guys..farie ada 1 lagi kemusykilan la..
sejak ptg semlm farie perasan seko anak kucing farie named 'CINGE' (umur dh 6 bulan still panggil kitten lagik ke? hehe) muntah2..ingatkan biasa2 je takut dia terlebih makan ke...
then, mlm td c cinge muntah lagi..sblm dia muntah tu, dia masuk dlm bilik farie n mcm merungut |
Anak kucing Shin dulu kena macam ni.
Memang keracunan.
Shin bagi minum air dengan panadol sikit.
Petang tu dah baik. |
hehe..lupe nk bgtau..cinge ni jantan sebenarnye..
takpe, balik rehat nnt farie bg dia mkn ubat..
harapnye sembuh la dia..
nk kata keracunan, x sure la sbb rumput kat area umah tu tuan umah x racun lagik..
time tuan umah meracun, mmg farie x bg kucing farie keluar umah..sbb dh penah terkena sekali...diaorg mabuk..sib baik x mati |
kucing ada daya imun sendiri..tak perlu panadol..perlu rehat yang mencukupi dah ok.. |
Reply #4 fariepari's post
Penadol....???????????????? jangan!!!!!!!!!! penadol untuk manusia ....
Penadol mmg ubat untuk manusia tapi boleh meracun binatang ....
sebab penadol untuk manusia bukan binatang ..... |
Reply #1 fariepari's post
Air kelapa ... its a good idea ... kiki setuju dengan kawasakininja ... kadang2
dia makan rumput ... dia akan muntah kan semulah rumput2 tu bersama dengan
bulu2 ... its good for him .... tapi kena tengok juga ... keadaan sihat .. pastikan
tempatkan dikawasan warm ... kalo masih tiadah perubahan ... lebih baik bawak
gi jumpa VET |
Feline Vomiting
If you share your home with a cat, sooner or later you will encounter feline vomiting. All cats throw up sometimes.Usually there will be nothing seriously wrong with your cat. A mealeaten too fast, too much eaten (especially too much dry cat food),nervousness, excitement, hairballs, and stress are among thenon-serious situations that can induce your cat to vomit.
Cats eat grass; it helps them to throw up hairballs. It is alsobelieved that grass provides felines with roughage and vitamins.Longhaired cats suffer from hairballs more than shorthaired cats, butit can be a problem for all cats.
To help prevent hairballs (and the subsequent feline vomiting,) groomyour cat regularly. Also, feed your cat a small amount of petroleumjelly once a week. The jelly will coat the hairs that kitty swallowswhen she is grooming herself and prevent them from tangling and forminga ball. To get your cat to eat the jelly you may need to gently coatsome of it on her paw, and she will ingest it as she licks it off. Maltflavored petroleum jelly is available, many cats will eat this verywillingly. Some branded cat foodsclaim to be hairball preventative, these have high levels of fiber tohasten the hair through the digestive system and may work with somecats. After a spate of feline vomiting (when there are no other signs ofillness) prevent your pet from eating for approximately one day. Youshould also only allow your cat the smallest amount of water; a healthycat will not dehydrate in this short time but water should notbe withheld from a cat with kidney disease. Large meals, or a largeamount of water, will only make a vomiting cat throw up more. If the throwing up ceases feed your pet a small amount of bland, lowfat, cat food about four times a day and gradually return to givingyour cat its normal diet. You can offer your cat ice cubes toreintroduce water; it will take kitty longer to consume the cubes thanliquid, so there is less chance she will vomit the water back up.
Feline Vomiting - kitty swallowed something
A fairly common cause of feline vomiting is a cat eating or swallowing something it shouldn't. Cats are pretty fastidious but sometimes do swallow objects, eat food that does not agree with them or even sample poisonous plants. If you suspect that your feline is vomiting due to nibbling a poisonous plant (or has ingested anything poisonous, antifreeze, slug pellets, medicine intended for humans for example,) contact your vet immediately. Eating onions or a large amount of chocolate can also cause your cat to vomit.
Kittens, being naturally inquisitive, are more likely to swallow something than an older cat. Objects that obstruct the feline's intestines are likely to be dangerous unless the cat passes the article naturally, or it is manually removed. Sometimes swallowed string can be seen protruding from the cat's mouth or rectum. Do not try to pull it out yourself, you could cause serious damage, leave that job for your veterinarian. Often feline vomiting is the first indication of your pet having swallowed something.
Vomiting - elderly cat
Elderly felines may vomit more frequently as their internal systems start to wear down. This can be due to kidney failure, liver disease, intestinal lymphoma, tumors, thyroid problems, feline heartworm, parasites and other problems. Vomiting puts a strain on an older cat's system; it uses up energy and causes strain on the muscles and organs. Frequent or unexplained throwing up by your older cat should be look into by your veterinarian. If your elderly cat has lost her teeth she may gulp dry cat food straight down causing indigestion or vomiting of undigested kibble.
