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Aircraft Carrier

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Post time 1-3-2010 11:00 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Akhir2 ini negara2 block barat dan timur seolah2 berlumba2 membina aircraft carrier masing2, negara2 seperti rusia, china, dan india kelihatan mula membina atau menambah jumlah aircraft carrier mereka.

perananan aircraft carrier boleh dikatakan telah lama wujud semenjak perang dunia pertama lagi, walaupon Malaysia bukan negara pengoperasi aircraft carrier, tp negara SEA seperti Thailand adalah pengoperasi tunggal aircraft carrier di rantau ini.

tapi sekiranya malaysia mahu menjadi salah satu negara pengoperasi aircraft carrier agar matlamat negara dan TLDM sebagai Blue Water Navy, ciri2 aircraft carrier yg bagaimanakah patut dan bersesuaian untuk malaysia. Tuan2 dan puan2 yg dihormati juga boleh menyertakan aircraft carrier yg diminati sejak dari perang dunia pertama, kedua dan semasa. sekian terima kasih..

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 Author| Post time 1-3-2010 11:04 PM | Show all posts
scouring the web one RSS feed at a time
Britain Building Next-Generation Aircraft Carriers for F-35 Fighters

Britain's Next-Gen Aircraft Carrier
Straight from Gizmodo: “Britain is not only getting a whole lotta lot of F-35B STOVL fighters, but two new 60,000-ton state-of-the-art aircraft carriers. Apparently, according to Dr Lee Willett, it’s all part of a new World arms race:

    All the major navies in the world are now building them. The Russians have one of their big carriers, the Admiral Kuznetsov, back at sea and have stated that they plan to build 12 carrier battle groups. The Chinese and the Indians are also under way with plans, the Japanese are building a destroyer that will act as a helicopter carrier and the US are working on new-generation carriers. We’re an island nation and we have global interests so we need these four acres of moveable sovereign airfield that we can deploy wherever we want, whenever we need them.

    The world is an unstable place and, post-Iraq and the global war on terror, access to other nation’s territory or airspace is more difficult.

Great. When have I heard this before? Maybe knowing that Dr Willett is head of the Maritime Studies Programme at the Royal United Services Institute, helps in understanding that maybe he has an special interest in this two mobile naval airbases.

The carriers—which will cost $5.9 billion, a lot less than the $14 billion that the US spends on their super-carriers—will host 36 F-35s and two EH-101 Merlin multi-purpose helicopters each.

Constructed in modules all across Britain, which will be later assembled in a very complicated process in a central shipyard—will be almost fully automated, requiring only a 1,500 crew. Here is the fact sheet:

    • The surface of the16,000sqm flight deck is covered in a grainy,heat-resistant paint,similar to very coarse sandpaper. The entire painted surface amounts to 370 acres – slightly bigger than Hyde Park.

    • Two huge lifts, each with a 70-ton capacity, are capable of transporting two aircraft from the hangar to the flight deck in 60 seconds.

    • The ground-breaking twin-island layout allows more deck space for aircraft and better visibility of the flight deck. The forward island is for navigating the ship; flight control is based in the aft island.

    • The ship’s 29,000 sq m hangar is 150 metres in length and has 20 slots for aircraft maintenance.

    • There are 11 full-time medical staff on board managing an eight-bed medical suite, operating theatre and dental surgery.

    • Onboard water treatment plant produces over 500 tons of fresh water daily.

    • Two Rolls-Royce MT30 gas turbines and four diesel generator sets produce 109MW.

    • Cabins are spacious and cruise-liner style, with en-suite toilets and shower facilities. Officers and senior ratings have single or two-berth cabins. The maximum number of crew in a cabin is six.

    • The carrier will carry more than 8,600 tons of fuel, enough for the average family car to travel to the Moon and back 12 times. This gives a range of up to 10,000 nautical miles.

    • Top speed will be in excess of 25 knots, sufficient to cross from Dover to Calais in an hour.

    • The two five-blade propellers are each 30ft in diameter – that’s one-and-a-half times the height of a double-decker bus.”

source : ... -for-f-35-fighters/

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 Author| Post time 1-3-2010 11:07 PM | Show all posts
Russia to build 6 new aircraft carriers

by Andy on July 29, 2008

Russian Aircraft Carrier Admiral KuznetsovThe Russian Navy has announced ambitious plans to turn its navy once again into a force to be reckoned with. Key to Russia’s naval ambitions is the construction of 6 aircraft carrier battle groups, and major upgrades to its fleet of nuclear submarines.

