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not sure whether this poll have been done before....or whether it's too lame....i'll let the mods decide :bgrin:
personally, i cant read ebooks...ive tried before, but i'm the type of person who MUST hold something for reading.....[read:real books]
but now, ebooks are abundant coz of the availability of new writers on the net......
what do you think? |
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prefer real books....boleh pegang-pegang, bawa ke sana sini..........baca ulang-ulang atau cari specific page pun senang dan ada bau buku.... |
Reply #3 chempaka_ku's post
bau heh....apakah bau buku tu? |
I'd go for real books add to chempaka's posting...with real books you can cuddle up on the couch while reading........ |
Reply #5 mekna's post
ah hah..yes........almost 90% of the time, i read while i'm in a fetal position.... :bgrin: |
real book, definitely.... |
real book la e-book tak syok takleh nk pegang buku tu |
dulu, aku suka, beli dan baca real books, but now that i have pda *cough* so i prefer ebooks, buku kat mesia mahal and good books cant easily be found, so yup currently im more into ebooks :bgrin: |
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Real books.
E-books? Tak penah try and cannot imagine having to sit in fron of PC for long hours..ouch! |
real book.
kalau iza baca e-book, mesti iza copy and print. baru boleh baca. tak de feel lah baca kat komputer. |
kalo baca buku suka baring ala-ala ikan duyung gitu :nerd: |
both for me ebooks tak semestinya dibaca in front of the pc saja .. now on the handphone pun boleh , pda's .. cuma di malaysia je tak ada e book readers di jual .. seperti - the ebookwise 1150 or the older reb 1150 can be seen here
sony will come has come up with a book reader but quite expensive dan belum ada di sini.. the best alternative get a second hand pda or an entry level palm .. instead one you can carry hundreds of books around and can be read almost any where you want .. |
nak beli second hand pda n subscribe to online e-books pun boleh beli baaanyak real books..
i still prefer real book
*happy sbb baru dpt buku paul theroux "the happy isles of oceania" dgn hanya au$3* |
Originally posted by redsinner at 22-11-2006 07:44 PM
nak beli second hand pda n subscribe to online e-books pun boleh beli baaanyak real books..
you can get most ebooks free , if download 10-20 ebooks dah cover the cost buying a pda :bgrin: |
prefer real book.... in fact kalau dapat email yang best dari kekawan... citer panjang berjela dalam tu...I print it out... heheheheeh .... mata depan monitor or PDA for me tak sama bila my mata depan kertas! |
Reply #19 KRUfan's post
bila masa orang bandingkan ngan paperback ni krufan oii.......
he he..........
pda mmg best...tapi only when i really need it will i buy it..... |
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