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Post time 20-9-2006 01:01 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
nak minta tolong nih wehhhh.....last 2 weesk my daughter had a chicken pox and Alhamdulillah now she's back to school...tapi 2 ari lepas baby ( 1 thn 4 bln) dah naik red semlm bawa gi hospital..CONFIRM kena chicken pox despite injection given to him on the first day his sister was detect by this virus

petang semalam..I perasan red spot kat badan dan malamnya naik kat tengkuk dan muka...dia punya gatal perghh tak leh tido ler..kalu dpt berus sabut nih sedapnya...kruk..kruk...krukk...dan mlm tuh juga my eldest son had a slight fever and a few red spot...


1) I had once when I was a kid but still getting it again....why???..FYI my body immune is very bad I can easily get the virus if one of my kids sick..

2) apa yang patut dan yang tak patut...yang perlu di makan @ yg perlu di elak sewaktu dlm "pantang" nih...sayugia di ingatkan kat sini susah nya nak dapat kelapa muda...yg tua @ dlm tin ( of course dah diproses) adalah..

3) camner nak kurangkan rasa gatal2 nih...naik sampai ke kepala dah nih...

4) kalu dah sembuh..camner nak hilangkan parut dia tuh..kang tak pepasal ber batik pulak badan teman nih especially tang muka....eeee...gerun nya....

please..please..pretty please need some info......thanks...

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Post time 20-9-2006 03:43 PM | Show all posts
nak minta tolong nih wehhhh.....last 2 weesk my daughter had a chicken pox and Alhamdulillah now she's back to school...tapi 2 ari lepas baby ( 1 thn 4 bln) dah naik red semlm bawa gi hospital..CONFIRM kena chicken pox despite injection given to him on the first day his sister was detect by this virus

petang semalam..I perasan red spot kat badan dan malamnya naik kat tengkuk dan muka...dia punya gatal perghh tak leh tido ler..kalu dpt berus sabut nih sedapnya...kruk..kruk...krukk...dan mlm tuh juga my eldest son had a slight fever and a few red spot...


1) I had once when I was a kid but still getting it again....why???..FYI my body immune is very bad I can easily get the virus if one of my kids sick..

jgn tersilap anggapan yang kita bagi immunized tu measle bukan chicken pox.dalam bahasa msia 2 2 dipanggil campak saru campak besar (chicken pox) satu campak kecik or sekam (measle)

2) apa yang patut dan yang tak patut...yang perlu di makan @ yg perlu di elak sewaktu dlm "pantang" nih...sayugia di ingatkan kat sini susah nya nak dapat kelapa muda...yg tua @ dlm tin ( of course dah diproses) adalah..

makan je apa ko nak makan ,tapi pastikan air kau minum banyak

3) camner nak kurangkan rasa gatal2 nih...naik sampai ke kepala dah nih...

selalunya doktor akan prescribe calamine lotion dan anti histamin nak kurang kan gatal

4) kalu dah sembuh..camner nak hilangkan parut dia tuh..kang tak pepasal ber batik pulak badan teman nih especially tang muka....eeee...gerun nya....

tulung jgn garu sampai jadi parut. bergantung pada kedalaman parut .mungkin for time being mkn banyak sikit vit c dan applied vit e cream



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 Author| Post time 20-9-2006 10:39 PM | Show all posts
ok thank you..baru ari nih ku tahu yg campak n chicken pox tuh sepupu...

yup memang ada doc. bagi calamine lotion....

kalu ikut bahagian doctor bertauliah memang ler dia suruh bedal apa yg ada depan mata..tapi ikutkan doctor pengalaman..mak2 kita ler...jgn makan ayam..telur...tak leh mandi..bla..bla..bla...

cuma tang vitamin c tuh..meaning buah2 @ memang vit c yg pil tuh...thanks ye awangbok


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anakperantau This user has been deleted
Post time 21-9-2006 06:18 AM | Show all posts
imunisasi untuk cegah chicken pox dipanggil varicella.. imunisasi ni tak wajib lagi di Malaysia.. dulu saya pun fikir demam campak dan chicken pox (setengah orang melayu panggil cengkering), dua perkara yang sama. Sebenarnya tak sama. Pada ibu2, saya nasihatkan berilah anak vaksin varicella tu.. kat private clinic ada.. kat gov clinic mungkin tak der sebab tak wajib.

