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Majulah Singapura : New SAF Digital Camo
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Majulah Singapura : New SAF Digital Camo...
SAF uniform to take on pixellated look
By Teh Joo Lin (1 Aug 2008)
THE Singapore Armed Forces is planning to replace its uniform with something which will make its soldiers harder to spot in the jungle.
Instead of the black, green and brown fatigues which soldiers here have been wearing for more than two decades, the new uniform is said to resemble what the United States Marine Corps uses now.
The uniform will adopt new technology which uses smaller pixels of colours to create a complex pattern.
This is in contrast to the present uniform which has larger splotches of colours.
The Defence Ministry issued a tender for the new uniforms in the middle of last month.
The latest design change will be the largest revision of its kind in 25 years for the SAF. The current military combat uniform - known among soldiers as the No. 4 uniform - was introduced in 1983. It features splotches of black, brown and green printed in an interlocking pattern, which helps the soldier blend into the foliage.
It replaced the earlier single-coloured Temasek Green uniform.
No official details about the new uniforms are available, but The Straits Times understands an announcement is expected next month.
However, the impending change has already fuelled discussion in online forums among servicemen. Some national servicemen (NSmen) had also been briefed on the new combat greens on their recent returns to camp.
Much of the talk has been speculation about how the new uniform looks, which other militaries have adopted the camouflage and where the ranks will appear on the new fatigues.
There are about 300,000 active and full-time national servicemen. All are expected to be issued the new uniforms.
The new look is also intended to be more functional than cosmetic.
The camouflage pattern is supposed to be harder to pick out in the jungle, based on how the human eye interacts with pixellated images.
Like the US Marine Corps, the Canadian military has a pixel pattern on its uniform.
When contacted, defence analyst Bernard Loo said he had seen the US Marine Corps in training with their pixellated uniform on the beach, 'and it works very well for them'.
Dr Loo said the new Singapore uniform was likely to have been put through its paces by the SAF.
'I assume they would have tested it against the likely area of operations and found the new camouflage pattern works better than the present one.'
Another change - the rank insignia on the new uniforms will be worn on the chest instead of on the shoulder epaulettes.
The new fatigues are likely to be introduced in phases, with soldiers in active units donning them first.

comparison with US Army, US Marine and Msia Army Camo. credit to chinesejunk |
Reply #2 spiderweb6969's post
aiyahhh apek... itu thread u punya specility.... too general la... wa tak mo kacau.... tenkiu anyway...  |
Fuh, kalau asykar asykar Sg menyelinap dalam kebun getah dan ladang kelapa sawit kat Labis, sure sojar Mesia tak nampak..memang invisible dan kalis ngv.. |
Reply #4 areguard's post
Kereta ko pakai NGV ke...asyik tersasul aje... |
Reply #4 areguard's post
kalo namanya belukar, masuk kereta pon buleh hilang. 
tak caya, lu try pakai pakaian warna ijau tanpa celoreng, pastuh gi nyorok dlm kebun getah dan ladang kelapa sawit kat Labis tu. pastuh suruh orang kampung cari.
sure tak jumpa...  |
cantik ek camo baru singapore....  |
Reply #8 BlackScorpian's post
sesat? siapa sesat dalam hutan? askar singapore ka? kalau askar singapore sesat dlm hutan kita belum pernah dengar lagi, tapi kalau askar malaysia sesat kat sempadan siam, sudah byk kali....  |
Reply #5 alphawolf's post
NVG lerr.. |
Reply #9 kuihkoci's post
Itu sengaja nak sesat sebab cari Mak andeh Siam untuk repair urat pinggang  |
Reply #7 kuihkoci's post
honestly speaking, not nice....banyak yang complain kat singapore, walaupuneffective....but what to do, those who complain there are either into fashions down orchard road or ladies with some fetishes on men in camo uniform. the reality is there seems to be more yellowish in the secondary forestal area when light or sun ray passes through....i personally dont like the camo haversack or webbing but i still have to agree that it work. |
Reply #12 spiderweb6969's post

pixelated patch pattern okay sebenarnya, cumer the 4 combination colours tak begitu cantik, tapi mungkin sesuai dgn keadaan hutan..... 4 warna ini nampak macam camo PRChina, tak minat. |
Negara Sekutu US lebih kurang jer design macam camo MARPAT |
Canadian Forces (CADPAT), the National Army of Colombia, the United States Marine Corps (MARPAT), United States Army (Universal Camouflage Pattern), the United States Air Force (Digital Tiger Stripe), the Italian Army (Vegetato), Estonian Defence Forces (ESTDCU) and much of the military of Jordan. The South Korean Army recently, possibly around August 2006, adopted a digital camouflage pattern that is somewhat similar to the USMC's MARPAT |
dorang patut tanya ngan mamat yg lari dr penjara dulu, camo jenis apa dia guna , sampaikan unit canggih dorang pun tak jumpa, tu baru namanya halimunan. |
Reply #16 HangPC2's post
macam tompok tahi cicak jer....  |
atm bukan nak perkenal unoform baru ke, bila nak umum, thn lepas lg aku dengar. |
hensem lagi celoreng harimau belang kita,
cuma daripada segi kualiti fabrik dan praktikalitinya jauh lebih baik
daripada no.5 ATM.
harap mindef dah ada perancangan untuk uniform lebih baik. |
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