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[Pelbagai] Empayar Lemuria

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Post time 10-1-2019 10:22 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Tamadun Mu, atau La Mu Raya atau Lemuria, merupakan sebuah dongeng berkenaan sebuah benua besar yang hilang di Lautan Pasifik. Ia dipanggil Tamadun Mu kerana bahasa bangsa ini terlalu banyak penggunaan bunyi "me" atau "mu" di setiap permulaan bicara, seperti Muangen = "makan", Muatai = "mati" dan lain lain. Nama Mu digunakan pertama kali oleh [http//] dalam bukunya "The Lost Continent of Mu Motherland of Man" pada 1926. Ia merupakan dongeng sebagaimana dongengan tentang benua Atlantik dan benua

Kajian sarjana Barat[sunting | sunting sumber]
Menurut kajian Augustus Le Plongeon, kewujudan tamadun ini dicerita secara dongengan dalam tulisan kaum Maya di Yucatan, Mexico. Telah dikesan sejarah tamadunnya lebih lama dari Tamadun Yunani, Tamadun Mesir, Tamadun China dan lain lain.
Penemuan[sunting | sunting sumber]
Penemuan binaan susunan batu bawah laut seakan-akan tangga dan tersusun baik (walaupun disanggah ilmuan arkeologi yang lain kononnya kebetulan kerana pergerakan kerak bumi. Serta penemuan ukiran tulisan simbolik oleh saintis Jepun di binaan yang tenggelam atau dikenali sebagai Yonaguni oleh dongengan Jepun. Selain itu terdapat juga misteri pembinaan patung-patung menyerupai kepala besar beribu-ribu tan di pulau Easter.



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Post time 10-1-2019 10:29 AM | Show all posts
kalau dah ada penemuan tu boleh jadi mmg wujud Tamadun Mu ni..

dlu pernah belaja gak tamadun dunia masa STPM tapi x fokus sgt



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Post time 10-1-2019 10:33 AM | Show all posts
ada lagi detail tak pasal tamadun ni TT, gambar ke?

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Post time 10-1-2019 10:40 AM | Show all posts
Edited by seribulan at 10-1-2019 09:46 AM

kucingitam replied at 10-1-2019 09:33 AM
ada lagi detail tak pasal tamadun ni TT, gambar ke?


Kumari Kandam or Lemuria – The Continent which sank in the Sea


Once there was a land territory or continent in the Indian Ocean where people lived there. The land territory is known as Lemuria or Kumarikkottam or Kumari Kandam. The Land perished by drowning in the Ocean due to some geological change or catastrophe.
The south side of the earth, now being the Indian Ocean was once a vast landmass which is called as “Lemuria”. It is considered that human life originated in the Lemuriya. Lemu means “life” or “parts of the body”. Many geologists have done researches and have said that life has originated in “Lemuria”. The English Scholar William Scott Elliot confirms in his Book, “The Lost Lemuria”, that there was a land territory in the present Indian Ocean and people were living there. He even included a map of Lemuria in his book.
The multilingual poet K. Appathurai has published a book in Tamil named “ Kumari Kandam Allathu Kadal Konda Thennaadu ” regarding his rare research about Lemuria.
Ernst Haeckel claimed that Lemuria was the home of the first humans and not only that, the Lemuria was also the cradle of human civilization.

We can see that the opinions stated by the English Scholars matches with our Tamil Grammatical and Literary Books.
In some Tamil literature’s, we can read that in south of Kanyakumari, there were 49 Kingdoms named Ezhu Thengu Nadu, Ezhu Panai Nadu etc. and they perished due to Tsunami. Also the Mountain in that land was known as “Kumari Malai” and from which flowed the rivers called as “Kumari Aaru” and “Pahruli Aaru”. We can also come to know about cities like “Thenmadurai” and “Kabadapuram”.
Devaneya Pavanar, a prominent Tamil author who had written 35 books, claims that Tamil language originated in Lemuria or Kumari Kandam. Also Lemuria was the cradle of civilization and place of origin of languages.
Many Tamil writers in 1920s popularized the concept of Lemuria linking it with Kumari Kandam. But according to the modern science, Lemuria is a Pseudo-scientific concept. Some accepts Lemuria and others say it as just a mere fiction.
My request is that the actual truth should be brought forward doing researches by Geologists, Scientists and Scholars. Until that, we have to wait. But with the present research works, we can be proud that the human life originated in the land that was attached with our Kanyakumari District.

Lemuria in Wikipedia.



