Post Last Edit by TumblerTK at 24-2-2010 00:55
Release Date: 11 February 2010 | Language: English | Subtitle: Malay, Chinese | Running Time: 1 hour 44 minutes | Director: Joe Johnston | Cast: Benicio Del Toro, Anthony Hopkins, Emily Blunt. |
Synopsis:When a man is called home to help find his missing brother, he finds atown terrified by a legendary werewolf, finally discovering that hisfather is the beast. After he's bitten and turned into a Wolfmanhimself, the son battles the father to the death in an effort to put anend to the curse.
(Source: United International Pictures (Sdn))
Post Last Edit by TumblerTK at 24-2-2010 00:53
aku search,tp tadek pun sesapa open..xbest ke citer ni?
dah tayang dr 2 mgu lps,n aku plak xmo tgk klu xtau reviewnya 
so,klu sesapa dah tgk,pls la bg feedback..sbb aku mmg minat citer psl creature cmnih
tq |
laa takde sape bukak thread ke? heheh..cite ni orang kate best gak..
aku baru tengok petang tadi...
agak hampeh sikit coz cite nih banyak nak buat terkejut2..terlalu banyak sampai aku ngantuk dah |
3# MetalFire
so terkejut yg best or gimmick je lebih?
citer ni plakon xglemer n ensem jambu kot.hehe.. |
citer ni besttt
far better dari percy jackson |
5# True-X
so mebi nak tgk la citer ni sok kot.
sbb bf kata nak tgk. watashi plak prefer percy,tp review kat sini mcm xbaper menarik sgt |
citer ni, ok ok je....bolehlah nak tgk kalau dah takde citer nak tgk...huhuhu |
terkejut gimmick je kot..ala2 macam ko tengok cite hantu2 tu.pastu kan ade scene nak bagi terkejut2..cite ni same lah,main dengan sound sume...tapi terlalu banyak sampai jadi annoying. kalo korang mmg kaki wayang..layan je ar..kalo dok pikir dua tiga kali nak tengok wayang..tak payah ar..baik tunggu cite alice in wonderland je |
x berapa nak best.... |
hehe..so kensel la..
aku nk download je la cenggitu.
tgu alice je mgu dpn kot,kena simpan duit nk tgk 3D |
tak best ke citer ni?  |
br tgk niiiiiiiiiiiiii
tp heroin cun laaaaaaaaaaa |
Boleh tahan la filem neh...tp unsur2 suspen tu yg mengejutkan... |
oklah , awal2 aku ngantuk jer .last ok gak.tapi so so jer |
aku baca kat the star ari sabtu bebaru ni.
review pun mmg cakap so-so je.
even download pun aku maleh la klu gitu |
entah apa2...suspen je lebih |
| |