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List Of Famous Killer

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Post time 13-3-2010 10:10 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
A Serial Killer is defined as a person who kills several people oneafter the other, seemingly in a random fashion. However, all of thekiller’s victims share a common trait – usually they have activatedsome psychological trigger in the killer’s mind, or they have similarphysical appearances.

Many serial killers are found to have come from a dysfunctional family.Often they may suffer from complex emotions such as feeling inadequateor worthless. Some of them kill compulsively due to power or sexualurges. Most of these serial killers have a rich imaginary life wherethey are superior and powerful, women are attracted to them and theyare successful people.

Here is a list of famous Serial Killers: Men:

Jack the Ripper: Responsible for the murders of prostitutes fromthe Whitechapel Area of London in 1888, Jack the Ripper’s identity isyet unknown. His victims were prostitutes and they were brutallymurdered and some of their internal organs were surgically removed bythe killer.

Ed Gein: He was a famous serial killer and proved to be aninspiration for Thomas Harris for creating the famous character ofHannibal Lecter in "The Silence of the Lambs". Ed Gein would skin hisvictims, exhume corpses and then decorate his home with parts of theirbodies and use the skin to make clothes and furniture items. He died onthe 26th of July, 1984 in a mental institution.

The Zodiac Killer: He was responsible for five known murders inNorth Carolina in the 1960s. His identity remains unknown till date. Hewould target men and women between the ages of 16 and 29 and wouldleave a taunting sign of a crosshair like symbol in subsequent lettersto the Police Department. A few of his cryptic messages are still notde-coded.

Charles Manson: This serial killer has re-defined evil. He wasthe leader of a hippie cult in San Francisco called as "The Family"formed around 1967. Members were mostly men and women who wererebelling against their parents and in deep emotional trouble. He useddrugs and convinced them to go on killing rampages to rob the wealthyto provide for "The Family". They would then write messages soaked inthe blood of the victims on the walls of the house.

Ted Bundy: One of the most notorious serial killers in history,he was responsible for the rape and murder of several women between1974 and 1978. An educated and charming young man, he either raped andthen killed the women or killed and then raped them. His method ofkilling was either by strangulation or by bludgeoning the women. He wasarrested on the 16th of August, 1975, but escaped within 17 hours ofhis capture. He was subsequently arrested on the 15th of February,1978. On the 24th of January, 1989, Ted Bundy was sent to the electricchair.

David Berkowitz: Known as the "Son of Sam", he was responsiblefor killing six women and wounding several others in shootings using a.44 caliber pistol in the 1970s in New York City. He was arrested bythe Police on the 10th of August, 1977 outside his apartment in NewYork.

Here is a list of Famous Female Serial Killers:

Mary Ann Cotton: She was an English Serial Killer and had killedmore than 20 people, including her own children, by using arsenic andthen collected their insurance money. She was hanged on the 24th ofMarch, 1873 at the Durham County Jail.

Marybeth Tinning: Working as a nurse’s aide, she was notoriousfor having killed nine of her own children by strangulating them andtaking them to the hospital almost dead. She went un-noticed by thehospital authorities for a very long time, since they thought thatthese deaths were a genetic problem in the family. When she brought heradopted son to the hospital in an unconscious state, and he was laterdeclared to be dead, the doctors began to suspect foul play. She wasconvicted on the 17th of July, 1987 and was sentenced to lifeimprisonment.

Nannie Doss: Also known as the "Giggling Granny" she wasresponsible for the killing of 11 people between 1920 and 1954. Hervictims included her two sisters, her mother, a grandson, a nephew andher four husbands. She was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1955 anddied 10 years later of leukemia.

Belle Gunness: Born in 1859, her whereabouts still unknown, shewas responsible for the killings of more than 20 suitors and all of herchildren. Belle was also famous for burning down houses and collectinginsurance money for the property and for her dead husbands. Later on,she progressed to placing an advertisement for a husband in a newspaperand luring prospective suitors to her home and killing them. She wouldbury the bodies in her farm and hog pen.

Dorothea Puente: In 1988, this 60 year old woman was sentencedto serve two terms of life imprisonment for the murders of at least 9people. She would run a boarding house for elderly disabled people, androb them of their benefit money. She would also kill them and keep ontaking the government benefits by forging their checks.

Aileen Wuornos: An American Serial Killer, she was a prostituteand was put to death by lethal injection on the 9th of October, 1992.She was charged with killing seven men, who she claimed (attempted to)rape her while she was working as a prostitute.

p/s : Mod, Kalau dah ada delete jer thread nie k

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 Author| Post time 13-3-2010 10:14 AM | Show all posts
Zodiac Killer :



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 Author| Post time 13-3-2010 10:21 AM | Show all posts
Ed Gein :

Ed Gein would skin his victims, exhume corpses and then decorate his home with parts of their bodies and use the skin to make clothes and furniture items.

Kejam sgt2

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Post time 13-3-2010 10:53 AM | Show all posts
3# ctzeed

Erkk! Teruknya

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Post time 13-3-2010 11:12 AM | Show all posts
Bush ngan Blair tak masuk dlm list?..

