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Definition of woo-woo
:dubiously or outlandishly mystical, supernatural, or unscientific
And she has written a book … in which she dismisses what she calls "woo-woo spirituality" in favor of some straight talk on living with loss … —Linda Richman
Energy beams from the eyes certainly sounds like woo-woo stuff … —Steve Blow
— woo-woo noun
One man's woo-woo, of course, is another's deeply held belief system. —Julia Moskin
NEW! Time Traveler
First Known Use: 1992 |
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kadult (noun) : a person who is technically an adult due to age but still acts like a child |
alt-left (noun) : a radical group with far left democratic views |
phantomtastic (adjective) : phenomenal, excellent |
aquafaba (noun) : water in which beans, especially chick peas, have been cooked |
sportauranteur (noun) : an athlete who owns a restaurant |
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Category: Belia & Informasi