sinopsis : Paul Conroy (Ryan Reynolds) is not ready to die. But when he wakes up 6 feet underground with no idea of who put him there or why, the life for the truck driver and family man instantly becomes a hellish struggle for survival. Buried with only a cell phone and a lighter, his contact with the outside world and ability to piece together clues that could help him discover his location are maddeningly limited. Poor reception, a rapidly draining battery, and a dwindling oxygen supply become his worst enemies in a tightly confined race against time - fighting panic, despair and delirium, Paul has only 90 minutes to be rescued before his worst nightmare comes truePaul Conroy (Ryan Reynolds) is not ready to die. But when he wakes up 6 feet underground with no idea of who put him there or why, the life for the truck driver and family man instantly becomes a hellish struggle for survival. Buried with only a cell phone and a lighter, his contact with the outside world and ability to piece together clues that could help him discover his location are maddeningly limited. Poor reception, a rapidly draining battery, and a dwindling oxygen supply become his worst enemies in a tightly confined race against time - fighting panic, despair and delirium, Paul has only 90 minutes to be rescued before his worst nightmare comes true
rating : 0.5/5
reason :
1- filem bajet rendah yg mane scene die hnye took place dlm coffin shj from the beginning smp end of the story!
2- mggunakan khidmat 1hero shj without watak tambahan yg lain ( telephone conversation melibatkn sumbanagn suara je- tiada kemunculan pelakon lain)- syok sndri je blakon sorg2
3- xde lgsg scene flashback how die tprangkap dlm keranda
4- props ; torchlight, lighter, pisau, blackberry! as simple as that mmpu buat pilem! ohhhh hmy3:
5- end up dgn kematian die dlm keranda tsebut- apekah..??
6- mnyesal nk nanges pegi tgk cite nih! aduhaiiiiiii~  |