Sometimes parasites can be seen in feline puke looking like white thread or grains of rice. The vomiting, diarrhea and dehydration brought about by intestinal parasites will leave a cat weak, making her more open to infections and diseases. If your feline becomes infected with parasites, consult your vet who can prescribe appropriate medication.
Does your vomiting cat share her home with other cats or a dog? Sometimes pets can be competitive and a feline will eat as quickly as she can, to prevent a rival from devouring her food. Gulping her food frequently causes her to throw up. The stress brought about the threat to her meal may also contribute to feline vomiting. Try feeding the worried kitty separately from your other household pets so she is not competing for her food.
Call Your Veterinarian. . .
# If there is any sign of blood in the vomit.
# As well as vomiting your cat also has diarrhea.
# Your cat is vomiting for longer than a day or two, OR has many spates of throwing up in a very short space of time.
# You suspect that your feline is vomiting due to sampling a poisonous plant or has ingested something poisonous.
# As well as being sick, your cat is lethargic OR unsteady when standing, appears to be in pain, has difficulty breathing.
# If you are in any doubt, consult your veterinarian.
[ Last edited by kiki-lala at 5-9-2007 12:09 PM ] |
fuhhh..sib baik lum bagi lagik panadol tu..
k, farie tgk dulu keadaan dia balik nnt..in case kalau muntah berterusan, farie bwk p vet..
pg td masa nk p keja, farie tgk dia dh normal, means bleh lompat2 memain ngan abg dia..mlm td je dia agak lemah..cinge ni mmg cergas..so bile dia melepek tu, sure ada something wrong
patut la arnab farie mati lps 2-3 ari farie bg mkn panadol dulu..hehe..mintak maap laa encik arnab ku yg malang..tuanmu masa tu kecik lagik..tak tau pape  |
tak pasai-pasai arnab tu mati arnab..kesian si arnab..kalau hidup, mesti boleh jadi geng ngan cinge tu... |
sorry yer.. nak tumpang tanyer kat uolls sumer la....
i ader kucing yg berumur lingkungan 3 tahun...betina..
lately ni, biler dier lepas makan, mesti dier muntahkan balik makanan tuh...
risau jugak tgk.. tapi tak selalu la...
kalo mcm tu, aper problem dier erk.... |
Reply #12 nidzrain's post
kalau dah 3thn means, pregnant kot.. |
KUcing aku pun ada yg kuat muntah.. tapi since banyak ngat.. tak tau sapa yng dok muntah.. tau2.. ada selongok kt sana sini...
Tapi just makanan jer... mungkin makan gelojoh sangat...
Anyways, cinge camna sekarang nih? Masih muntah lagi ke? |
Reply #12 nidzrain's post
kadang kala disebabkan oleh makanan ... awak bagi makan aper kat kucing tu...???
may be makanan yang u bagi tu tidak sesuai dengan umurnye ... kalo tidak pun
bawak gi jumpe VET .... |
Reply #14 nenekglamer's post
alhamdulillah..time farie balik tgh hari td dia x muntah2 dh..
dh elok golek2 kat luar umah memain ngan abg dia..
suka tul nengok budak2 tu cergas sepanjang mase..hehe..
maybe dia muntah mlm td sbb over makan kot.. |
ibu kucing farie kalau time dia peknen, takde muntah2..batuk2 tu selalu la..kdg2 sampai kena tepuk belakang dia bagi reda batuknya..skrg ni dia tgh peknen lg..x sabar nk tunggu dia beranak  |
Reply #17 fariepari's post
farie ... kucing peknen ... kadang kala pun ader muntah juga ... dan
ader juga yang tak..tengok pada kucing juga lah ...
wah~ dah nak dapat cucu baru yer farie ... seronok nye dengar  |
last month my cat muntah2 gak.. me+dad bwk gi jumpa vet.. vet tu kata demam, tempreture dia 40+
lepas suntik semua, 2 hari lps tu ok skit, cuma dia x nak makan.
nipesan vet tu.. kalau muntah, maybe/tanda2 nak demam.. boleh kasi airkelapa/ air 100+, pastu lap kepala dia dgn tuala basah. jangan kasimakan panadol.. kalu nak kasi pon 5mg.. tu 1% drpd 1bijipanadol(500mg).. hope this will help!
[ Last edited by teeYaa at 6-9-2007 08:20 AM ] |
Reply #19 teeYaa's post
uhh ada mcm manusia gak ekk |
| |