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Filem-filem Inggeris Paling Kontroversi

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Post time 30-11-2007 10:22 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Aku guna fungsi search nak tengok kalau topik ni dah ada, no result so takde la tu. Hehehe.

Berikit adalah filem2 Inggeris yang kontroversi dalam sejarah perfileman.

Baby Doll (1956)

Elia Kazan's film (based on Tennessee Williams' play) told about a thumb-sucking, white-trash, 19 year-old virginal 'baby doll' child bride (Carroll Baker) who was married (but unconsummated) to Mississippi cotton gin operator Archie Lee Meighan (Karl Malden), and seduced by a competing vengeful Sicilian cotton-gin owner Silva Vacarro (Eli Wallach in his film debut). In the opening scenes, Baby Doll was crib-bound in nursery furniture, spied upon through a wall by her 'peeping tom' husband, and given no privacy while taking a bath.
The defiant film was a pot-boiling, condemned, and censored drama (by the Catholic Legion of Decency) - it was viciously condemned for, among other things, a notorious, highly-sexual seduction scene on a swing, of the young 'baby doll' nymphet by Vacarro to get her to sign a letter about Archie's guilt, their game of hide-and-seek in the upstairs (and attic), and later their kissing scene under a turned-off bare bulb in an adjoining room while Baby Doll's sexually-frustrated husband Archie was speaking on the phone nearby.
The Oscar-nominated film (with four nominations, but no wins, including Best Actress and Best Adapted Screenplay) was called notorious, salacious, revolting, dirty, steamy, lewd, suggestive, morally repellent and provocative. Time Magazine was noted as stating: "Just possibly the dirtiest American-made motion picture that has ever been legally exhibited..." New York's Cardinal Spellman declared the film "evil in concept... certain to exert an immoral and corrupting influence on those who see it." The stark, controversial, black and white film was so viciously denounced by the Legion of Decency upon its release with a "C" (or condemned) rating that many theaters were forced to cancel their showings, but it still did moderately well at the box office despite the uproar.
Baise Moi (2000, Fr.)

This daring and scandalous, unrated art-house import about heartless and irrational female sexual rage by two hardened and randy females was the first collaboration between French film-maker Virginie Despentes and former porn actress Coralie Trinh Thi. The two main characters were lower class French 'bad girls' named Manu (Raffaela Anderson) and prostitute Nadine (Karine Bach/Karen Lancaume), who were portrayed by French adult film stars. After being pushed around by losers and low-lifes in their seedy, marginal neighborhood, they decided to engage in a shooting spree and sexual romp across France.
The French film was a very violent, sensationalist, bold, graphic and hard-core sex-filled version of Natural Born Killers and Thelma & Louise - a nihilistic and self-destructive road picture that ran into extreme protest and controversy. It was banned in France, its native country of release, for its porno-style, animalistic sexuality (fellatio included), explicit and brutal rape scene (of Manu) in a parking lot, and randomly vengeful violence spree on both men and women.

Bandit Queen (1994, India)

This biodrama (in Hindi with subtitles) told the true-life legendary story of indomitable female folk outlaw-heroine Phoolan Devi (portrayed by Seema Biswas). It was based upon Devi's "dictated prison diaries," made after she was arrested, in real life, in 1983, and imprisoned for eleven years. [She ran for Parliament in 1996 and was assassinated in 2001 when she was just 37, reportedly to avenge the Behmai Massacre.]
It portrayed many scenes of her continued rape and sexual humiliation in her society. As a lower-caste Indian girl, she was married off at age 11 (Sunita Bhatt), and repeatedly 'raped' and ill-treated by her husband. After she left her husband (and was now regarded as a loose woman and fair game), she became defiant against forced female subservience, which led to her banishment as a social outcast from her patriarchal-based village.
After being arrested (framed for a robbery), raped, and beaten in prison, she was kidnapped by a local gang of bandits and again, raped, but won the respect and love of the gang's temporary leader Vikram Mallah (Nirmal Pandey), who became her lover and eventually made her co-leader (with resemblances to Bonnie and Clyde and Robin Hood tales). When jealous upper-caste Thakurs returned to rule the bandits in the village, they killed Mallah, gang-raped Devi (for three-days), and forced her to walk naked through the village's main streets to fetch water from the well. Her retaliatory vengeance took the form of a brutal massacre that killed 20 upper caste men in Behmai (in Uttar Pradesh) where she was assaulted. Her last defiant words in the film were: "I am Phoolan Devi, you sisterf--kers."
Due to its controversial nature, consciousness-raising and powerful indictment of Indian society (for its sexism, ritual misogyny, and the inequalities of the caste system), it was banned in India by censors due to its nudity, sex and violence. Devi herself issued her own lawsuit in an effort to prevent its release. Bandit Queen was financed by Britain's Channel Four, and received critical acclaim at the 1994 Cannes Film Festival, and at the 1995 New Directors New Films Festival in New York.

