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Borak psl Trip To Korea 2008 ~ updated w/t story and pics

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Post time 22-8-2007 02:59 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
hello semua....

1. Trip To Korea

atas kerjasama bel gan hadiff...
pada mulanya bel gan hadiff nak pergi trip berasingan tapi hadiff ni suggest supaya tanya klu ada sesiapa yg berminat joint bagi Trip To Korea dan lawatan kali ini adalah termsk Pulau Jeju manakala tempoh lawatan adalah dijangkakan selama 8 hari...

Trip ni terbuka kepd semua forumer siapa yg berminat..leh bawa partner klu nak...(kali ni bel nak bawa hubby sekali takut kalau tinggal dia call Era gi psl rindu kat bini dia... )

2. Costing

psl costing tu nanti hadiff akan try dptkan secepat mungkin utk dibincangkan disini..

3. Pilihan

thread ni bel bukak berasingan dgn thread SO Activity thread sbbnya bel buat poll bulan mana yg ko org nak pegi...

so sebelum vote bulan mana yg nak pegi...baca dulu ye...

1. January -  sepanjang bulan ni salji masih pekat dan leh tgk gak salji turun...

2. February - Awal bulan sehingga pertengahan bulan...salji masih pekat dan bila nak kepenghujung bulan ni...salji mulai cair..tapi still gi leh  gi pegi main ski klu nak...

3. March - Salji dah x ada digantikan gan pemandangan bunga Sakura hampir sepanjang bulan ni...

lagi satu setiap kali ko org vote sila nyatakan ko org dah vote dan vote bulan apa....

[ Last edited by  isabel at 10-3-2008 11:41 PM ]
Single Polls, Total 31 Users voted
6.45% (2)
9.68% (3)
61.29% (19)
22.58% (7)
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Post time 22-8-2007 03:01 PM | Show all posts
wah...syok tu.....update cepat harga dia yer....mmg intersetd nih.....heheheh

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Post time 22-8-2007 03:10 PM | Show all posts
harga akan cuba dptkan quotation secepat yg mungkin...

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 Author| Post time 22-8-2007 03:17 PM | Show all posts
finally i got the costing quotation done...

ok for everyone information quotation ni dibuat oleh Travel Agency yg kita org pakai early this year masa pegi Korea...dan juga utk pengetahuan semua pricing trip selalu turun naik x menentu...for example masa kita org pegi time Winter price dia adalah RM2980 but this time price dia agak mahal sedikit tapi ko org jgn susah ati klu ramai yg pegi ..harga leh dibawa berbincang mgkn leh dpt price yg kita org dpt tu...

tapi utk pengetahuan semua juga package ni without Jeju Island..
Trip Package ni adalah hampir sama gan trip yg kita org pegi ari tu...cuma yg ni quite interesting sbb leh lawat salah sebuah palace tpt shooting Goong aka Princess Hours kat Suwon dan juga kat Seoul...

6D4N Winter Sonata Tour Package
Seoul / Suwon / Nami / Mt.Sorak / MBC / Everland / Seoul City Tour
RM 3290.00


Day 01 Depart / Incheon
Assemble at the International Airport for your flight to Incheon,Korea.

Day 02 Incheon / MBC / Namiseom / Mt.Sorak (LD)
Upon arrival, meet & great by local guide and transfer to MBC Studio, the most famous drama in Korea Daengjangguem shooting place. Then, proceed to a photograph [Winter Sonata] shooting place. Chuncheon and Nami Island visit to Myeong-dong street, ypu may have a chance shopping over here. Nrxt, visit Namiseom Island, the Road of Happiness, a long the lakeside road are as wide array of leisure.Continue journey to Mt.Sorak.

Day 03 Mt.Sorak / Ski Tour / Suwon (BLD)
After breakfast, transfer to Mt.Sorak, which is one of the most beautiful National Park in Korea with granite peaks, lush green valleys and dense forests. First, visit to Shinheung Temple, built by Shilla Kingdom monk Chajang. Next proceed to Ski Resort, start off with a brief ski lesson, where you can learn how to ski on white snow. Enjoy the favourite view of the snow-covered country with ski festival (FREE SKI EQUIPMENT). Continue journey to Suwon.