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 Author| Post time 10-1-2019 10:49 AM | Show all posts
Edited by SpanishOlives at 10-1-2019 10:52 AM

Lemuria/Mu merupakan peradaban kuno yg muncul terlebih dahulu sebelum peradaban Atlantis. Para peneliti menempatkan era peradaban Lemuria disekitar periode 75000 SM – 11000 SM. Jika kita lihat dari periode itu, Bangsa Atlantis dan Lemuria seharusnya pernah hidup bersama selama ribuan tahun lamanya.
Gagasan Benua Lemuria terlebih dahulu eksis dibanding peradaban Atlantis dan Mesir Kuno dapat kita peroleh penjelasannya dari sebuah karya Augustus Le longeon (1826-1908), seorang peneliti dan penulis pada abad ke-19 yang mengadakan penelitian terhadap situs-situs purbakala peninggalan Bangsa Maya di Yucatan. Informasi tersebut diperoleh setelah keberhasilannya menter- jemahkan beberapa lembaran catatan kuno peninggalan Bangsa Maya.
Hingga saat ini, letak dari Benua Lemuria pada masa silam masih menjadi sebuah kontroversi, namun berdasarkan bukti arkeologis dan beberapa teori yang dikemukakan oleh para peneliti, kemungkinan besar peradaban tersebut berlokasi di Samudera Pasifik (disekitar Indonesia sekarang).
Banyak arkeologi mempercayai bahwa Easter Island yang misterius itu merupakan bagian dari Benua Lemuria. Hal ini jika dipandang dari ratusan patung batu kolosal yang mengitari pulau dan beberapa catatan kuno yang terukir pada beberapa artifak yang mengacu pada bekas-bekas peninggalan peradaban maju pada masa silam.

[size=12.3704px]Struktur di bawah permukaan air yang dianggap sebagai tinggalan Mu, berhampiran [size=12.3704px]Yonaguni[size=12.3704px], [size=12.3704px]Jepun



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Post time 10-1-2019 11:28 AM | Show all posts
thank you TT & seribulan


no prob :)  Post time 10-1-2019 12:09 PM

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Post time 10-1-2019 12:11 PM | Show all posts

Asal Orang Melayu dari Atlantis!

BENUA SUNDA 14,000 - 30,000 tahun dahulu semasa zaman ais.
30 Oktober 2016

TIADA perkataan yang lebih tepat untuk kita memahami siapa dan apa itu Melayu selain memahami bait-bait puisi bertajuk "Melayu" yang dikarang oleh Sasterawan Negara tersohor, Usman Awang.

Sememangnya apa yang diungkap oleh Usman dalam puisinya itu sangat bertepatan dan sinonim dengan ciri-ciri dan sifat orang Melayu itu sendiri.

Apatah lagi apa yang cuba disampaikan beliau melalui puisinya itu begitu menggamit kebenaran selain membuktikan kehebatan bangsa ini berdiri di atas kakinya dalam menyelusuri dan mencipta sejarah bangsanya.

Antara bait puisinya yang begitu terkesan bagi mereka yang bernama Melayu;

Dalam sejarahnya
Melayu itu pengembara lautan
Melorongkan jalur sejarah
Begitu luas daerah sempadan
Sayangnya kini segala
Melayu itu kaya falsafahnya
Kias kata bidal pusaka
Akar budi bersulamkan daya
Gedung akal laut bicara

Namun kini agak malang bagi orang Melayu itu sendiri yang sehingga kini masih terdapat mereka yang alpa malah lebih menyedihkan ada juga yang malu tentang asal usul bangsanya.

Apatah lagi terdapat beberapa teori menyatakan bahawa bangsa Melayu itu bukan bangsa teras dan berasal dari China khususnya Yunnan atau New Guinea. Dengan itu ada antara orang Melayu itu sendiri berasa malu dan terasing dengan dirinya sebagai Melayu.
Namun hakikatnya, asal usul orang Melayu memang seringkali menimbulkan polemik serta perdebatan dalam kalangan ahli akademik dunia. Ada pelbagai teori mengenai asal usul orang Melayu. Sehingga kini dikatakan ada tiga teori utama yang telah diketahui umum mengenai asal usul orang Melayu.

Teori pertama mengenai asal usul orang Melayu adalah berdasarkan teori penghijrahan beramai-ramai orang Melayu yang menggunakan sampan dari daerah Yunnan di selatan China dan keluar melalui Sungai Mekong ke Laut Cina Selatan. Ia dikenali sebagai "Teori Keluar Dari Yunnan" dan dikemukakan pada tahun 1890.

Teori kedua, yang dikemukakan pada tahun 1965, mengatakan orang Melayu seorang pelayar yang unggul, yang bekerja sebagai kelasi kapal dan buruh untuk para pedagang antarabangsa yang terdiri daripada orang Arab, China dan India selama lebih 2,000 tahun yang lalu. Teori ini yang digelar "Keluar Dari New Guinea", dikemukakan pada tahun 1965.