Blue Velvet (1986)

Lynch's polarizing film was an original look at sex, violence, crime and power under the peaceful exterior of small-town Americana in the mid-80s. Beneath the familiar, peaceful, 'American-dream' cleanliness of the daytime scenes lurked sleaziness, prostitution, unrestrained violence, and perversity - powerful and potentially-dangerous sexual forces that might be unleashed if not contained.
It was considered controversial, shocking, and lurid when released. The compelling film was often criticized for its depiction of aberrant sexual behavior, as well as highly ridiculed and disdained as an extreme, dark, vulgar and disgusting film, especially for its cinematic treatment of Isabella Rossellini - director Lynch's wife at the time.
Its most repulsive scene was the one in which clean-cut, all-American boy/trekker Jeffrey Beaumont (Kyle MacLachlan) first voyeuristically watched the fragile nightclub singer named Dorothy (Isabella Rossellini) from her closet -- when she discovered him, she forced him to strip at knifepoint and fondled him -- but they were interrupted by the entry of a monstrous, loathsome, nitrous-oxide sniffing kidnapper - the evil, vile and depraved drug-pusher psycho Frank (Dennis Hopper). Beaumont witnessed the sexually-depraved, blackmailing relationship between the abused/brutalized, sado-machochistic mother and Frank - who used an oxygen inhaler while terrorizing and raping Dorothy as he play-acted being both her Daddy and Baby ("Baby wants to f--k"). After Frank left the scene of victimization, Dorothy pleaded with a consoling Beaumont to further abuse her: "Feel me. Hit me." Later in the film in a scene considered gratuitous and personally degrading, a vulnerable Dorothy appeared naked and battered on the Beaumont's front lawn

Bonnie And Clyde (1967)

This innovative, revisionist Hollywood film redefined and romanticized the crime/gangster genre and the depiction of screen violence forever. The landmark film was ultimately a popular and commercial success, but it was first widely denounced and condemned by film reviewers for glamorizing the two Depression-era killers (Faye Dunaway as Bonnie Parker and Warren Beatty as Clyde Barrow), and only had mediocre box-office results.
In the autumn of 1967, it opened and closed quite quickly - enough time for it to be indignantly criticized for its shocking violence, graphic bullet-ridden finale (with its slow-motion ballet of death) and for its blending of humorous farce with brutal killings. Then, after a period of reassessment, there were glowing reviews, critical acclaim, a Newsweek cover story, and the film's re-release - and it was nominated for ten Academy Awards. The film was also remarkable and controversial for its honest depiction of the unique relationship between an impotent Clyde and the sexually-aggressive Bonnie.

Ada banyak lagik. Kalau korang nak tambah, dipersilakan yer?

[ Last edited by  narcolepsy at 2-12-2007 06:45 AM ]

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Post time 30-11-2007 11:00 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1 narcolepsy's post

never thought that bonnie and clyde would be
controversial -- a great movie though --

at this moment - one film that i can think of
is  "Schindler's List"  directed by steven spielberg -

can google about it if wanna know what's the movie about
(re: holocaust during nazi's time)
i saw it abroad --  it was banned in malaysia though -

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 Author| Post time 30-11-2007 11:04 PM | Show all posts
Dexa - Yup. It's a great movie.