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Post time 21-9-2006 11:26 AM | Show all posts
i pun belum lagi kena chicken pox ni. Takut jugak sebenarnya sebab dah tua-tua mcm ni sure kalau kena teruk.
Vaksin tu kita boleh amik dr mana-mana klinik kan?
Berapa ye harga dia?
And i ada baca kat internet kata people who do not get the vaccine until 13 years of age or older should get 2 doses, 4-8 weeks apart. Maknanya satu dos bulan ni dan satu dos bulan depan ke atau kena tunggu sebulan lagi baru boleh ambik satu lagi dos?
And satu lagi..women should not get pregnant for 1 month after getting chickenpox vaccine.So maknanya within 4 month kita tak boleh conceive la yer?
Actually i da lama nak ambil vaksin ni tapi sbb nak pregnant (i blom dapat anak since married) menyebabkan niat nak ambil terbantut.
Hope that anybody yang pakar or lebih tahu bleh bagi advise.

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 Author| Post time 21-9-2006 02:02 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by anakperantau at 21-9-2006 06:18 AM
imunisasi untuk cegah chicken pox dipanggil varicella.. imunisasi ni tak wajib lagi di Malaysia.. dulu saya pun fikir demam campak dan chicken pox (setengah orang melayu panggil cengkering), dua pe ...

in my baby got the vaccine on the 2nd day his sister suffered from chicken pox..but he was unlucky..2 minggu lepas tu dia kena day tu I lak kena..then tengahari skit my eldest now tinggal hubby sorang je bertahan...

I did asked the doc...sebabnya ramai orang kata kalu 1st time kita kena tapi chicken pox tu tak kuar abih so besar kemungkinan akan kena's just a matter of time je..tapi kata doc...itu tak betul..walau ada dua tiga red spot pun dah kira full cycle dah unless kalu body kita kurang daya tahan penyakit...ada kemungkinan juga untuk kena untuk kali kedua..

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 Author| Post time 21-9-2006 02:04 PM | Show all posts
boleh ker sapa2 yg arif tolong cerita skit cycle chicken pox nih...yg I tau mula tuh kita akan demam then afer 2 @ 3days red spot appears...

berapa lama red spot nih kuar...berapa lama plak dia nak sembuh...thank you...

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Post time 21-9-2006 09:03 PM | Show all posts
kenapa nak takut kalau kena demam campak?...
biarkan aje campak tu keluar...
bukan lama...dlm 2 minggu je...
nak bagi dia cepat keluar, minum air kelapa muda (petua orang tua2)..

campak ni tak semestinya budak2 aje yg kena...
orang dewasa pun boleh kena gak...

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anakperantau This user has been deleted
Post time 21-9-2006 10:22 PM | Show all posts
saya kena campak masa darjah 2, chicken pox masa umur 19 thn.. memang kena teruk gila... habis satu badan tak kira tempat lah ... sampai my mum tak kasi tengok cermin takut saya terkejut tengok muka sendiri..3 hari tu memang dasat, masuk hari ke -4 baru kebah sikit..

Ni maklumat tentang varicella vaksin yang saya dapat:-
Varicella vaccine is recommended at any visit at or after age 12 months for susceptible children (i.e., those who lack a reliable history of chickenpox). Susceptible persons aged ?13 years should receive 2 doses administered at least 4 weeks apart.

Saya ikut immuzation schedule yang dicadangkan oleh CDC. Sila rujuk link di bawah:-
Sesetengah vaksin yang mandatori di US memang tidak wajib di Malaysia, tapi saya pilih yang dicadangkan oleh CDC US, sebab lebih up 2 date, kecuali sesetengah vaksin tak perlu like influenza.. rasanya utk negeri yang ada 4 seasons jer.