Akibat interaksi dan perkahwinan campur dengan bangsa India, China dan Arab, mereka selepas itu menjadi maju lalu menubuhkan sebuah bangsa baharu yang dikenali sebagai bangsa Melayu. Teori ini dilihat paling menghina orang Melayu kerana kekurangan bukti dan kajian saintifik mengenainya selain hanya sekadar mampu menjadi hamba dan buruh bagi bangsa lain.

Teori ketiga dan paling popular dalam kalangan orang ramai, ialah "Teori Keluar dari Taiwan" yang berdasarkan teori lingustik dan bukti arkeologi. Teori ini mengatakan bahawa orang Melayu-Polynesian atau Astronesian atau rumpun Melayu berasal daripada Taiwan. Teori ini yang turut dikenali "Teori Kereta Api Ekpress ke Polynesia", mengatakan orang Melayu, telah keluar daripada Taiwan sejak 6,000 tahun dahulu, dan kemudiannya mereka bertebaran ke serata dunia.

Mereka dikatakan merantau dari Pulau Madagascar di Timur sehinggakan ke Pulau Easter di Barat, dan dari Jepun di utara sehinggakan ke New Zealand di selatan. Teori ini dipelopori oleh Peter Bellwood, seorang pakar lingustik dan disokong bukti arkeologi oleh Eusibio Dizon. Teori ini dikemukakan kepada dunia pada tahun 1997, dengan terbitnya buku The Austronesian oleh Peter Bellwood dan Eusibio Dizon.
Namun terdapat satu lagi teori yang telah dikemukakan 20 tahun lalu oleh pakar antropologi Profesor Wan Hashim Wan Teh dan pakar arkeologi Profesor Nik Hassan Suhaimi Nik Abdul Rahman.

Bangsa teras

Menjadikan kajian ini lebih kukuh dan diterima sebagai paling tepat tentang asal usul Melayu ialah apabila beberapa sarjana Barat turut menyokong dapatan tersebut.

Dr. Steven Oppenheimer, pakar Paleontologi Wilhelm G. Solheim dan Professor Arysio Nunes dos Santos telah mengambil bukti-bukti geologi dan mitologi, dan digabungkan dengan bukti arkeologi, genetik dan linguistik bersetuju untuk mengatakan, orang Melayu sebenarnya berasal dari sebuah tamadun yang hilang, yang dinamakan Benua Melayu Sunda atau Tamadun Sunda. Bangsa ini hakikatnya telah wujud sejak 15,000 tahun Sebelum Masihi berdasarkan kajian mereka.
Lebih membanggakan orang Melayu itu bukan sahaja bangsa teras malah dikatakan Benua Sunda Melayu itu juga adalah benua tamadun Atlantis yang hilang.

Perkara ini telah dinyatakan oleh Oppenheimer dalam bukunya bertajuk, Eden in the East, The Drowned Continent of Southeast Asia keluaran tahun 1999. Beliau yang juga tenaga pengajar di Universiti Oxford turut mengemukakan teori bahawa migrasi moyang kepada rumpun Melayu dari kabilah Negrito, Asli Semang dan Senoi adalah secara terus menerus dari benua Afrika melalui Timur Tengah ke benua Melayu Sunda.
Berdasarkan kajian yang dibuat oleh Prof. Wan Hashim, Prof. Nik Hassan dan Zaharah Sulaiman dalam bukunya; Sejarah Tamadun Melayu, Asal Usul Melayu, Induknya di Benua Sunda, kedudukan Asia Tenggara kuno ketika Zaman Ais bukan seperti yang ada sekarang.

Malah Asia Tenggara kuno disatukan oleh Pentas Sunda yang menghubungkan Sumatera, Semenanjung Tanah Melayu, Jawa, Borneo dan Filipina. Asia Tenggara ketika itu bercantum sebagai satu benua dengan tanah besar Asia dan Pentas Sahul yang menghubungkan Australia.
Dengan perairannya yang cetek dan mudah dilalui telah mewujudkan beberapa laluan penghijrahan bebas untuk manusia dan haiwan di tanah besar Asia atau apa yang dikenali pada hari ini sebagai Gugusan Kepulauan Melayu Nusantara.

Keluasan gugusan ini atau Benua Sunda dihitung dua kali lebih besar daripada Benua India. Laut Champa, Teluk Siam dan Laut Jawa ketika itu kering kontang menjadi dataran pelantar bagi menghubungkan beberapa bahagian benua tersebut.

