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Memoirs of a Geisha anyone??
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Dalam keghairahan dunia perfileman menanti filem Memoirs of a Geisha,aku pun turut serta...tapi aku beli buku la...kalau movie tuh....takkan nak expect aku turun KL semata2 nak tgk movie je..
anyhow, i finished the book a couple of nights ago. aku nie, bila start baca buku,the first 15 mins must capture my attention,kalau dak, kureng sikit aa...and lambat sikit nak habis...
for instance (melencong la plak...) i tried reading Captain Corelli's got rave reviews from this book club featured in The Star tapi it didn't catch my attention lah...The Rule of Four pun mcm tu...
Eh, BTW, dah ada ke org start thread nie..? kalau ada, mod sorry la ekk....! ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
I LOVED the book...!! i totally recommend it to anyone, esp before watching the movie sebab biasa la, movie nie kan byk potong scenes sebab takut tak muat...
The lead character had such fantastic intelligence, great insight and such wit! the things she said to the men she entertained... She is among my favourite characters lah....after some of the heroines of Judith McNaught and Elizabeth Bennet of Pride and Prejudice and Jo from Little Women.... |
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nak tunggu movie dier...Michelle Yeoh, Zhang Ziyi, Gong Li...hebat2 gak plakon dier...
ada can Oscar rasanya derang ni... |
haven't read the book. keep postponing...sampai tak tau bila nak baca ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
Originally posted by wa'ah at 23-12-2005 04:15 PM
haven't read the book. keep postponing...sampai tak tau bila nak baca
akhirnye, ade jugak org yang bukak thread abt this !! :lol
memule tu tak sure nak bukak thread kat movie ke kat books nih. so, dok menunggu je la.
yep, tgk promo movie dia mcm gila arks . tapi takut promo je lebih, tapi resultnye haprak tu sebab lah saye tak beli/pinjam buku dia. so since it's recommendable, esok insya Allah akan ku drop by ke mph utk membelinye :bgrin:
bestnye |
Originally posted by wa'ah at 23-12-2005 04:15 PM
haven't read the book. keep postponing...sampai tak tau bila nak baca
hmm my peberet book of all time (tapi ader lagi yang lain) memang reccommended so jangan nak tangguh2 pegi baca sekarang...! cepat lah.....! ekekekek (pura2 garang, but seriously ko takkan menyesal!) |
yuppp.. nie pun one of the book that I can't take my eyes off from it. Mmg sangat menyentuh perasaan. Tak sabaaaaarrrrrrr sgt nak tunggu 6 jan nie...
Bagi berry buku nie sama tahap ngan Angela's Ashes - Frank McCourt (lagi best kot!) |
read the book when it first came out....a few years back kot...buku tu pun ntah kat mana lah skrg ...but i'm sure movie nya nnt tak sebijik2 mcm novel....mcm kes jurassic park lah, tak sama a bit disappointed. but on the bright side, ken watanabe as the chairman...:love: |
Originally posted by DocYana at 16-12-2005 07:12 PM
Dalam keghairahan dunia perfileman menanti filem Memoirs of a Geisha,aku pun turut serta...tapi aku beli buku la...kalau movie tuh....takkan nak expect aku turun KL semata2 nak tgk movie je..
an ...
kita plan nak beli buku tu...
ada sinopsis tak..?![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
Originally posted by seribulan at 16-12-2005 11:44 PM
nak tunggu movie dier...Michelle Yeoh, Zhang Ziyi, Gong Li...hebat2 gak plakon dier...
ada can Oscar rasanya derang ni...
yup! nak tengok movie dier gak....:bgrin:
cam best jer. |
pi la baca buku tu...mula-mula cam bosan sikit...tapi lepas-lepas tu memang best....baca jangan tak baca...tak sabar nak tunggu movie dia kuar... |
Originally posted by intan at 27-12-2005 11:23 AM
kita plan nak beli buku tu...
ada sinopsis tak..?
beli je kak intan....gerenti tak nyesalnya...... |
i read that the author was sued by the geisha herself, since some story inside the book is different from the geisha's own word.. don't know about it, but the article did appear in the newsppaer early this year |
Baru baca sampai chapter 16! Mmg best lah....suka coz the author byk bagi perumpamaan..the way dia describes things tu mmg detail giler and best!!! Mmg x sabar nak abiskan buku and nengok movie! Seriously and highly reccommended! |
Originally posted by btho at 27-12-2005 01:23 PM
yup! nak tengok movie dier gak....:bgrin:
cam best jer.
jangan expect much from the movie. khabarnya mengecewakan
btw: buku ni tersenarai oleh BBC as one of the 200 books of all time! |
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rasa nyer dulu macam ada thread pasal buku nie, tapi takpelah...
loved the book, bought it in 97, and still rereading it...walaupun org Jepun complain kata the storie salah, the dancing salah, the kimonos salah, but Arthur Golden dah berjaya membawa saya ke awang awangan semasa membaca the book, i truly love the way he describes the scenary, the emotions, the color of the kimono, and the japanese people.....
pada yg belum baca....go and buy the book now.... |
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great..hana jumpa this topic..
mmg nak tanya korang seme..
sbb tak pi tgk movie..
ari tu dlm astro ajer tgk review..mcm best ajer..
wah..sume org kata best eh? bahasa dlm buku tu susah difahami tak?
nnt nak pi cari nie kat mph.. |
ai_ai_ai This user has been deleted
aku tunggu movie.
pas tuh baru cari buku
ni kat umah ada 3 buku menanti utk dibaca
ikut turn... ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
Originally posted by peacefrog at 28/12/05 04:24 PM
jangan expect much from the movie. khabarnya mengecewakan
btw: buku ni tersenarai oleh BBC as one of the 200 books of all time!
is it? malam ni nak pergi tgk premier ngan anak kat KLCC.. suami aku taknak pergi, dia cakap cerita art ni malas nak tgk.. aku just nak tgk sebab nak penuhkan kuota tiket bapak aku jer.. harapnya tak tertidurlah |
buku dia lagi best dari movie (as expected)
sebab movie banyak skip scene yg di explain la buku..tapi logic laa...kot nak buat sebijik cam lam buku...mau berejam movie tu...hihihi
quite sad sebab... start2 movie je chiyo n kakak dia di handover kpd org.... cam terkujat kejap...heheheh..sib baik dah baca buku seblum tu ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
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