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Tepek Desktop Linux anda di sini.
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Tepek jer desktop linux korang semua kat sini untuk panduan saper2 yang tak penak nengok linux desktop skg macam maner . Yang ni aku pakai ksnapshot jer sebab dah ade kat repo. Jom ramai2 tepek desktop linux kat sini. |

[ Last edited by farishaziqi at 14-9-2007 03:19 PM ] |
Cantiknya Desktop kau. Camner nak dapat fonts macam WinXP yer?? Sebab fonts kat Linux Ubuntu ni macam tak berapa smooth la.. |
yang nie 3D cube plugin Compiz Fusion (vista bole buat ker )
nie plugin FIRE atas 3Dcube
Originally posted by farishaziqi at 16-9-2007 03:35 AM 
ko try repositories ni utk font yg cun skit
# Subpixel Font rendering packages (GPG key: 937215FF)
# Improved fonts on LCDs - WARNING: May violate some patents
# GPG key-file: http://www.te ...
Kau jgn la ringkas sgt sebab aku ni newbie Linux user. Ajar la step by step atau mana-mana website yang ada tunjukkan step by step. Yang Compiz Fusion tu camner pulak nk install sebab aku install tak dapat cam gitu punya canggih pun. |
sync This user has been deleted
aku punya mint celena yg baru install...
Reply #9 aku_EnSeM's post
vista mmg bole buat sebab tiru linux tu tapi harware semua kena upgrade jugak RAM kena 2GB grafik card kurang2 mahu 128MB prosesor pon kena power gilos ko ko ngk spec laptop aku
RAM 512+256 (kalau 512 pon cukup gak)
intel grafik aku 64MB jer
prosesor 1.6ghz (dulu pakai 1.4ghz pon ok lagi) |

boleh buat ke 
sebenarnya ni extension firefox tab effect nama dia
This is not new, but I just saw it the other day, installed it, and liked it: Tab Effect.It's a plug-in for Firefox that adds a rotating cube effect to yourscreen when you change from one tab to the other. So, from a distance,people looking over your shoulder might think you're user switching ona Mac or using a much geekier Linux-based OS. And actually, I find TabEffects adds a bit of situational awareness to my tabbed browsingexperience, since the rotation of the cube matches the direction thenew tab is from the one you're switching off of. Click on a tab to theright of where you are, your cube rotates right. That's myjustification for sticking with this download. |
Reply #2 farishaziqi's post
Reply #15 adlismel's post
biase2 jer tu sebab aku punyer grafik card pon pakai intel byk plugin lagi yang tak boleh pakai
tunggu ler aku beli PC baru yg grafik card dia power skit nak belajo buat aku bole tolong tapi kena install linux dulu. |
Reply #13 farishaziqi's post
ajar aku farishaziqi's... first distro mane yg aku patut donlot & pakai ??... skg ni tgh donlot ubuntu 7.04 amd64
atau kalau ade support yg ok, senag nak tanye korang, lagi best.. chevna ok??
spec pc aku
amd athlon64 1.8GHz
ram 1gig ddr400
ati 9550 256MB 128bit
HDD primary 120GB. ade 3 lebih ni x pakai 40, 40 ngan 20
aja aku leh ?? nak menuntut ngan ko ni .. ko duk mane skg ??.. 
[ Last edited by metalique at 23-9-2007 04:11 PM ] |
Reply #14 metalique's post
my opinion:
memandangkan kau pakai AMD64, aku cadangkan kau pakai openSUSE. Sebab AMD ada sponsor jugak project tu. so aku agak opensuse mesti agak compatible dgn AMD. mungkin ada proprietary source code di install secara default je dlm distro ni.
(note: mana2 distro yg lain yg keluarkan AMD64 punya version pun ok jugak). |
Reply #15 orang_awam's post
tankiu bg feedback ....  |
Reply #14 metalique's post
kalau ko install ubuntu aku bolebagi support sebab aku lebih familiar ngn ubuntu or debian most le pakej pakai .deb
opensuse pon bagus gak tapi dia pakai pake .rpm macam red hat so llain sikit pakej management dia kalau yg linux basic tu bole tolong2 skit
mostly distro yg famous bole pakai compiz fusion cuma ngk jer tutorial dia maybe ada lain skit setiap distro
kalau nak support pm aku kangg aku bagi ym id aku |
Reply #13 farishaziqi's post
ko recommand grafik ape yg best??.... aku ingat nak beli satu laptop harge under 3k la.. ade cadangan ??
nak amik HP yg without OS.... v3417au... yg aku risau driver tuk linux je nanti... untuk spec ni hp dah x support driver tuk xp ... full driver cume vista je... tapi ram cume 1 gig je... slot ram 2-2 dah penuh... WTF?....
ni spec die
-Processor - AMD Turion64x2 Mobile Technology TL-60(2.0Ghz)
-Memory -1024MB 667MHz / max to 4GB DDR2 Memory (512x2pcs)
-Hard Disk Drive - 120GB
-Display - 14.1" TFT WXGA high definition widescreen LCD panel with brightview technology
-Optical Drive - DVD +/- RW Double Layer Drive
-Bluetooth - Yes
-Wireless - 802.11b/g
-Operating System - Freedos
-Intel Chipset - NVIDIA Southbridge MCP51
-Graphic Chipset - NVIDIA GeForce Go 6150 up to 128MB Total Available Graphics Memory (UMA/shared graphic)
-External Card Expansion - ExpressCard/54 slot
-Audio - 2 Altec Lansing branded Stereo Speakers
-Fax / Modem speeds- High speed 56K
-Network Interface - Integrated 10Mbps, 100Mbps
-Pointing Device Type - Touchpad with dedicated 2-right & left click button
-Ports - VGA, USB 2.0 (3), IEEE 1394, Consumer IR-RJ-11,RJ-45,headphone,microphone jack,Omni-directional microphone (2), AC adapter, S-video out, expansion port for HP xb3000 Notebook Expansion Base Kensington lock
-Media Card - 5-in 1 intergrated digital media reader slot
-Batterytype/Batterylife - 6-cell Lithium-Ion (4.4Ah) ? provides up to 4 hours and 16 mins of battery life
-Dimension - 33.4 x 23.7 x 2.6 ~ 3.9cm
-Weight - 2.4kg (5.39lbs) with 6 Cell Battery
-Warranty - One year Asia Pacific Limited Warranty (parts/labor/carry-in)
-Bundle - Free Nylon Carrying Case
[ Last edited by metalique at 23-9-2007 11:08 PM ] |
Reply #17 farishaziqi's post
yg ko post no 2 ni .. pakai distro ape ?? cun la ko setting camni... x silap aku, ikut ko punye siggy /dev/hda1 Kubuntu Feisty 7.04 + Compiz Fusion ... yg ni kan ??
aku pun dah start menyampah dgn pakatan windows ngan pembekal hardware ni ... cam laptop la... driver untuk xp x de.. diorang pakse kite migrate ke vista ... :@ .. semua ni duit, buL L s Hit
[ Last edited by metalique at 23-9-2007 11:24 PM ] |
Reply #17 farishaziqi's post
apa beza ubuntu ngan debian |
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