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Post time 9-4-2005 07:28 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Kamu berada dalam Fahrenheit 451, buku apakah kamu?

Borges' Collected Fictions.

Pernahkah kamu meminati watak fiksyen dalam novel? Siapa?

Awek dalam Maltese Falcon.

Buku terakhir kamu beli:

Cloudsplitter - Russel Banks. Detective Fiction - A collection of critical Essays, The Temple of The Golden Pavillion - Yukio Mishima, Raja Rimba Jilid 63, Leon Trotsky - Irving Howe, The Audience - Herbert Blau

Buku Terakhir kamu baca:

Farewell, My Lovely - Raymond Chandler, The Maltese Falcon - Dashiell Hammet, History of Twentieth Century Russia - Robert Service, The Eight - Katherine Neville, Philosophical Investigations - Phillip Kerr, Roseanna - Maj Sjowall & Per Wahloo

Buku yang sedang kamu baca:

Anti-Oedipus - Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, The Question Concerning Technology - Martin Heidegger, The Reckoning - Charles Nicholl, The High Window - Raymond Chandler, Islam and Postmodernism

5 Buku yang akan kamu bawa jika tersedai di pulau yang terpencil?

Collected Fictions - Borges
My Name is Red - Orhan Pamuk
Power - Michel Foucault
Autumn of the Patriarch - Gabriel Garcia Marquez

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Post time 10-4-2005 12:00 AM | Show all posts
such a tall order...have to clear my fuzzy brain first...

ps. meme....

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Post time 10-4-2005 12:30 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by seribulan at 10-4-2005 12:00 AM:
such a tall order...have to clear my fuzzy brain first...

ps. meme....

meme ni kalau antara bloggers kitaorang maksudkan macam benda-benda atau idea yg tersebar dari 1 blog ke blog yg lain...contohnya, blogger A buat 1 set of quiz, lepas tu blogger B pon buat quiz tu jugak yg diambil dr blogger A...seterusnya blogger C D etc pon dok buat mende tu...gitulah lebih kurang

aku tak tau lah kalau ada definition lain yg rasmi

leha, Gadis Klasik

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Post time 10-4-2005 10:36 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Leha. at 10/4/05 12:30 AM:

meme ni kalau antara bloggers kitaorang maksudkan macam benda-benda atau idea yg tersebar dari 1 blog ke blog yg lain...contohnya, blogger A buat 1 set of quiz, lepas tu blogger B pon buat quiz t ...

:tq::hug:tq my lebah madu Giggsy

my sedang-sedang list...

Kamu berada dalam Fahrenheit 451, buku apakah kamu?

Gone With The Wind.
卙arap menepati soalan

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Post time 10-4-2005 10:38 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Leha. at 10/4/05 12:30 AM:

meme ni kalau antara bloggers kitaorang maksudkan macam benda-benda atau idea yg tersebar dari 1 blog ke blog yg lain...contohnya, blogger A buat 1 set of quiz, lepas tu blogger B pon buat quiz t ...

:hmm:bahse apa Arab jerr...

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Post time 10-4-2005 03:06 PM | Show all posts
Buku apa yang sedang di baca

1) Emperors of the Peacock Throne: The Saga of The Great Mughals
by Abraham Eraly

2) Travels of Ibn Batutta (ed. H.R Gibbs)

3) Martin Amis - Heavy Water (Short story collection)

Buku yang paling recent di beli

Beli di Carrefoure Mid Valley last week ...sales at RM9.99 Each (for lovers of penguin classics ...ada banyak di sana )

1: Borges....Aleph
2: Fish in the Water ...Mario Vargas Llhosa (autobiog)
3: Dostoyevsky:..The Devil
4: J.M Coetzee ...Dusklands
5:John Kennedy Toole...confederacy of Dunces
6) Bulgakov..The master and margarita
7) Georges Bataille...story of the eye

Never heard of this guy...but he sounds interesting...

This is what review said about the book...

Only Georges Bataille could write, of an eyeball removed from a corpse, that "the caress of the eye over the skin is so utterly, so extraordinarily gentle, and the sensation is so bizarre that it has something of a rooster's horrible crowing." Bataille has been called a "metaphysician of evil," specializing in blasphemy, profanation, and horror. Story of the Eye, written in 1928, is his best-known work; it is unashamedly surrealistic, both disgusting and fascinating, and packed with seemingly endless violations. It's something of an underground classic, rediscovered by each new generation. Most recently, the Icelandic pop singer Bj鰎k Gu餯mundsd髏tir cites Story of the Eye as a major inspiration: she made a music video that alludes to Bataille's erotic uses of eggs, and she plans to read an excerpt for an album. Warning: Story of the Eye is graphically sexual, and is only for adults who are not easily offended.