Menurut Oppenheimer, di Benua Sunda inilah bermulanya tamadun manusia yang menyuburkan budaya-budaya hebat di China, India, Mesopotamia, Mesir dan Kepulauan Crete (Greek) kira-kira lebih 6,000 tahun lampau. Malah menurut Prof. Wan Hashim yang dipetik daripada kajian Da Silva, bangsa Melayu itu sudah wujud dan terbentuk pada 15,000 tahun Sebelum Masihi.

Maka di sini jelaslah bahawa bangsa Melayu itu bukan baharu tertubuh setelah penjajahan Barat. Atau bangsa Melayu itu hanya berpusat di Selat Melaka seperti yang didakwa oleh Anthony Reid yang sekali gus menolak "Teori Keluar Dari Taiwan" dan "Teori Dari New Guinea" yang menolak sama sekali kewujudan bangsa Melayu sebagai bangsa teras dan hanya sekadar bangsa 'menempel'.

Kajian ini turut menyimpulkan bahawa Benua Sunda Melayu ini terpisah akibat fenomena kejadian banjir magnitud besar. Akibat kejadian ini maka wujudlah kedudukan yang terdapat kini di Asia Tenggara. Malah menurut kajian Oppenheimer lagi kejadian banjir besar ini mencadangkan bahawa legenda purba Bandar Atlantis yang tenggelam itu adalah tinggalan Benua Melayu Sunda.

Apatah lagi tamadun awal di benua Sunda ini diibaratkan Eden in the East. Hal ini telah pertama kali dinyatakan oleh ahli falsafah terkenal Yunani, Plato dalam bukunya Timaeus and Critias. Beliau menyebut para penduduknya dianggap sebagai dewa atau superior tetapi telah lenyap dalam masa satu hari yang malang.

Beliau menyatakan bahawa telah berlaku berbagai kejadian letupan gunung berapi, gempa, banjir besar, pencairan ais yang menyebabkan permukaan bumi tenggelam. Dan bahagian bumi yang hilang ini disebut sebagai Atlantis. Antara lokasi yang dinyatakan sebagai Atlantis adalah di Laut Champa, utara Indonesia dan Laut Jawa.

Yang menjadi permasalahan utama adalah banyak penulisan tentang sejarah dan asal usul Melayu diterbitkan oleh bangsa asing. Mereka ini hanya menjalankan kajian berdasarkan pemahaman dari jauh dan rambang. Kemudian diberi kesimpulan dan spekulasi mengkategorikan Melayu yang berbilang suku kaum ini sebagai etnik berasingan tanpa fakta kukuh dan tiada kewajaran hipotesis dalam banyak hal.
Hakikatnya, sama ada mahu menerima realiti atau tidak kesemua mereka ini adalah sebangsa dari latar belakang rumpun yang tidak jauh beza. Dalam erti kata lain, Jawa itu Melayu, Siam itu Melayu, Moro itu Melayu, Minang itu Melayu, Dusun itu Melayu, Iban itu Melayu, Filipina itu Melayu dan Dayak itu Melayu.

Suku kaum kepada etnik bangsa Melayu adalah sebaka dan serumpun. Maka kita boleh simpulkan kesemua Melayu Asli (orang asal) ini sebenarnya tidak berasal dari Yunnan atau Taiwan. Sebaliknya orang Taiwan dan Yunnan itu sebahagian besarnya adalah berasal dari Asia Tenggara.

Akhir kata orang Melayu tidak perlu lagi malu dan berasa terasing dengan sejarahnya kerana telah terbukti kita adalah teras dan serumpun. Hanya orang luar yang memutarbelitkan sejarah.



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Post time 10-1-2019 01:56 PM | Show all posts
Edited by kubang at 10-1-2019 02:02 PM

last year ada baca buku karya hadi fayyadh, The last kingdom, membincangkan pasal bangsa yg hilang, ada kaitan dengan bangsa melayu, hebat rupanya bangsa Melayu nih...

topik yang best, agak berat sebenarnya, tapi seronok baca, even amik masa yg lama nak habiskan 1 buku, x sama macam baca novel...

dekat MPH ada jual, Misteri tamadun melayu yg hilang, Empayar lemuria...

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Post time 10-1-2019 02:03 PM | Show all posts
penah baca tapi x focus sangat.

