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MERGED : All About Spain

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Post time 5-12-2006 08:35 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Post Last Edit by bdk2 at 12-1-2012 03:01

Greetings to all ahli board TTVA. Just nak share our experience pi Andalucia bebaru ni. Baru ja balik last Saturday, pi one week saja. Rasa2 macam ada thread pasal Spain kat sini, carik carik tak jumpa pun, kalau ada, nanti momod tolong la merge ke hapa ke ehh..

Kitorang (me, asben + baby) fly ke Seville from Ireland, flight took about 2 ? hrs. Bertolak hari Sabtu. Sampai sana lebih kurang 7.30 pm local time.Sebelum bertolak dah book accommodation awal2. From the airport, ada 2 options, naik bus ataupun taxi. Kalau nak naik bas, x susah, sbb bus from airport to town dia very frequent, Cuma bus ni only pi sampai main train/bus station,which is quite far from all the hotels so dari situ kena naik another bus/taxi. Kalau naik bus from airport to town, 2.40 eu single, taxi dia pulak, takdak meter, tapi Alhamdullilah, everytime kitorang naik taxi kat seville (total 3 kali), tak pernah kena katok (dah siap survey taxi fares before pi, so dah tau la roughly how much it should cost)

Kitorang naik taxi ja from airport to hotel sbb ngn beg2 + stroller  + baby, macam malas nak turun naik bus. Kena 25eu, which is the normal fare.

In my opinion, acc kat Seville is quite cheap compared to some other European countries, so we decided to treat ourselves n not stay in hostel macam selalu hehehhe..sbb anak tgh nak melasak, nak cari tempat with extra space sikit lah..harga reasonably good hotels, mostly 60eu pernight, rasanya rate tu for 2 persons kot.But ada this one family dapat rate yg sama for 4 people sharing the same room, 2 adukts + 2 kids, anak2 dia dah besar gakla dalam 12-14 rasanya.Tapi ni harga kalau nak compare ngn other eu countries, kalau convert pi RM,still  mahai gak la kan Tapi kami decided to stay in a hotel style apartment, murah jugak la for what we get, sbb ada dapur + living room and very very central Kami dok area Barrio de santa Cruz. Area ni dekat dgn all the atrractions, everything is within walking distance, tapi kami ada la jugak naik bus sekali dua sbb maleh nak jalan. Barrio de Sata Cruz ni, is Seville? old town, so it is pedestrian only zone, tapi dekat la ngn all the main attractions yg kami nak pi + it is quite nice to stay in the old city. Cumanya, since the area is pedestrian only zone, kalau naik taxi ka bus ka, kena jalan kaki la sikit masuk ke area tu.

Sampai ja kat apt malam tu, check in semua, rehat + makan, dah bawak bekal nasik goreng heheh, then kami keluaq la jalan2 kat area2 tu, just walked aimlessly ja, kat spain, even dah pukul 11 mlm, still ramai org dok ronda2, socialising kat tapas bar etc, even malam pun, still quite warm (warm la bagi kami yg mai dari Ireland neh..) so quite nice la jalan2 malam tu..Malam2, kat restaurant ada la depa buat persembahan Spanish music + dance, so dari luar dah boleh dengar bunyi org nyanyi, kami dok la kat luar tgk betui..very lively..

okeh nanti smabung lagi yaa

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Post time 5-12-2006 12:27 PM | Show all posts
budget traveller cam ne? ok ke untuk ke sana?

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 Author| Post time 5-12-2006 10:45 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2 puterikhaleeda's post

kitorang selalunya mmg budget traveller, this time ja splash out sikit sbb acc kat Spain is much cheaper, so budget traveller memang takde masalah kat Spain, but I'm talking about Southern Spain la, kalau nak pi Barcelona, madrid maybe mahal sikit kot

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 Author| Post time 7-12-2006 08:44 AM | Show all posts
Some pictures..