Books that influenced me

1: Catcher in the Rye ...JD Salinger
2:Crime and Punishment...Dostoevski
3:Vincent Van Gogh...(Thames and Hudson Library of Art series)
4)Aunt Julia and the ScriptWriter....Mario Varghas Llhosa
5) The Tin Drum..Gunther Grass
6)Lolita: Nabokov
7) Dead souls...nikolai gogol

last films I watched on DVD...

1) Babette's Feast
2) Riding the Giant ( documentary about surfing the big waves..featured in 2004 Sundance film festival)

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Post time 10-4-2005 04:29 PM | Show all posts
Pernahkah kamu meminati watak fiksyen dalam novel? Siapa?
Harry Potter

Buku terakhir kamu beli:
buku2 "bundle" kat Payless

Buku Terakhir kamu baca:
The Body Farm - Pat. Cornwell

Buku yang sedang kamu baca:
Nothing Last Forever - Sydney Sheldon

5 Buku yang akan kamu bawa jika tersedai di pulau yang terpencil?
hmmm biasa yg ada dlm handbag/poket - my ppc...
- dlm tu ada POcket Quran, Harry Potter 4
- buku..? nothing specific... ambik jer kat rak yg belum baca ..

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 Author| Post time 10-4-2005 07:00 PM | Show all posts
Story of the eye tu bukannya graphically sexual tapi hardcore porno.

Nasib baik ada plot.

[ Last edited by pessoa on 10-4-2005 at 07:02 PM ]

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Post time 10-4-2005 10:39 PM | Show all posts
Porno? Ye ke mr pessoa?

that gets me definitely interested to read Battaille...

Porn ni sometimes subjective...dulu Lady chatterly's lover atau Madame Bovary pun orang kata porn...sama jugak lolita...atau anais Nin's writings (Delta of Venus etc)...

To me if it's beautifully  and artistically written...I don't care...sama jugak  dgn Films... Peter Greenaway's films setengah orang consider porn...but I think it's art....

And in paintings... pun sama...

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 Author| Post time 11-4-2005 01:50 AM | Show all posts
Well yes, the french excel in hardcore porn lit. Story of O, Lila Says, The Image and of course the mind numbingly dull Marquis de sade.

My favourite is Lila Says.

Of course if you want to try porn with a difference (meaning disgusting porn) read Houllebecq's Atomised.

My opinion: sex in art, ferget it. 99% of them are jokes. Worthless. How can you make public what is private and personal?   You can hint at it, flirt with it, but if you put it on paper, well yeah, permit me to laugh at your face.

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Post time 11-4-2005 08:44 AM | Show all posts

Well mr pessoa, you're truly a well read man....I've been meaning to find his books here since early last you know where I can get them??...I don't care if you think he is a pornographer ....He's also a racist, hates immigrants to france and above all detest Islam....sound like a very interesting read!!

As for me...with regards to reading I'm a very liberal person... with one caveat...the book or author must be literate, say something intelligently and beautifully or with 'attitude'.......

Living persons that I admire most

1: Osama ben Laden
2:Osama ben Laden
3:Osama ben Laden

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 Author| Post time 11-4-2005 02:33 PM | Show all posts
I found my copy in MPH. Three/four years ago.

Is he interesting? Perhaps. If you like depressing reads.But a man who thrive on controversy, on bombast, what, Mr Freud would ask, is he envying? Writers with issues annoy me.

Osama? The Americans should give him a few medals. He gave them Afghanistan, Iraq, and soon Iran and Syria. And yeah, manufactured fascists with agendas annoy me.

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Post time 11-4-2005 06:02 PM | Show all posts
Kamu berada dalam Fahrenheit 451, buku apakah kamu?
buku rujukan nak siapkan assignment..

Pernahkah kamu meminati watak fiksyen dalam novel? Siapa?tak berapa ingat...;)

Buku terakhir kamu beli:

Buku Terakhir kamu baca:
Juga berkaitan dgn tugas  saya..

Buku yang sedang kamu baca:
banyak...tak tersenarai.....tetapi kebanyakan berkaintan dgn tugas saya..

5 Buku yang akan kamu bawa jika tersedai di pulau yang terpencil?
mm...susah soklan ni...

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Post time 11-4-2005 06:40 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by intan at 11/4/05 06:02 PM:

woit...nak pinjammmmmmmmm....