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Post time 11-1-2019 09:56 AM | Show all posts
Ancient Civilizations: The Theories of Atlantis and LemuriaBy


The continent of Lemuria, though largely discounted by the theory of plate tectonics and the existence of other sunken continents still visible on the silty bottom of many oceans, lives on in people’s dreams. The Native American Indians have been said to be descendants of the Lemurians, as are certain tribes in Turkey, the Aboriginals and the population of Madagascar.
Believed to be located in either the Indian or Pacific oceans, according to Helena Petrovna
Blavatsky the Lemurians are the third root race making them very ancient indeed, proceeded only by the ‘Ethereals’ and Hyperboreans, each laying claim to no living descendents today. Interestingly according to Madame Blavatsky, the fifth root race – the Aryans who do have descendants alive today is now one million years old.

Lemuria according to traditional theosophy began over 34 ½ million years ago, and they were dark skinned and a loving, simple race who co-existed peacefully with the animals around them. When their continent slowly began to sink as a result of so many volcanic eruptions across the continent, the Lemurians dispersed; colonizing the neighbouring East Indies, Southern India and Africa.

The evidence, despite the lack of proof on the floors of both the Indian and Pacific oceans, centralizes around the zoologist Philip Lutley Sclater and his findings after amassing the fauna of Madagascar, finding the similarities puzzling in that they belonged not only to Africa but to India as well. Sclater surmised that there must have been a land bridge, a lost land named Lemuria after the Lemurs endemic to Madagascar.

There are many other theories surrounding Lemuria including that they later became the Aryan race in India and invented Sanskrit, and that the Maoris of New Zealand arrived from a sinking island as well as the legends of Easter Island and the continent of ‘Hiva’ that sank between the waves and many people perished.
Lemuria or Mu is also said to be the home of dragons, and the time when we truly began to move away from our more animalistic and began to evolve much faster. Some theories (mostly eccentric ones belonging to Madame Blavatsky) also assert that Lemurians were giants who laid eggs before evolving to give birth to live young as mammals do.


Lemuria is often talked about nostalgically; could this have been the human races’ lost Eden? The garden that sunk beneath the waves and the last sight we had of our primitive but loving natures? Did Lemuria sink because of our wicked sins as Blavatsky put forward, or was it a rung on the inevitable spiral in history, a civilization that was wiped out as so many have been since in order to keep trying until we get things right?


“Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life it is perhaps the greatest of God’s gifts. It is the mother of civilizations, of arts and of sciences”. ~ Freeman Dyson

The fourth race; before the Aryans but after the Lemurians were said to be the Atlanteans, rising and giving birth to the Toltec and Mongolians races and spreading out into Africa, the Americas and all of the Europe that we know today. The Atlanteans in comparison to the Lemurians were much more advanced and God-like; beautifully intelligent and ambitious.

They worshiped the sun and advanced their technologies rapidly, much as we are doing today… there is even some links between the Atlanteans and extra terrestrials, some theorizing that this race arrived from the skies in the first place.
Atlantis in mainstream history originated in our ancient minds in Greece (‘Island of Atlas’ in ancient Greek) and was written about in Allegory by Plato as a superior civilization that had transcended his ideal of a state and had launched an attack on Athens. Athens, unlike any other nation, succeeded in fighting off the state and it wasn’t long before Atlantis fell out of favour with the Gods and sunk to the bottom of the Atlantic ocean. Atlantis has also been linked to belonging to Poseidon, God of the sea and the Ancient Egyptians who apparently wrote about it in hieroglyphs.

Perhaps the association with Atlantis’ apocalyptic demise can be attributed to the continent’s association with Mayanism and the imaginations of European explorers and writers such as Sir Thomas Moore which led to the publication of such books as ‘Utopia’.
However, it is believed that the reasons that point the finger to Atlantis being a fiction are largely due to the racism surrounding these foreigners’ assumptions of the Indigenous people; that they can’t have built such magnificent structures with such a rich cultural background; no, another race must have been involved, and there the stories begin to blur.
Edgar Cayce, having tapped into the ‘Akashic Records’ when under trance channeled that many of the souls lost in Atlantis were returning and their collective consciousness was stirring through many youngsters reaching adolescence on the west coast of North America during the 60s.
Again as in the case of Lemuria, many say that the continent of Atlantis is an impossibility due to the lack of evidence on the ocean floor, but others state that, even within the geology of plate tectonics it is possible that a continent could get lost as they shift and

According to Madame Blavatsky the fall of Atlantis occurred because the Atlanteans were playing God; their technologies surpassing their soul connection, they were breeding human-animal chimeras to use as sex slaves and messing around with genetic modification and cloning… the latter sounding alarmingly similar to what is going on today. Having been telepathically warned that the continent would sink, many of the inhabitants of Atlantis fled, setting sail on ships before the final submergence in 9,564 BC from a violent series of earthquakes.
Was Atlantis simply a figment of Plato’s imagination, spurred by nationalistic pride when writing about his beloved Athens, or are there fragments of truth in these ancient myths, passed down and swirled about in the sands of time… Are we heading for the same fate? Or will we merely continue on, ever-evolving and seeking out new answers yet always returning once more to search the bottom of the murky ocean floors.