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Post time 13-3-2010 11:26 AM | Show all posts
gamba ni die wat ape....tangan ngan kaki manusia jadi kaki meja ke...??


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Post time 13-3-2010 11:44 AM | Show all posts
Bush ngan Blair tak masuk dlm list?..
NBH Post at 13-3-2010 11:12

hehehe...correct2...ptut top list ni!!!

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Post time 13-3-2010 12:07 PM | Show all posts
gamba ni die wat ape....tangan ngan kaki manusia jadi kaki meja ke...??

whadda Post at 13-3-2010 11:26

Kreatif gitu.....

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Post time 13-3-2010 02:10 PM | Show all posts
kejam btl hah

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Post time 13-3-2010 02:15 PM | Show all posts
Kadang2 tukang bunuh ni ikut arahan je.. Kalau dia tak bunuh orang tu dia yg kena bunuh.. Orang yg bagi arahan bunuh tulah yg patut bertanggungjawab nanti..

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 Author| Post time 13-3-2010 06:54 PM | Show all posts
Bush & Blair, xnak lah citer psal dorang.. not interested xmisteri sgt.. hehe
Yup, lakaran gmbr tu dia akn bt anggta bdan yg dia bunuh jd furniture kat umah dia.. gila seh
Tp, kebanyakan pembunuh nie mmg otak dorang dah sewel mngkin sbb mslh keluarga..
Mngkin dgn mmbunuh org adlh kepuasan bg. nya.
Nnti aku tepek lagi info. ttg dorang nie.
Tp. kan Ted Bundy tu hensem jgak muka dia. nnti i post picture dia. Internet mlm nie bengong lah.. haiyaa

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Post time 15-3-2010 03:58 AM | Show all posts
pembunuh altantuya tak masuk list kaa? dah tembak, pastu C4 lagik.......

pastu si najib yg bunuh canny ong...... rogol, bunuh & bakar.......

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Post time 15-3-2010 11:35 AM | Show all posts
3# ctzeed

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Post time 15-3-2010 12:09 PM | Show all posts
Gary Ridgway aka The Green River Killer

Ridgway murdered numerous women in Washington during the 1980s and 1990s.[1] He strangled them, mostly with his arm, but he would also use ligatures. After strangling the women, he would dump their bodies throughout King County
Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, Ridgway is believed to have murdered at least 48 women near the cities of Seattle and Tacoma in Washington State. Most of the murders took place during a two-and-a-half-year period from 1982 to 1984. Most of the victims were either prostitutes or runaways picked up along Pacific Highway South

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Post time 15-3-2010 12:21 PM | Show all posts
kejam nyer... eeeeeiii

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 Author| Post time 15-3-2010 04:06 PM | Show all posts
Tq Prof. Jinggo menambahkan lagi info.
Banyak nye org dibunuhnya. Tgk dr sejarah pembunuh2 nie, setiap dekad msti jer wujud sorang pmbunuh kejam yg popular.. so far, thn 2000 till skrang agk2 nya ada ke x kan??

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 Author| Post time 15-3-2010 04:08 PM | Show all posts
Gambar Ted Bundy yang aku rasa ada rupa jugak orgnya.. dr wajahnya mmg xnampak dia kejam


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 Author| Post time 15-3-2010 04:20 PM | Show all posts
Info. baru lagi :

Elizabeth I of England 1533 – 1603

Korban : ribuan

Elizabeth I, dalam perintah untuk menindas paham Katolik, ribuan penganut Katolik di Inggris dan Irlandia dibunuh. Selama dia melakukan hal-hal baik untuk kehormatan parlemen, dia juga merupakan raja yang kejam. Sebagai tambahan, Elizabeth memberikan Queen Mary of Scots tempat perlindungan, lalu tiba-tiba mengkhianatinya dan meletakkan dia didalam penjara selama hamper 19tahun, lalu membunuh dia. Dia menganjurkan perompakan melawan kapal-kapal Spanyol dan mendukung penukaran budak.