Basic Instinct, Cannabal Holocost, Natural Born Killer & The Blair Witch Project pun in da list. Nanti saya bagi full list.

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Post time 30-11-2007 11:47 PM | Show all posts

Reply #3 narcolepsy's post

Blair Witch Project?
omg... u know what...
ramai ketawakan saya tapi
itulah satu satunya HORROR movie
yang after saya tengok 4 nights i CANT sleep

saya duk teringat yang masa waktu dusk
yang batu2 tu tersusun, angin2 menderu...
and as well masa dia dibunuh masa kat corner in
that room -

goodness  memang seram cerita tu
music seram  etc etc

saya tak suka horror movie and i can't believe
i watched blair witch project  
and my friends were laffing cuz they said
it wasn't that 'seram'

but it was interesting low budget movie
and true story   pakai video cam aje!!! --

ah  natural born killer!!   yang woody harrelson from
CHEERS tu kan??
dia jadi killer dalam film tu -- great movie tapi memang
contraversial  -  you are right -

lagi satu yang controversial  is --

The Last Temptation of Christ  - lama dah film ni -
ni adaptation dari 1955 punya novel--
tapi memang controversial - (from book author : kazantzakis) -

tu arahan martin scorcese -- yang mengarahkan
a few good men ( one of the great movies too -- starring tom cruise and demi moore
and jack nicholson as colonel Nathan Jessup)  pasal code red tu!!
saya suka martin scorcese !! -

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Post time 30-11-2007 11:53 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dexa at 30-11-2007 11:47 PM
tu arahan martin scorcese -- yang mengarahkan
a few good men ( one of the great movies too -- starring tom cruise and demi moore
and jack nicholson as colonel Nathan Jessup)  pasal code red tu!!
saya suka martin scorcese !! -


filem A Few Good Men diarahkan oleh Rob Reiner. bukan Martin Scorsese. dia takde kenemengena ngan filem tu. filem2 Scorsese antaranya adalah Raging Bull,Taxi Driver, ngan Goodfellas.

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 Author| Post time 1-12-2007 12:02 AM | Show all posts
The Blair Witch Project kalau sesapa tak tgk mmg rugi. Mula2 mmg tak paham tapi sket2 baru paham.

Nasib baik topik takde lagik. Sronok nak diskas ni.

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Post time 1-12-2007 12:12 AM | Show all posts

Reply #5 maberik's post

oh my god  u are correct!! thanks
rob reiner
goodfellas yang directed by martin scorcese
(dia suka film2 macam fight and mafia sikit!!)

thanks!! keliru pulak
tapi jalan cerita yang betul --
director dah keliru lah pulak...

btw FINALLY last year martin won the best director
kudos for him!! --

*i personally love raging bull and taxi driver
cuz i love bobby de niro

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Post time 1-12-2007 12:15 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by narcolepsy at 1-12-2007 12:02 AM
The Blair Witch Project kalau sesapa tak tgk mmg rugi. Mula2 mmg tak paham tapi sket2 baru paham.

Nasib baik topik takde lagik. Sronok nak diskas ni.

tapi the second one tak best dah!!

saya pun tak tengok sebab saya takut nak tengok
however the review just suck

tak sama macam the first Blair Witch Project tu!! --

saya memang suka jalan ceritanya
cuma saya tak sangka saya 'TAKUT' sangat sampai
memang tak boleh tidur few nights ---  ishhh --

a good topic and i love it --
saya sebenarnya nak tengok enchanted malam ni
tapi sebab berforum  punya pasal  tengok malam esok -
(good topic i mean) - ah enchanted won't go away though -

last week tengok the kingdom -

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Post time 1-12-2007 01:08 AM | Show all posts

Reply #3 narcolepsy's post

aku tak sanggup tgk cannibal holocaust.. tu real kan, bukan berlakon??