Further reading:

Atlantis & Lemuria

Image Source:

Lost civilizations



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Post time 11-1-2019 09:58 AM | Show all posts
macam-macam ada...

                                        Atlantis, Lemuria & Maldek

The asteroid belt is all that remains of the planet Maldek

The account below has been adapted for this website from the Introduction to The Nine Freedoms by Dr. George King. This is the story of our past lives in Atlantis, Lemuria, and even before we came to Earth.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago there was another planet in this Solar System, about the size of Earth, which made its orbit between Mars and Jupiter. It was a green prosperous world inhabited by a people who had not reached a state of really advanced culture, but had nevertheless attained a stage which afforded an abundance of necessities which made life comparatively comfortable for all.

They studied the philosophies and dabbled in the sciences as do we, except that these people were more advanced in many ways than we are. The planet was so highly mechanized that robots took care of all the menial tasks. The inhabitants had discovered a rudimentary form of space travel, and could control their weather so that drought and famine became long forgotten. The majority, having an abundance of food, and having no menial tasks to perform, soon became content to while away their time in the sun. They became, in comparison with higher planetary cultures, a selfish, lackadaisical people seeking after their own enjoyment, as do the majority of people on Earth today.
Then the disease came.

It probably started subtly in the minds of those few men of science who shunned the procrastinating majority, in a fervent search for material conquest, thus leaving themselves open to the incurable affliction.

The mental disease manifested itself as a lust for greater power.
They found it!

They exploded a hydrogen bomb and completely destroyed the planet Maldek and murdered the whole populace in one blinding flash of searing flame. All that is now left of that beautiful planet is the asteroid belt.
The people who inhabited Maldek were suddenly released onto their different etheric planes. According to the perfect law of karma, these people had to reincarnate again, under strict limitation, upon another planet in the Solar System. The Earth was approached.
The Gods made an appeal to the Earth as an intelligence, asking if she would be willing to take compassion upon the killers of Maldek and agree to their reincarnation upon her back. In her great merciful compassion, she agreed, thereby accepting thousands of years of limitation so that these lesser life forms could gain essential experience. The Gods then approached the true inhabitants of Earth, a highly cultured race of individuals called – Adamic man, who also agreed to cooperate with the coming to Earth of the people from Maldek.
Gradually those too lazy to stop the shocking cosmic crime of the destruction of Maldek and those who had actually brought it about, were reincarnated upon Earth. Adamic man stayed for a time giving instruction, guidance and help – and then, in accordance with Divine law, left the new inhabitants of Earth to their own devices.

Out of the gross limitation of atomic mutation the civilization of Lemuria (also known as Mu) dragged its weary self. The Earth became somewhat similar to what Maldek had been. The people began to probe the philosophies and the sciences again, and the Lemurian civilization flourished.
At its peak, it was a civilization of much finer culture than we know on Earth today. The Lemurians established a liaison between themselves and advanced intelligences from other planets, who taught them a great deal.
But alas, the disease struck again.
Lemuria was split into two camps: good and evil, the later camp again probing the atom. For the second time, the forces within God’s tiny building blocks were unleashed – and the civilization of Lemuria was destroyed.

Again those left were born through gross limitation on and off a world seething with radioactive poisoning until, eventually, after thousands of years, another semblance of culture came into being, and, slowly at first, then later gaining momentum, the civilization of Atlantis flourished upon Earth. Again space travel was established. Again some listened to the voice of wisdom coming from higher sources, and there was a split into three definite camps. The few, searching for a force to give them conquest over the whole Solar System, the majority not caring much, because they were content to live in their procrastinations, and the other few, who had proved themselves ready for the higher teachings and possessed the logic and faith to accept the voice of higher authority.
Again the minds of the sadistic minority invented atomic weaponry.

As had happened at the time of the fall of Lemuria, those who were ready for evacuation just prior to the devastation that was to follow, were taken off the Earth by the Gods from space. Meanwhile, those beset with greed and lust for material supremacy, warred with each other. As neither side could win such an atomic war – down fell the civilization of Atlantis into charred radioactive ruins.
Today, again the forces of the atom have been unleashed. Again the world is divided against itself.
Let us not make the same mistake a fourth time!

* * *

It should also be noted that after the destruction of Lemuria, the Gods saw fit to place a barrier around the Earth called by some “the ring-pass-not”. In scientific terms this barrier is called “the ionosphere”. After the destruction of Atlantis, the ionosphere was greatly intensified. This intensification tended to cut man off from the higher forms of inspiration, making advancement so much more difficult. This move had to be brought about according to karmic law.