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Post time 21-9-2006 10:31 PM | Show all posts
ikut petua org2 tua..n penah mak saya buat kat saya ms kecik2..ltk beras ngan kunyit..dulu2 kitaorg giling beras n kunyit sampai jdk mcm bdk sejuk..

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Post time 26-1-2007 07:16 AM | Show all posts
dimana nak cari daun semambu kat kawasan kl ni ya? tgh makan ubat doktor bleh mimum ke air kelapa?

[ Last edited by  zy at 26-1-2007 01:33 PM ]

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Post time 27-1-2007 05:49 PM | Show all posts
Chickenpox, also spelled chicken pox, is the common name for Varicella simplex, classically one of the childhood infectious diseases caught and survived by most children.

Chickenpox is caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV), also known as human herpes virus 3 (HHV-3), one of the eight herpes viruses known to affect humans. It starts with conjunctival and catarrhal symptoms, moderate fever and then characteristic spots appearing in two or three waves, mainly on the body and head rather than the hands and becoming itchy raw pox (pocks), small open sores which heal mostly without scarring.

Chickenpox has a 10-14 day incubation period and is highly contagious by air transmission two days before symptoms appear. Following primary infection there is usually lifelong protective immunity from further episodes of chickenpox. Recurrent chickenpox is fairly rare but more likely in people with compromised immune systems.

Symptomatic treatment, with calamine lotion to ease itching and paracetamol (American English: acetaminophen) to reduce fever, is widely used.

Chickenpox is rarely fatal (usually from varicella pneumonia), with pregnant women and those with depressed immune systems being more at risk. Pregnant women not known to be immune and who come into contact with chickenpox may need urgent treatment as the virus can cause serious problems for the fetus.

Later in life, viruses remaining dormant in the nerves can reactivate causing localised eruptions of shingles. This occurs particularly in people with compromised immune systems, such as the elderly, and perhaps even those suffering sunburn. Unlike chickenpox which normally fully settles, shingles may result in persisting post-herpetic neuralgia pain.

A chickenpox vaccine has been available since 1995, and is now required in some countries for children to be admitted into elementary school unless the parent/guardian submits an exemption. In addition, effective medications (e.g. aciclovir) are available to treat chickenpox in healthy adults and immunocompromised persons.

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Post time 27-1-2007 06:24 PM | Show all posts
I got chicken pox when i was 21 yrs old..a very bad one...besar2 poxnya.nasib baik tak tinggal parut...berparut atau tak i think depends on your type of skin...dan pantang dia rasanya satu je..JGN GARU..esp bila dah kering dan berkuping tu..masa tu paling gatal dan kalau garu mmg biasa tinggal parut sbb you dah kacau proses kulit tu nk regenerate...biar kuping tu tanggal sendiri..

your baby still kena even tho dah bagi vaksin is because the virus is already infected him before he got the jab and the symptoms came later..vaccine is useless in this kind of case.

Last year my babysittter husband's got CP to...teruk jugak..2 minggu..habis satu badan...Luckily my 2 sons and the babysitter's 4 doters tak kena pun. Why...? I think they are imune to it because my 2 sond were breastfed..and so did the girls..the antibodies is still there...but i think they'll get it again in their adult life when the antibodies to CP becomes weak. I used to had a blood test during my first showed that i have this HHV-3 antibody..which is transfered to my kids during the pregnancy and breastfeeding...and protecting them in their childhood...but adulthood tak jamin lagi

Virus ni akan stay dalam badan esp area2 saraf..macam kulit dsb. Kayap ((shingles) adalah manisfestasi dari virus dormant ini...satu lagi ialah 'cold-sore'..saya selalu kena cold-sore ni..tak semena2 bibir rasa panas, pijar n sakit2..kemudian keluar butir air kat tepi bibir bawah..biasa ia akan terjadi pada tempat yg sama..tapi nasib baik cuma sekejap je...sapu cream acyclovir..ia akan sembuh...

