ujarnya.


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Post time 20-2-2017 11:17 AM | Show all posts
bangcak replied at 20-2-2017 10:52 AM
ruu355 ru bagus.
tapi ada benda lebih penting utk kita laksanakan.
- kuburkan umngok.

ya betul...anda dipersilakan masuk kubur sendiri...

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Post time 20-2-2017 11:23 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sunggguh setuju dgn dr.m

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Post time 20-2-2017 11:24 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
well said Dr.Maza...

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Post time 20-2-2017 11:38 AM | Show all posts
kuciwa lak tgk tuan mopti kl join sekali perarakan ruu hudud tempoh hari wlpn dia dan mufti perlis antara yg ku respek kerana pendapat mereka yg fair dan 'moderates'

even mufti pahang & perak yg kontroversi tu pun tak join sekaki

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Post time 20-2-2017 11:46 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
atira replied at 20-2-2017 03:15 AM
sorang lagi teamahok

Tonjolkan keindahan Islam, bukan sekadar hukuman - Dr Juanda

Juanda dan asri memang selalu sependapat iols suka dgr kalau ceramah dia

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Post time 20-2-2017 12:47 PM | Show all posts
well said Dr MAZA

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Post time 20-2-2017 12:52 PM | Show all posts
Simunggu replied at 20-2-2017 11:17 AM
ya betul...anda dipersilakan masuk kubur sendiri...

br1m da dpt ke blom???


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Post time 20-2-2017 01:06 PM | Show all posts
Tak habis habis lagi bangsa ni dengan isu hudud? Sengal ttak habis habis!

Lebih baik fikirkan macamana cara nak memajukan ummat, nak memajukan negara, ajar ummah pengotor pprt jadi pembersih,

Jadi seperti Singapura pun dah cukup.

Bila lobai sengal nak ajak sekali  ummah jadi seperti mereka, annak biar ramai walaupun hidup dalam keadaan daif dan kotor. Ini semua salah lobai sengal laba!

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Post time 20-2-2017 01:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ini demo lebih nak menunjukkan kekuatan sokongan kpd parti pis.
Sah sah penyokong pandap dan cap bunga mahadir sentap.  

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Post time 20-2-2017 01:08 PM | Show all posts
Apa yang hudud boleh bagi pada negara Malaysia? Apa yang lobai sengal boleh bagi pada negara Malaysia?  

Hudud tak habis habis.

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