This is a very brief history of why we are here upon Earth and why we are at the bottom of the evolutionary ladder in this Solar System. No other people in the Solar System have committed the worst possible crime, namely that of murdering a planetary intelligence.
Although we stand today in a position similar to that before Maldek was destroyed, there is one major difference between the two situations and that is this: the Supreme Lords of Karma have now declared, that under no account will the planet Earth herself be destroyed.



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Post time 11-1-2019 08:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
SpanishOlives replied at 10-1-2019 10:49 AM
Lemuria/Mu merupakan peradaban kuno yg muncul terlebih dahulu sebelum peradaban Atlantis. Para penel ...

Betul ke bangsa atlantis tu dikaitkan dengan bangsa melayu...

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Post time 11-1-2019 08:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kubang replied at 10-1-2019 01:56 PM
last year ada baca buku karya hadi fayyadh, The last kingdom, membincangkan pasal bangsa yg hilang,  ...

Sya pernah baca yg bangsa melayu ni adalah satu bangsa hebat tetapi segala kehebatan melayu telah dipadamkan didalam sejarah...the last kingdom satu buku yg sya baca yg telah membuka mata sya yg melayu itu adalah satu bangsa yg hebat...

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Post time 11-1-2019 08:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Harap kita semua boleh berkongsi pengetahuan sbb sya suka membaca tentang kewujudan bangsa2 dahulu yg hilang...kehebatan dan kecanggihan teknologi mereka.....

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Post time 11-1-2019 09:29 PM | Show all posts
Redvelvet3 replied at 11-1-2019 08:32 PM
Sya pernah baca yg bangsa melayu ni adalah satu bangsa hebat tetapi segala kehebatan melayu telah  ...

Saya suka baca buku karya hadi fayyadh, start follow ig dia after baca buku ketika azazil berputus asa...
Awk blh cuba baca buku ni ‘Bila Solomon Temple Menggantikan Al aqsa’.....ok jugak

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Post time 12-1-2019 01:19 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Menarik thread ni, tahniah tt

@KILL_NANCY Kumari Kandam....kumari tuu

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Post time 12-1-2019 02:35 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kubang replied at 11-1-2019 09:29 PM
Saya suka baca buku karya hadi fayyadh, start follow ig dia after baca buku ketika azazil berputus ...

Ok kubang nanti sya tgok kat ig dia...boleh kan bca buku mcm ni.....

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Post time 12-1-2019 02:47 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
1. Penjelajahan, ekspedisi, migrasi, perkembangan tamadun manusia yg paling utama adalah melalui jalan darat.
2. Perubahan bentuk muka bumi boleh memecahkan benua kpd pulau2
3. Org asal, tamadun tertua disesuatu kwsn boleh dilihat melalui paras rupa, bentuk badan, warna kulit. Eg: org asal dikhatulistiwa mempunyai banyak persamaan ciri2 tersebut.



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Post time 12-1-2019 06:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hibernation replied at 12-1-2019 01:19 AM
Menarik thread ni, tahniah tt

@KILL_NANCY Kumari Kandam....kumari tuu

wowww.untunglah kak.patutlah akak ada kuasa sakti.

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Post time 13-1-2019 06:54 PM | Show all posts
Edited by seribulan at 13-1-2019 05:58 PM

Lemuria: The Fabled Lost Continent That Turned Out To Be Real — AlmostBy William DeLong
Published April 15, 2018

For decades, scientists offered wild theories about the fabled lost continent of Lemuria in the Indian Ocean. Then, in 2013, scientists actually found some evidence.
]Edouard Riou/New York Public LibraryA hypothetical rendering of Lemuria from 1893.

Forget all you know about plate tectonics, evolution, and the study of DNA for a moment. Back in the mid-1800s, a few scientists working from scant evidence decided there must have been a lost continent in the Indian Ocean and they called it Lemuria.

    On this lost continent, some even thought, there once lived a race of now-extinct humans called Lemurians who had four arms and enormous, hermaphroditic bodies but nevertheless are the ancestors of modern-day humans (and perhaps also lemurs).

And as absurd as this all sounds, the idea flourished for a time both in popular culture and some corners of the scientific community. Of course, modern science has long since debunked the idea of Lemuria altogether.
But then, in 2013, geologists discovered evidence of a lost continent precisely where Lemuria was said to have existed and the old theories started cropping up once again.

Wikimedia CommonsPhilip Lutley Sclater (left) and Ernst Haeckel.