LAst year sister's 5 kids kena...apa dia buat? Everyday mandikan diorg dgn air rendaman daum semambu n tidur pun lapik daun tu...berkesan gak...mungkin can try this ancient remedy...

oleh kerana ia adalah jangkitan virus, kebiasaannya ia akan sembuh sendiri..tapi yg paling penting ialah utk control suhu badan sbb biasanya budak2 atau sesiapa yg kena akan kena demam panas esp masa awal2 kena infected...takut budak2 nanti boleh kena sawan dsb..sbb kalau tak silap ada org2 tua dahulu tak bagi kita makan ubat...

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Post time 27-1-2007 06:59 PM | Show all posts
Sambung bali..saya dapat ni dari wikipedia...answers to all Que_eight questions:

Symptoms and signs

Chickenpox is a highly contagious disease that spreads from person to person by direct contact or through the air from an infected person抯 coughing or sneezing. Touching the fluid from a chickenpox blister can also spread the disease. A person with chickenpox is contagious from 1

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Post time 30-10-2007 05:45 PM | Show all posts
ada sapa2 tahu x kat mn nak amik vaksin varicella zoster ni?and brape charges yg dikenakan?

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Post time 3-11-2007 12:27 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by zy at 26-1-2007 07:16 AM
dimana nak cari daun semambu kat kawasan kl ni ya? tgh makan ubat doktor bleh mimum ke air kelapa?

daun semambu ni cuba tanya orang india selalu dia orang tau.
kalo yang moden neem tablet ke neem soap ke pun ada

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Post time 4-11-2007 10:33 PM | Show all posts
hurm, chicken pox actually memang differrent..vaccination pun len2
I sendiri penah kena campak kecik2(measleS) 2 times.. masa kecik penah kena, time age 20 pun kena again...maybe betoi la kata urang kot..sbb masa 1st time kena tak fully kuar..dats y die kuar again time dah beso..

kalo nak ilang gatai, I sapu calamine kalo dah few days sapu tu, dahmacam nak kering jangan sapu byk sgt..sbb it sort of dehydrated our skin..
so kenala drink a lot of water...
minum air kelapa byk supaya cpt ilang panas lam badan tu.

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Post time 7-11-2007 11:00 PM | Show all posts
Daun semambu usually kat rumah orang India or nearby temple dia orang.  Daun ni kecik-kecik je.  My dr said daun semambu (neem) is better than neem tablets sebab hujung daun neem ni ada small duri yang contain anti-viral properties.  When you brush your chicken pox spots with neem leaves you are actually putting in anti-viral meds on the pox.  This will stop the chicken pox from getting worse.

But its not easy to find this leaves in KL and besides there are other ways to combat chicken pox.  What I did -me & my family are having chicken pox now - is to take anti-viral meds immediately.  For my son yang belum kena lagi but already exposed to the virus I started him immediately on the anti-viral meds once a day.  Alhamdullillah when the chicken pox hit him it was a mild version.  Same for me too - it is a mild attack.  Thank God because as it is the fever & headaches are extremely unbearable.  My headaches lasted for 6 days!  

Suffer!  Oh yes - beef up your immune system with vitamin C, E and multi vitamins.  I also added evening primrose - to clear my skin faster.

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Post time 10-11-2007 04:56 PM | Show all posts
korang.. nak tanye.. ape name injection utk elak chicken pox tu ek?? vaccine ape tah.. igt nak ambil tu.. sbb tak pnah kne chicken pox lg.. tp kalau amik injection tu pn tak semestinya akan tak kuar ciken pox?depends immunity kite ek?? adoi la..

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Post time 10-11-2007 07:12 PM | Show all posts

demam campak -- german measles -

chicken pox  - myth aje kata kena once in life time -
ada yang tak bernasib baik  kena twice --

however, kebiasaannya sekali seumur hidup

just for your info --
kalau kita dah over 25 and we get chicken pox --
sangat merbahaya  sehingga boleh membawa kepada
fatality -

few years ago - a 33 years old guy from vancouver
died of chicken pox --  doctor kata body dia tak boleh
nak cure chicken pox, he went to coma and then
passed away --

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