[ Last edited by  buiscasey at 1-12-2007 01:13 AM ]

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Post time 1-12-2007 01:15 AM | Show all posts
kalau kontroversial, aku terpikir passion of christ..

walaupun tajuk thread ni filem inggeris and passion of christ tu bukan filem inggeris, tp tuan rumah sendiri yg listkan french film yg aku rasa bukan inggeris, so bolehlah aku list passion of christ..

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Post time 1-12-2007 01:36 AM | Show all posts
indecent proposal... 1993

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Post time 1-12-2007 01:38 AM | Show all posts

sebelom 'the passion' movie ini muncul dulu
adapted from Nikolas Kazantzakis novel of the same name
and directed by Martin Scorsese

acc to this book when Jesus was crucified, dia mengeluh "Eli, Eli (as in God) why did you forsake me?"
habis riot broke out di panggung

yang paling vocal at that time ialah org2 Islam di sana
membuatkan the cHristians pelik (since derang tak tahu nabi Isa is much adored by muslims as a prophet)

this was 1988

p/s buku ini was one of the banned book in the West satu ketika dulu (and still is agaknya)

[ Last edited by  peacefrog at 1-12-2007 01:42 AM ]

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Post time 1-12-2007 09:44 AM | Show all posts
dari segi politik fahrenheit 9/11 pn tk kurang juga kontroversinya...

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 Author| Post time 1-12-2007 12:56 PM | Show all posts

Reply #9 buiscasey's post

Ada kuar statement filem ni actually tipu je. Nanti saya cari dan letak sini.

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Post time 1-12-2007 02:17 PM | Show all posts
Cannibal Holocaust part bunuh2 binatang tu real

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 Author| Post time 1-12-2007 07:15 PM | Show all posts
Tak sampai hati aku tgk dorang bunuh binatang tu..


Brokeback Mountain (2005)

Almost a quarter of a century after the similarly-themed Making Love (1982), this Best Picture-nominated melodrama appeared with its story about two young cowboys who had an unexpected tryst while shepherding in 1963. It told how their ill-fated love affected their married lives in the following three decades. This was the first mainstream gay/bi-sexual romance film, heavily-promoted by the media, to receive multiple awards and critical/public acclaim, with eight Academy Award nominations, including Best Picture (and ultimately three Oscars) from major A-list film-maker and Best Director-winning Ang Lee. The much talked-about film quickly became the most honored movie in cinematic history - it had more Best Picture and Director wins from various film organizations than previous Oscar winners Schindler's List (1993) and Titanic (1997) combined. It was also the critical darling of the media and the expected favorite to win, although Crash surprisingly took the top honor.
However, some conservative Catholic organizations cited the film as "morally offensive" for its open portrayal of a homosexual relationship, and others criticized the film as sexually propagandistic. Conservative Christian fundamentalist groups heavily cited the film as glorifying homosexuality and for pushing a sexual agenda. However, those who were critical of the film were labeled "homophobic". Although widely hailed as a "breakthrough" film for gay cinema, neither of the film's two lead actors, nor its director, nor its screenwriters were gay, and the film was originally advertised in trailers without specifically referring to the film's 'gay' themes or scenes.

Dirty Harry took its name from the fact that its unorthodox title character, San Francisco Inspector Harry Callahan (Clint Eastwood), became embroiled with the most challenging and controversial ('dirty') cases of urban crime, often using tactics of police brutality and an attitude of "take-no-prisoners" that ignored criminals' rights in order to restore victims' rights. Callahan's open contempt for normal Miranda law restrictions illustrated his belief that criminals must be stopped - by any means, since traditional law enforcement ("by the book") tactics weren't effective.
Siegel's film was considered sensational because of its overt violence (reflecting the early 70s era of rising crime and calls for 'law and order') and occasional glimpses of nudity. The duelling combatants (the cop and the criminal) throughout the film - an individualistic, unconventional, neo-fascist, super-hero police detective with a .44 Magnum weapon who threw away the rule book, and his complementary opposite - a pathological, malevolent and sadistic criminal named Scorpio (similar to SF's real-life Zodiac Killer, played by Andy Robinson) who demanded an extortionist ransom of $100,000, both shared traits of brutal violence and insanity.
The police thriller spawned many debates about the political stance of the film and the complex issue of the conflicting rights of victims, suspects, and society. Was it a reactionary message piece against imperfect, "liberal" judicial trends that let 'sicko' criminals get away, literally, with murder? Or was Siegel encouraging audiences to empathically identify with the indiscriminate vengeance of the violent, fascist, anarchic, unrestrained vigilante 'killer' on the side of the law who acted as an autonomous police power?