Day 04 Suwon / Everland / Seoul (BD)
Morning, visit to the Hwaseong Fortress, the master plan for the fortress construction by King Jeongjo, the 22nd king of the Joseon Dynasty. Next, proceed to Everland (BIG 5)- the most fun enjoyable place where you able to explore the splendid amusement park. For the adventurous, do not miss the suspended rides like the Hurricane, Corkscrew, Double Loops and the Amazon Express. Then, return back to Seoul, free shopping at Dongdaemun market, it is lined with name brand retailers, second-hand shops, accessory stores, and shoe stores. Insadong is a shopping area of art galleries, traditional craft stores, antique artdealers; you may experience the traditional culture of Korea.This place is famous for Korean brooch and Korean silk.

Day 05 Seoul City Tour + Shopping / Incheon (BLD)
After breakfast, start off with a city tour. First visit to Kyoungbok Palace, National Folk Museum, Blue Houser, War Museum, World Cup Stadium, Ginseng Centre & Purple Crystal. Next visit to Mosque. Thereafter, you will be given time to shop at Itaewon & Myeongdong Street ( You can join optional tours of Tokebistom, Nanta or Lottleworld)

Day 06 Incheon / Depart (B)
After breakfast, transfer to airport for your flight back home

[ Last edited by  isabel at 1-9-2007 10:20 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 22-8-2007 03:18 PM | Show all posts
this another costing quotation and include Jeju Island...

and then the pricing costing adalah sama either nak pegi time Winter or nak pagi time Sakura Blossom...
and for this one kat part ski akan automatik tukar Sakura Blossom visit...

and for information semua this is only a part of quotation by our Travel Agency...
so apa yg bel request kat dia x ada dlm quotation's only verbally request for us...

so ni yg bel request kat dia...

1. Jeju Island
bel request supaya kita leh lawat Bear Museum Goong's shooting location juga shooting location utk Autumn In My Heart.

2. Mt.Sorak and Temple
this one juga bel request to be drop ganti gan lawatan ke beberapa palace sekitar Suwon dan melawat satu2nya Masjid kat Korea di Itwon...this place gak ada tpt shooping...

8 Days 6 Nights
Seoul -> Jeju Islan -> Mt.Sorak -> Danyang -> MBC -> Aqua World
RM 3750.00

1 Kuala Lumpur / Incheon                     [MOB]
Assemble at KLIA  for your flight to Incheon-Korea.

2 Incheon / Cheju Island                           [LD]
Upon arrival, meet & great by local guide transfer to the domestic airport for your flight to Cheju Island, visit Dragon`s Head Rock, Mok Sun Won Park is a special park that display artistically shaped natural stones & dried tree roots. Later, visit Mystery Road in Korea.

3 Cheju Island                                        [BLD]
Morning visit to Sunrise Peak where you can have a panoramic view of the Sunrise. Continues visit to Cheonjiyeon Waterfall & Songup Folk Village, where you can meet the friendly island people who still live behind stone courtyard walls in thatched-roof rock homes.

4  Cheju / Seoul / MBC / Mt.Sorak        [BLD]
Morning, transfer to a domestic flight back to Seoul, proceed to MBC Studio, the most famous drama in Korea Daejangguem shooting place. Later, transfer to Mt. Sorak, most beautiful National Park with granite peaks, lush green valleys and dense forests, visit to Shinheung Temple, built by Shilla Kingdom monk Chajang

5 Mt.Sorak / Ski Resort / Danyang            [BLD]
After breakfast, proceed to Ski Resort, start off with a brief ski lesson, where you can learn how to ski on white snow. Enjoy the favourites view of the snow-covered country with ski festival (FREE SKI EQUIPMENT). Later, proceed to Danyang AquaWorld, experience the 〖Doctor Fish〗foot Hot Spring, Indoor & Outdoor Spa & various sauna. (bring along your swimming wear & cap).

6 Danyang / Everland / Seoul              [BD]
After breakfast, proceed to Everland (Admission only). After a fun-filled day,  transfer bacck to Seoul, visit Kimchi Center, experience the way how  to make kimchi. Thereafter, free shopping at Dongdaemun Market, it is lined with name brand retailers, second-hand shops, accessory & shoe stores

7 Seoul City Tour + LotteWorld              [BL]
After breakfast, start off with a city tour, visit to Deoksugung Palace, Seoul Museum, Blue House, War Museum, Ginseng Centre, Purple Crystal& Dong Chung Ha Cho. Thereafter, free shopping at Hong-Ik Street are numerous of shops for clothes, accessories, coffee lounges, restaurants & snack bars.Evening, proceed to  Lotte world (Big 5).