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Post time 11-4-2005 07:53 PM | Show all posts
mr pessoa,

you're one contrarian with an attitude....

if anybody needs to know... amerika has been screwing the world for's thanks to osama to reiterate and stress the already wellknown fact...iran didn't call amerika the great satan for nothing since the early 80s.

for me it's better to love a non compromising idealist like osama than to kow tow to pissweak political party bereft of idealism and intellectually suspect  like umno...oops...sorry...this post is better suited to the local politic circus....

tell me three great authors that you hate....

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 Author| Post time 12-4-2005 02:45 AM | Show all posts
Well, at the very least Amerika can walk its talk.  

And before Amerika it was the brits. The french. The ay-rabs. How about the Malaysians, look at how they treat illegal Indonesians... Power corrupts.

Osama? Didin't he compromise with Americans? Oh yeah. He did. Iran? I love Iranians (their intellectuals are cool), but they're ruled by a bunch of Fascists in turbans and frowns. There's your great Satan there.  

Umno and PAS? Hate them both. You'll not be finding me with a ballot paper come next election. But if we were to put both on a scale, I hate PAS more. Bunch of morally bankrupt idiot fascists.

I don't hate any writers. I dislike badly witten books.

My top 3 bad books:

01. Catcher in the Rye (ya think?)
02. Old Man and the Sea
03. Something by Anna Teresa Torres
04 and yeah something by Pramoedya

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Post time 12-4-2005 01:11 PM | Show all posts
don't talk about compromise mr pessoa...every body does, every nation politician, everything under the sun compromise one way or another... it's just fact...and about PAS and  umno ...I find it always strange how a perfectly intelligent person when it comes to "Islamists"  their judgement and understanding is no worse then idoits...they never try to understand...but on the other hand they can understand  intellectually corrupt morally empty and western loving wogs and they can rationalise why these are better then the  Islamists....

to me it is a sad affair in Malaysia that we've lost our identity... we despise our own culture but find only good in others... for example , to me it's embarrasing that these pack of new wave intelligent theatre and film directors know amir muhammad and the gang etc ... are nothing more than wogs....try to think of say papua new guineans  or congolese acting the same as these western minded people ...wouldn't they look stupid... we malaysians are basically the same ..what the F***k are we doing creating literature and art in English at the expense of our own language?...and that's why I admire the late isaac besheevis singer... this guy couldn't care less...he just wrote in yiddish...

oh yes I once attended  salleh ben joned  reading and he was holding and guzzling a can of beer at the same time...what the f***k he's trying to proove...that he's a big man?... like Salman Rushdie eating ham and gloating that... look there's no bolt of thunder striking him?...I like this guys's writing and have most of his books but I won't shed a tear if some guy put a bullet between his eyes...

and about catcher in the rye.... I'm sorry you don't read it in your formative years....may be you'll feel differently then.. Bataille last night..I must agree with's porn pure and simple but it's written

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 Author| Post time 12-4-2005 11:03 PM | Show all posts
don't talk about compromise mr pessoa...every body does, every nation politician, everything under the sun compromise one way or another...

Er, not to be contrarian, but you are the one hyping compromises and Osama (see yuir wee post up there sonny). Me, I couldn't care less. Either way we get screwed.

it's just fact...and about PAS and  umno ...I find it always strange how a perfectly intelligent person when it comes to "Islamists"  their judgement and understanding is no worse then idoits...they never try to understand...but on the other hand they can understand  intellectually corrupt morally empty and western loving wogs and they can rationalise why these are better then the  Islamists...

Well, yeah better as in UMNO are the minions of the devil and PAS is the devil 'imself. I tried giving PAS a chance. Lord knows I did. The more I get to know them, the more I despise them.

The turning point was when Farish criticised PAS. What did Harun Din say in reply: Dia berniat jahat. FCUK man, how can you know someone's niat? Is Harun Din an X-Man? He has telepathy or what?

In a discourse for truth you argue against the IDEA not attack the person giving the idea. The moment you attack a person, (ad hominem) then you are not interested in truth anymore.

So forget it.  

PAS is not an Islamists party. They're nowhere near Islamist. They're in another galaxy from Islamist.

And I don't rationalize. I don't support either one. Give me a gun and I'll shoot both. But give me a bullet and I'll shoot the PAS guy.

to me it is a sad affair in Malaysia that we've lost our identity... we despise our own culture but find only good in others...for example , to me it's embarrasing that these pack of new wave intelligent theatre and film directors know amir muhammad and the gang etc ....what the F***k are we doing creating literature and art in English at the expense of our own language?...and that's why I admire the late isaac besheevis singer... this guy couldn't care less...he just wrote in yiddish...