Streets of Sevilla, lined with orange trees..jadi jakun sat tgk pokok oren segar bugar tgh2 pekan macam tu..kalau kita tanam poko rambutan tgh jalan macam tu, mau org pakat panjat ambik buah

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 Author| Post time 7-12-2006 08:47 AM | Show all posts
Bullfighting ring kat Sevilla, still fully functioning, tapi waktu kami pi tu, off season, so dpt ikut tour dia saja, dalam tu ada muzium, dia tunjuk la depa simpan kepala2 bulls yg mati dlm fight, baju2 yg depa pakai, macam2 lagi lah..


treatment room utk org injured hehe


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 Author| Post time 7-12-2006 09:14 AM | Show all posts
Reales Alcazar, with its Islamic architecture and some of the inscription on the walls


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Post time 7-12-2006 07:56 PM | Show all posts
Thanks for the lovely pics!

Just curious, ada lagi tak Muslims kat sana?... kalau ada, senang tak nak dapat makanan halal or you rasa macam dodgy makanan yg dijual?

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 Author| Post time 7-12-2006 11:12 PM | Show all posts

Reply #7 RedAlert's post

Dekat Granada, still ramai muslims, in fact, kat situ lah ada the only mosque that is still being used as a mosque, yg lain dah abih kena convert jadi church. Kat granada x susah cari makanan halal, ada kedai yg mahal ada yg murah. Kedai kebab yg macam kita biasa dok jumpa kat UK tu, ada a few kat granada, kat plaza nueva, kebab dia pun x mahal sgt, 3.50 eu satu,besar lak tu, so lagi murah daru UK lah..cuma dia x lah byk pilihan sgt, semuanya donner kebab saja, ada yg dia kata shawarma, tapi rasa + rupa, macam doner kebab jugak heheh...tak kisahlah..janji kenyang kan heheh

dekat sevilla + cordoba, kitorang x jumpa lgsg kedai halal, dah la tu, dari apa yg kitorang baca, spanish ni suka makan lembu kaki pendek tu, even vegetarian foods pun, dia buh gak sikit sebagai penambah perisa, dah tu, even kat touristy area, they don't really speak english, so susah la kita nak tau apa ada dlm makanan kami pun x berani lah..nasib baik kami mmg dah siap sedia bwk peralatan masak sbb plan dok self catering apt kan, so sepanjang kat sevilla, mmg masak sendiri lah..kebetulan terjumpa market kat sana jual fresh seafood, harga murah jugak, so makan grilled fish + pasta saja la heheh heheh

tiap2 kedai makan dia, mesti ada gantung itu binatang punya kaki, mmg depa punya specialties, dia panggil jabugo/jamon, mountain cured ham, laaaagiiii la buat x berani + x lalu nak makan kat kedai2 tu

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Post time 8-12-2006 12:03 AM | Show all posts
from seville to granada jauh tak ? and you all travel macam mana ? what is the nearest airport to granada ? share sikit nama self-catering apartment yg you all duduk tu...

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 Author| Post time 8-12-2006 12:20 AM | Show all posts

Reply #9 yong_mm's post

sevilla to granada, 3 hrs by train

granada itself, ada airport dia, but from my place tak dak direct flight, tu yg pi sevilla dulu, then take a train from there, bus pun ada jugak

airport lain around andalucia, boleh try malaga, almeria, tapi dua ni, operate summer schedule only from my place

ni apt yg kami dok

oppss sorry x boleh buat link la guna quick reply

dia ada apt or hotel, hotel dia murah sikit

tapi bila kami kira apa yg kami save sbb boleh masak kat apt tu, jadi lebih kurang

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Post time 8-12-2006 12:40 AM | Show all posts

Reply #8 fairyjasmine's post

hmm... that's what most ppl say about going to Spain, mmg susah kalau bab makanan (even org yg 'liberal' sikit pasal makan pun mengeluh :bgrin b'coz everything ada element lembu kaki pendek tu.

tengok pada gambar2 tu nampak weather mcm waktu summer jer...mcm tak caya jer fairy baru melawat Spain last week, considering weather kat British Isles yg amat2 depressing sekarang ni :geram: ...