8 Incheon / Kuala Lumpur                     
After breakfast, transfer to Incheon International Airport for your flight back home.

[ Last edited by  isabel at 1-9-2007 11:04 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 22-8-2007 03:19 PM | Show all posts
reserved for costing quotation...

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 Author| Post time 22-8-2007 03:33 PM | Show all posts
bel vote x kisah..sbbnya x kira ler pegi bulan mana tapi mmg pegi....

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Post time 22-8-2007 03:57 PM | Show all posts
dah vote...bulan 3...brapa yer cost 2 org...ngan ofismate

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 Author| Post time 22-8-2007 04:10 PM | Show all posts
lupa lak bagitau voting tu akan dikira berdasarkan highest voting ye..bulan mana yg dpt highest voting bulan tu ler kita akan buat trip...

dan utk buat trip ni kita kena ada dlm 15 org keatas baru leh buat group utk kita2 aje tapi klu kurang dari 15 org maka terpaksa ler bercampur gan org luar....

1. Makanan

psl makanan don't worry...x yah bawa apa2 makanan utk mkn dlm hotel ke apa sbb semuanya cukup makan sampai ko org x larat nak mkn gi...tapi yg perlu dan penting utk dibawa cuma serunding kering ayam ke daging utk campur dlm makanan yg adakala tawar kita rasa..almaklum ler makanan kita byk kepda nasi berlaukkan sayuran dan ikan klu 8 hari kat Korea.. 8 hari ler ko org akan tgk taugeh siang malam...

2. Pakaian

pakaian lak..masa pegi cukup ler bawa beberapa helai aje sbb sampai kat sana akan shoping sakan
dan pakaian yg perlu dibawa akan ditentukan bila dah tau bulan bila kita akan pegi nanti...

[ Last edited by  isabel at 22-8-2007 04:16 PM ]

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Post time 22-8-2007 04:20 PM | Show all posts
okay..aku baru je check..kalukita nk tgk sakura..harga dah x sama gan jan n feb..sebab mas ani memang ramai harga lagi terpulang kat korang la nak pilih yg mana..

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Post time 22-8-2007 04:36 PM | Show all posts

Reply #10 hadiff's post

camtu ker ...  kekek ingatkan time snow lagi mahal...
if mahal,  brapa sorang ye? if bulan 1 or 2 brapa yer ?

[ Last edited by  yt at 22-8-2007 07:50 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 23-8-2007 11:01 AM | Show all posts

Reply #11 yt's post

sabar ye...kita tunggu qutotation dia...

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Post time 23-8-2007 01:02 PM | Show all posts
bel, kalo raya cina lagik best sbb cuti panjang masa tu.
7/2 (khamis) dan 8/2 (jumaat) kira save la cuti sebyk 2 ari kat situ
bulan april takde ke? tp misa mmg nak ikut tak kisah la bulan berapa.

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Post time 23-8-2007 01:02 PM | Show all posts

Reply #12 isabel's post

ofismate nie sibuk tanya ...sorry yer

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Post time 23-8-2007 01:05 PM | Show all posts
eh sorry, kalo bulan march rasanya tak dapat ikut sbb busy masa tu nak mengejar dateline

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Post time 23-8-2007 01:42 PM | Show all posts
la aku baru perasan tread nie....

korang nak gi korea lagi ye....

la aku pun nak pi...tapi aku pi hujung tahun nie....
kalau tahu awal2 sure aku ikut korang punya

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Post time 23-8-2007 02:02 PM | Show all posts
Kawe memang berminat sangat2 tapi.....

Takleh nak join

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Post time 23-8-2007 02:31 PM | Show all posts
raya china..kat Korea pun public kedai byk tutup..sebab masa chinese new yr..dia org balik kg gathering.....

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Post time 23-8-2007 02:35 PM | Show all posts
aku plan nak pergi lagi sekali.. tp rasa tak ikut package kot.. sendiri2 sahaja..

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Post time 23-8-2007 03:05 PM | Show all posts
vote bln rasa cam nk pegi bln 4 hehe
ni kire ikut package ke ni?

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