Admiral Vladimir Vysotsky outlined the scale of the ambitious plan, telling reporters assembled in Moscow that:

    “Everything should be included in the system, including aircraft carriers.”

According to the Moscow Times, he told reporters that the planned systems would be split between the Russian Navy’s Northern and Pacific Fleets (presumably 3 carrier groups per fleet), and would “operate in close interaction” with Russia’s military-satellite system as well as Air Force and air-defense assets.

Construction of the new Russian aircraft carriers is to begin in 2012, which would see the first carriers coming into operation somewhere around 2020.

If they can actually bring this project to fruition (which, admittedly, is probably a very big if – just four years ago, Russia was planning to move to a smaller, defensively-oriented navy), this would give Russia a navy which would be able to project power on a global scale and, while it would not give it enough firepower to match US fleets, it would probably ensure that Russia keeps slightly ahead of rising naval powers like China and India.

Russia currently only has one aircraft carrier – the Nikolai Kuznetsov. Although, actually, to call it an aircraft carrier is probably somewhat charitable. In reality, it is classified as an “air capable cruiser” and, being diesel powered, is easily outmatched by its nuclear powered rivals.

Rather embarrasingly for the Russian Navy, the Kuznetsov’s seaworthyness is also rather suspect. While on an exercise earlier this year, the Kuznetsov was permanently accompanied by two tugboats, in case it broke down.

Submarine plans

Borei submarinePerhaps it’s just as well, then, that Russia is also introducing a new generation of nuclear submarines to patrol the world’s oceans.

The first Borei submarine was launched in February 2008 and is undoubtedly a class above Russia’s other, Soviet designed, submarines (although still not a match for US submarines). It is the first Russian nuclear sub to incorporate a pump jet propulsion system, and has a much quieter hull design.

Despite a few lingering concerns about the Borei submarines’ Baluva missile system, the Russian Navy is keen to build on this success (and to forget the Kursk disaster), so will complement plans for an aircraft carrier group with further modernisation of the Borei class.

Admiral Vysotsky confirmed that:

    “Starting with the fourth submarine, we will begin modernizing this class. The modernized Borei submarines will be the core of Russian naval nuclear forces until 2040.”

    “We are aspiring not only to introduce new technologies, not only to compete with the West, but to take completely new steps which would allow us to look at submarine technologies of the middle of the 21st century.”

Interesting times, indeed, for the Russian Navy. The question now is will the Russian economy remain strong enough over the next few decades to pay for all this? And, if they can, will this increase pressure on other second tier navies with ambitions to project power across the oceans, such as China, India, and the EU, to respond in kind?

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Post time 1-3-2010 11:08 PM | Show all posts
Ni kategori dream lah ni bang...?
ok... jap nak pikir....{:3_84:}

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 Author| Post time 1-3-2010 11:55 PM | Show all posts
4# matamata

a ah.. impian yg tak pasti..

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 Author| Post time 2-3-2010 12:00 AM | Show all posts

Ordered:         20 May 2008
Builder:         BAE Systems Surface Ships
BAE Systems Submarine Solutions
Thales Group
Babcock Marine
Laid down:         7 July 2009 [1]
Homeport:         HMNB Portsmouth
Motto:         Semper Eadem
("Always the Same")
Status:         Expected to enter service between 2014-2016

General characteristics
Class and type:         Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carrier
Displacement:         65,600 tonnes (full)[2]
Length:         284 metres (932 ft)[2]
Beam:         39 metres (waterline)
73 metres overall[2]
Draught:         11 metres[3]
Decks:         16,000 square metres[2]
Speed:         25+ knots
Range:         10,000 nautical miles (18,520 km)
Capacity:         1,450
Complement:         600
Aircraft carried:         40 aircraft, including 36 F-35 Lightning II

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 Author| Post time 2-3-2010 12:06 AM | Show all posts
India to become fourth nation to build its own aircraft carrier

India aircraft carrierNew Delhi, Feb 23 : Taking a step ahead in the modernisation of the Navy, India will become the fourth country in the world to build its own aircraft carrier or air defence ship (ADS) after the United States, Russia and France.

Defence Minister A. K. Antony will lay the keel for country's first indigenous aircraft carrier on February 28 at the Cochin shipyard in Kerala. The ADS will give a major boost to the indigenous defence industry and make the Navy a pure Blue Water Navy.