Elizabeth Báthory 1560-1614

Korban : Ratusan + 650

Elizabet Bathory adalah countess Hungaria yang berasal dari keluarga Bathory. Keluarga ini diingat untuk pertahanan melawan Utsmaniyah. Ia terkenal sebagai pembunuh berantai dalam sejarah Hungaria dan Slowakia dan diingat sebagai Wanita Berdarah Csejte. Istana Čachtice merupakan tempat ia menghabiskan hidupnya. Setelah kematian suaminya, ia dan empat pembantunya dituduh menyiksa dan membunuh ratusan wanita muda, dengan sekurangnya sebanyak 650 korban. Elizabet juga punya hobi mandi darah perawan karena dipercaya bisa membuatnya awet muda. kebiasaan ini yg bikin dia diidentikkan dengan vampir. hobinya ini diinspirasi saat darah pelayan wanitanya mengenai telapak tangan Elizabet. karena membuat kesimpulan bahwa darah gadis muda ini bisa membuatnya awet muda maka dia memerintahkan 2 pelayan setianya, ujvari dan dorka, untuk menelanjangi gadis tersebut, menariknya ke atas bak mandi dan memotong pembuluh darahnya hingga darah mengucur dan tertampung di bak mandi tersebut. setelah si gadis mati kehabisan darah, Elizabet pun berendam dalam kubangan darah tersebut. tidak puas hanya sekali, Elizabet mengulangi ritual tersebut. setelah pelayan wanitanya habis, dia beralih pada wanita desa di lembah bawah kastil. karena kurang puas dengan darah wong ndeso, Elizabet pun mengalihkan sasaran ke gadis-gadis bangsawan yg dianggap darahnya lebih berkualitas. hilangnya gadis-gadis bangsawan pun membuat istana gerah hingga dilakukan penyelidikan yg berujung pada penemuan Elizabet sebagai pelaku.
pada tanggal 29 desember 1610 sepasukan tentara di bawah pimpinan sepupu Elizabet sendiri menyerbu kastil cachtice. mereka mendapati pemandangan mengerikan di dalam kastil. mayat gadis tergeletak di meja makan, seorang gadis dalam kondisi sekarat terikat di tiang nyaris kehabisan darah. belasan gadis ditemukan di penjara menunggu giliran disembelih. di ruang bawah tanah ditemukan puluhan mayat membusuk. setelah didaftar dalam pengadilan erzebet pada tahun 1611 terhitung korbannya mencapai lebih dari 650 orang.
karena kejahatan sadis tersebut para pembantu Elizabet dihukum mati, sedangkan Elizabet sendiri dikurung dalam salah satu kamar di kastilnya (maklum, bangsawan... dapat 'fasilitas' lebih). pada tahun 1614, Elizabet mati dalam kamar tersebut.

Elizabeth terlahir dari pasangan Georges dan Anna Báthory yang merupakan bangsawan kaya raya dan salah satu keluarga bangsawan paling kaya di Hungaria saat itu. Keluarga besarnya juga terdiri dari orang-orang terpandang. Salah satu sepupunya adalah perdana menteri di Hungaria, seorang lagi adalah Kardinal. Bahkan pamannya, Stepehen kemudian menjadi Raja Polandia. Namun keluarga Báthory memiliki 'sisi' lainnya yang lebih 'gelap' selain segala kekayaan dan popularitasnya. Disebutkan bahwa salah satu pamannya yang lain adalah seorang Satanis dan penganut Paganisme sementara seorang sepupunya yang lain memiliki kelainan jiwa dan gemar melakukan kejahatan sexual.

Enriqueta "the vampire of Barcelona" Marti

Korban: setidaknya 12 orang

Pada akhir 1800 dan awal 1900-an, orang-orang kaya Barcelona ketika membutu*kan obat untuk TBC atau sipilis, mereka akan mengunjungi Enriqueta Marti, yang menjual obat dengan harga mahal. Sementara itu, Marti merayu anak-anak agar datang ke rumahnya. Sebelum membunuh anak-anak tersebut, dia mengambil lemak, tulang, kulit, otot, dan rambut sebagai bahan pembuat obatnya.

Pada Maret 1912, dua remaja putri, dan Angelita Teresita, melarikan diri Marti dari melapor ke polisi. Kemudian meminta polisi menyaksikan Martin membantai seorang anak laki-laki. Dalam rumahnya polisi menemukan menemukan bagian-bagian tubuh, darah, lemak, dan buku-buku resep obat yang ditulis sendiri oleh Marti.

Yup itulah total 13 wanita terkajam sepanjang sejarah, sebenarnya masih ada banyak lainya tapi mereka-mereka ini masuk kategori tersadis bukan hanya berdasarkan jumlah korban tapi juga berdasarkan motif dan modus mereka melakukan pembantaian. OK terserah kalian mau percaya or ga tapi satu hal yg kita dapat ambil hikmahnya yakni jangan menilai wanita dari kecantikannya, harta, jabatan, dan kebangsawanannya ajah.

credits from :

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Post time 15-3-2010 04:25 PM | Show all posts
John Wayne Gacy, Jr. (March 17, 1942 – May 10, 1994) was an American serial killer.

Between 1972 and 1978, the year he was arrested, Gacy raped and murdered at least 33 young men and boys. Although some of his victims' bodies were found in the Des Plaines River, he buried 26 of them in the small crawl space underneath the basement of his home and three more elsewhere on his property. He became known as "Killer Clown" because of the popular block parties he would throw for his friends and neighbors, entertaining children in a clown suit and makeup as "Pogo the Clown".

ni aku ade bace buku pasal die. serabai.

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Post time 15-3-2010 08:16 PM | Show all posts
John Wayne Gacy, Jr. (March 17, 1942 – May 10, 1994) was an American serial killer.

Between 1972 and 1978, the year he was arrested, Gacy raped and murdered at least 33 young men and boys. Althoug ...
alaa Post at 15-3-2010 16:25

akhirnye wa ade alasan knape wa takut dgn clown!!

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