Lemuria theories first became popular in 1864, when British lawyer and zoologist Philip Lutley Sclater wrote a paper titled “The Mammals of Madagascar” and had it published in the The Quarterly Journal of Science. Sclater observed that there were many more species of lemur in Madagascar than there were in either Africa or India, thus claiming that Madagascar was the animal’s original homeland.

Moreover, he proposed that what had allowed lemurs to first migrate to India and Africa from Madagascar long ago was a now-lost landmass stretching across the southern Indian Ocean in a triangular shape. This continent of “Lemuria,” Sclater suggested, touched India’s southern point, southern Africa, and western Australia and eventually sunk to the ocean floor.

This theory came at a time when the science of evolution was in its infancy, notions of continental drift weren’t widely accepted, and many prominent scientists were using land bridge theories to explain how various animals once migrated from one place to another (a theory similar to Sclater’s had even been proposed by French naturalist étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire two decades earlier). Thus, Sclater’s theory gained some traction.

Soon, other noted scientists and authors took the Lemuria theory and ran with it. Later in the 1860s, German biologist Ernst Haeckel began publishing work claiming that Lemuria was what allowed humans to first migrate out of Asia (believed by some at the time to be the birthplace of humanity) and into Africa.

Haeckel even suggested that Lemuria (a.k.a. “Paradise”) may have been the very cradle of humankind itself. As he wrote in 1870:

“The probable primeval home or ‘Paradise’ is here assumed to be Lemuria, a tropical continent at present lying below the level of the Indian Ocean, the former existence of which in the tertiary period seems very probable from numerous facts in animal and vegetable geography.”

]Library of CongressA hypothetical map (believed to originate with Ernst Haeckel) depicting Lemuria as the cradle of humankind, with arrows indicating the theorized spread of various human subgroups outward from the lost continent. Circa 1876.

With help from Haeckel, Lemuria theories persisted throughout the 1800s and into the early 1900s (often discussed alongside the myth of Kumari Kandam, a proposed lost continent in the Indian Ocean that once housed a Tamil civilization). This was before modern science discovered ancient human remains in Africa that suggested that continent was actually the cradle of humankind. This was also before modern seismologists understood how plate tectonics moved the once-connected continents away from each other into their present forms.

Without such knowledge, many continued to embrace the notion of Lemuria, especially after Russian occultist, medium, and author Elena Blavatskaja published The Secret Doctrine in 1888. This book proposed the idea that there were once seven ancient races of humanity and that Lemuria had been the home of one of them. This 15-foot-tall, four-armed, hermaphroditic race flourished alongside the dinosaurs, Blavatskaja said. Fringe theories even suggested that these Lemurians evolved into the lemurs we have today.

Afterward, Lemuria understandably found its way into novels, movies, and comic books well into the 1940s. Many people saw these works of fiction and wondered where authors and filmmakers got these fanciful ideas. Well, they got their ideas from scientists and writers about 75 years before.

[size=0.75]Sofitel So Mauritius/FlickrMauritius

Fast forward to 2013. Any scientific theories of a lost continent and land bridge responsible for the migration of lemurs is gone. However, geologists have now discovered traces of a lost continent in the Indian Ocean. Scientists found fragments of granite in the ocean south of India along a shelf that extends hundreds of milessouth of the country towards Mauritius.

On Mauritius, geologists found zircon despite the fact that the island only came into being 2 million years ago when, thanks to plate tectonics and volcanoes, it slowly rose out of the Indian Ocean as a small landmass. However, the zircon they found there dated to 3 billion years ago, eons before the island had even formed.

What this meant, scientists theorized, was that the zircon had come from a much older landmass that long ago sunk into the Indian Ocean. Sclater’s story about Lemuria was true —almost. Rather than call this discovery Lemuria, geologists named the proposed lost continent Mauritia.

Based on plate tectonics and geological data, Mauritia disappeared into the Indian Ocean around 84 million years ago, when this region of Earth was still turning into the shape it holds today.
And while this generally lines up with what Sclater had once claimed, the new evidence puts the notion of an ancient race of Lemurians that evolved into lemurs to rest. Mauritia disappeared 84 million years ago, butlemurs didn’t evolve on Madagascaruntil about 54 million years ago when they swam to the island from mainland Africa (which was closer to Madagascar than it is now).

Nevertheless, Sclater and some of the other scientists of the mid-1800s were partially right about Lemuria despite their limited knowledge. A lost continent didn’t suddenly sink into the Indian Ocean and vanish without a trace. But, long ago, there was something there, something now gone forever.

After this look at the “lost continent” of Lemuria, uncover the mysteries of the legendary lost cities and sunken cities of the ancient world. Then, read up on Atlantis and some of the othergreatest mysteries in human history.



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