Amir has written in Malay and his latest films (from Big Durian onwards) are in Malay. And his Malay is better than most people, in fact better than most 'sasterawan' Melayu. Both of Yasmin's movies are in Malay. What is this identity you speak of?

You write in malay. I write in Malay. But Sometimes we use the exalted language of our colonial master, so what?

Deep down, I know of only one affiliation. I am a muslim. Period.

oh yes I once attended  salleh ben joned  reading and he was holding and guzzling a can of beer at the same time...what the f***k he's trying to proove...that he's a big man?...

Salleh is the past. And he's a certified lunatic. His malay poems are good. His english poems are shit.

like Salman Rushdie eating ham and gloating that... look there's no bolt of thunder striking him?...I like this guys's writing and have most of his books but I won't shed a tear if some guy put a bullet between his eyes...

I don't care about Salman. If he doesn't want to be a muslim that's his business. And I don't care for his writing except perhaps for Midnight's Children. In fact if you read All About H. Hatter by Desani you'd see where he swiped his style from.

[ Last edited by pessoa on 12-4-2005 at 11:07 PM ]

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Post time 12-4-2005 11:34 PM | Show all posts
pessoa...don't want to argue about politics here i said...if we need to talk about this there's another monkey house of a forum in local politic...i do go there's depressing...go check out what garbage umno has least pas people there show some islamic idealism...

..anyway it's not becoming for people of your intelligence to make the kind of statement you did about harun din... your argument is precicely what i  meant by people of intelligence going retard when it comes to trying to understand the perspective of say that umno are minions of satan and pas is satan itself not only show your immaturity but well...stupidity...don't say that ever again....

... these people (islamists) have a lot of faults for sure but what you can't deny is their honest striving for islam...and about farish noor...I've followed his writings for years and this guy can be very arrogant and derisive when talking about pas...he falls into the same trap as many other wogs... a classic case of wogs behaviour...they forget that their sometimes denigrating comments can hurt the sentiments of the truly religious people ....simply said he can behave like a minor salman rushdie... and by the way i couldn't give a damn whether salman is an apostate a hindu or wahtever... but i'll be damned if i don't feel insulted by his denigration of islam...and don't say he didn't ...i've read his books including satanic verses... although as i said i like his writing this ***** have shown disrespect even from the beginning with his midnight children....

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 Author| Post time 13-4-2005 04:05 AM | Show all posts
.if we need to talk about this there's another monkey house of a forum in local politic.

I don't go there. I don't believe in partisan politics. Nor do I believe in wasting my time. It is unilamic, yes, to waste time on kerja sia-sia?

at least pas people there show some islamic idealism...

No they do not.

to make the kind of statement you did about harun din..

Harun Din is NOT interested in the truth. Period. Noktah.

And yes I stand by my statements. PAS is a bunch of hypocrites. And yes, I can, and have quoted instances, so I'm not just blowing in the wind here, son.  

when it comes to trying to understand the perspective of islamists

Yes perhaps it was uncalled for to say that they're the devil.

But they are driving people away (in droves ha, ha) from Islam with their anti-semitism, hypocricy, counter-democratic, backward, thoughtless agenda. Isn't that what devils do? Drive people away from their religion? Wouldn't you say the metaphor is apt?

You want an Islamist, you look at Khattami.

you can't deny is their honest striving for islam

How do you know that? Not from their actions, for sure. Read harakah, and you see how virulent they are. How undemocratic they are. How hypocritical they are. What are you basing your opinion on?

.I've followed his writings for years and this guy can be very arrogant and derisive when talking about pas

As well as when he criticizes UMNO. What's your point? He can criticize UMNO but not PAS? Who cares what he is if he is right. Judge his ideas not his personality.

I may not like his writing but he is not shoving his opinions down my throat like PAS and UMNO, so props to him.

he falls into the same trap as many other wogs... a classic case of wogs behaviour...they forget that their sometimes denigrating comments can hurt the sentiments of the truly religious people

Where is this post colonial thinking coming from? How do you know Farish's intention? You were wrong with Amir and friends up there, how do you know you're not wrong now?

You have heard of this literary term called intentional fallacy?

I am disappointed. Very.

oh, and truly religious people? Isn't that God's business?

* * *

If you want to continue discussing this fine by me (you brought the whole osama-UMNO thing up), but I'd much rather talk about books. You choose.

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