"Only three countries in the world have designed/built an aircraft carrier of such a size and a ship of such complexity and size is being built in the country for the first time," said a top Defence Ministry official.

The aircraft carrier will be in the waters by October 2010, as per the phase I contract signed by its manufacturer Cochin Shipyard Ltd (CSL) with the Defence Ministry. The phase II of the contract will end with the delivery of the ship to the Navy by the end of 2014.

"The life of the carrier is 50 years and more than 70 percent of design is indigenous. Apart from it, the construction is 100 percent indigenous having 70 percent home made components," the Defence Ministry official said.

The aircraft carrier can have 30 fighter jets on board and its fleet will basically comprise of MiG 29 K and Ka-31.

The design work started in 2001-02 is in full progress now and the fabrication of hull blocks has already started.

The aircraft carrier will have 40,000 tonne displacement capacity and is being built at an estimated cost of Rs. 3, 260 crore. Eight thousand tonne of steel laying has already been completed.

As per the original plan, the carrier would have Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) and the ALH (Advanced Light Helicopter) Dhruv in its fleet of 30 assorted aircraft besides MiG 29 K and Ka-31.

The Directorate of Naval Design, the only in-house design bureau in the world, has prepared the design of the ADS. Equipments to be fitted on the aircraft carrier are to meet special requirements of shock, vibration, noise, stealth, compactness in size and weight, the official said.

The INS Viraat is the only full deck aircraft carrier currently in operation with the Navy. (ANI)

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Post time 2-3-2010 09:40 AM | Show all posts
malaysia untuk pemulaan ade LPH pon dah cukup..........

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Post time 2-3-2010 09:40 AM | Show all posts
malaysia untuk pemulaan ade LPH pon dah cukup..........

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Post time 2-3-2010 11:06 AM | Show all posts
Kalau dpt beli MPSS utk ganti yg terbakar tu pun dah bersyukur, nak operate carrier kena fikir bnyak kali..kang ada berita "Kapal Pengangkut tidak boleh Mengangkut"...

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Post time 2-3-2010 11:11 AM | Show all posts
size comparison

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Post time 2-3-2010 11:24 AM | Show all posts
Japan Aircraft carrier

Thailand aircraft carrier

India aircraft carrier

China aircraft carrier

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Post time 2-3-2010 11:25 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Vympel77 at 2-3-2010 12:52

double posting

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Post time 2-3-2010 11:26 AM | Show all posts
complete comparison

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Post time 2-3-2010 12:16 PM | Show all posts
Kalau dpt beli MPSS utk ganti yg terbakar tu pun dah bersyukur, nak operate carrier kena fikir bnyak kali..kang ada berita "Kapal Pengangkut tidak boleh Mengangkut"...
areguard Post at 2-3-2010 11:06
ti ada pulak cite kapal MPSS menyelam lak....

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Post time 2-3-2010 12:53 PM | Show all posts
aircraft carrier = power projection...

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Post time 2-3-2010 01:07 PM | Show all posts
malaysia untuk pemulaan ade LPH pon dah cukup..........
lkick2113 Post at 2-3-2010 09:40

Malaysia military strategy is just 'defensive' not 'offensive'

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Post time 2-3-2010 01:21 PM | Show all posts
Kalau dpt beli MPSS utk ganti yg terbakar tu pun dah bersyukur, nak operate carrier kena fikir bnyak kali..kang ada berita "Kapal Pengangkut tidak boleh Mengangkut"...
areguard Post at 2-3-2010 11:06

pas tu ade pulak org dok jaja kehulu kehilir berita tu x gitu bro???

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 Author| Post time 2-3-2010 01:51 PM | Show all posts
kekekeke... mcm tak biasa jaja berita.. mesiakan mmg havoc kalu ade berita2 sensasi..

kapal selam ade problem sket pon kecoh.. alahai.. mcm laa benda yg manusia buat ni perfect 100%.. kalu perfect takde laa konsep waranti n gerenti pe sumer...

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 Author| Post time 2-3-2010 01:57 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by thenone at 2-3-2010 13:59

haa.. yang ni paling murah... bleh pasang sendiri jek..

Lego Aircraft Carrier

This absolutely enormous Lego aircraft carrier was made from over 200,000 individual bricks. The leviathan weighs in at just over 350 pounds. It has working aircraft elevators, a hangar, radar dishes, electrical lights and a working catapult/slingshot for launching the jets.

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