The Exorcist (1973)

Friedkin adapted William Peter Blatty's best-selling, 1971 blockbuster book about satanic demon possession (based on a true-story of a 13 year-old Maryland boy in 1949), and created one of the most disturbing, frightening, shocking, and exploitative films ever made. The horror film masterpiece, the first major horror blockbuster, was one of the most opposed and talked-about films, especially during its pre-release time period. Viewers and the studio took note that there were accompanying ominous events, including the deaths of nine persons associated with the production (including Jack MacGowran and von Sydow's brother) - and a request was made to exorcise the set.
Its controversial content, sensational, nauseating, and horrendous special effects (360 degree head-rotations, self-mutilation/masturbation with a crucifix, the projectile spewing of green puke, a mixture of split-pea soup and oatmeal, etc.), for its depictions of desecrations, vivid representations of evil, and for its intense scenes of exorcism (accompanied by blasphemies, obscenities and graphic physical shocks). One of the most controversial scenes was the long sequence of invasive medical testing performed on the hapless patient - criticized as medical pornography.
A sweet pre-teenaged girl Regan MacNeil (Linda Blair) became possessed by a malevolent evil spirit - and after urinating on the carpet in public and experiencing a shaking bed, was soon transformed and disfigured into a head-rotating, levitating, green vomit-spewing, obscenity-shouting creature. Her divorced, film-star mother Chris MacNeil (Ellen Burstyn) was at wit's end, until she called on a dedicated, faith-questioning Jesuit priest Father Karras (Jason Miller) to exorcise the malevolent devil from her daughter's body. An elderly priest Father Merrin (Max von Sydow), whose archaeology project released the Satanic being, also risked his life (and died of heart failure) to administer rites of exorcism with incantations and holy water.
The film was enormously popular with moviegoers at Christmas-time of 1973, but some portions of the viewing audience fled from theaters due to nausea, convulsions, fainting or sheer fright/anger (Headlines proclaimed: "The Exorcist nearly killed me!"), and it was reported that one patron in San Francisco literally attacked the screen in an attempt to kill the demon. Mass hysteria led to paramedics being called to some theatres, and others were picketed in protest.
The film's showings also led to a reported increase in temporary spiritual possessions or psychoses by individuals, and an increase in requests for priests to exorcise everything from loved ones and pets to houses, neighborhoods and appliances. Evangelist Reverend Billy Graham stated that he "felt the power of evil buried within the celluloid of the film itself". The film was also banned on video in the UK for fifteen years.

[ Last edited by  narcolepsy at 1-12-2007 07:18 PM ]

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Post time 1-12-2007 10:33 PM | Show all posts

Reply #16 narcolepsy's post

dirty harry controversy?
camana tu ---
saya rasa harry callahan is one of the best character
ever ---

'go ahead .... make my day!! --

saw all dirty harry movies and love clint eastwood! -

lagi satu yang kinda controversial movie was
prince of egypt - disney animated cuz story about
moses and pharaoh -  i watched it though - not bad
movie - but i love aladdin lagi -

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Post time 1-12-2007 10:39 PM | Show all posts
aku nk nangis tgk part dorng bunuh penyu dlm citer tu

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Post time 1-12-2007 10:47 PM | Show all posts

Reply #18 sakurahati's post

cannibal holocaust tu ke?

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Post time 1-12-2007 10:57 PM | Show all posts

Reply #19 dexa's post

haah citer tu la...nyesal aku tgk citer tu..

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