Masuk all those historical buildings tu kena bayar tak?

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 Author| Post time 8-12-2006 01:32 AM | Show all posts

Reply #11 RedAlert's post

memang susah pun bab makan, paling selamat masak sendiri la..

sebab kita x paham bahasa depa, macam itik ngn ayam jadinya..

weather kat sana very mild, 17-20 C, kira panas la tu kan nak compare ngn sini..tu yg balik mai sini teruih demam, terkejut sbb sini sejuk..

nak masuk tempat2 dia

alcazar 7eu (yg ni berbaloi)
sevilla cathedral - kami pi ari ahad, patutnya pree, tapi kami x masuk
bull ring - 4 eu incl tour (ok la, not bad)
La mezquita, Cordoba, 7 eu - x berbaloi,patut lagi murah
alhambra - 10 eu haaa nii sgt2 berbaloi

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Post time 8-12-2006 03:25 AM | Show all posts
Thanks for the info, Fairy:tq::tq::tq:

Bilalah daku nak ke sana yeaa:hmm:

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Post time 8-12-2006 09:59 AM | Show all posts

cantik cantik gambar!! thanks for sharing

bila lah aku nak kesana (tiru ayat min)

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 Author| Post time 8-12-2006 10:22 PM | Show all posts

Reply #14 DARSITA's post

hang kan dah dapat tiket pree pi london

lepaih ni kecek la tiket pi spain plak :lol

pstt--mau kak ipaq hang kata melampau satgi :lol

yg kami plak teringin nak pi US, tapi leceh la dgn visa neh..

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 Author| Post time 8-12-2006 11:02 PM | Show all posts
ni ambik dlm Nasrid Palace, Alhambra

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 Author| Post time 8-12-2006 11:08 PM | Show all posts
La mezquita, Cordoba

mezquita = mosque

nampak tak saf2 between tiang tu? tapi sadly this mosque has been converted to a church


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Post time 11-12-2006 01:32 PM | Show all posts
untuk seminggu tu, brape byk yg u spent suma ek, termasuk flight ticket +  appmt.
bukan ape, aku nak tgk poket aku, bole tak bole . . kalau tak bole, aku kumpulkan lagi . .
sbb syok arrr tgk bangunan kat situ . .

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 Author| Post time 11-12-2006 08:56 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ummy43 at 11-12-2006 01:32 PM
untuk seminggu tu, brape byk yg u spent suma ek, termasuk flight ticket +  appmt.
bukan ape, aku nak tgk poket aku, bole tak bole . . kalau tak bole, aku kumpulkan lagi . .
sbb syok arrr tgk ban ...

I think budget ni very subjective la..anyway, roughly price kata sana macam ni

hotel (middle range) - 60 eu pernight, for 2 adults, 2 kids (kalau dok hostel lagi murah, but not necessarily, make sure dah factor in transport costs, kalau hostel tu jauh dari the attractions yg kita nak pi + transport to and from the hostel - all the hidden cost la)

makan- kitorang bwk sendiri (maggi) + beli sikit2 bahan mentah kat sana macam ikan, pasta, roti + telur utk buat sandwich - so maybe around 5-15 eu per day

train - Seville to Cordoba - around 14 eu return (tapi kalau naik AVE, faster but 40 eu return) , SEvilla to Granada, 36 eu return

Bas dorang lak - 1 eu sekali naik regardless of nak pi mana. Ni bas yg delat town tu, bukan intercity tau..

Souvenier kat sana yg kecik2 , reasonable gak harga dia, fridge magnet, 1.50 dah leh dpt yg cantik2

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Post time 15-5-2007 04:09 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1 fairyjasmine's post


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