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INDONESIA - defence and military issues (PART IV-R.P.9]
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INDONESIA - Defence, Military and Police Issues (Part IV)
Post Last Edit by SChong at 9-12-2010 15:20
Unbelievably .....If Indonesian democracy matures, then international legal rights such as self-determination will likely see all but Java and Southern Sumatra remain of the RI ...
Any explanation on this?
Indonesia's Break Up - Australia Gives it 20 years
At last Australia appears to be turning the corner of doting supporter of and accomplice in the illegal Indonesian state to one which realizes the break up of its neighbour is inevitable, within 20 years.
Unlike the Australian defence white papers of the past, the previous one being just ten short years ago, 2008's "Defending Australia in the Asia Pacific Century: Force 2030" makes four critical points regarding Indonesia. First, it no longer sees Indonesia as a military threat. Second, it openly debates the break up of Indonesia. Third, it predicts an increased Australian military role in "stabilisation", humanitarian and peace-keeping operations, like those in East Timor and the Solomon Islands. Forth, it discusses the potential for Indonesia to fragment either as a result of developing democratic transformation or from anarchy, revolution, Islamic militancy.
Clear then, Australia does not believe Indonesia, or what would be left of it, could be a major threat to western "civilization" one way or another. If Indonesia remains intact, which is unlikely given increasing discontent amongst its impoverished population forced to watch the world of plenty, it will continue to be a poor third world nation whose bloody military are stretched to their limits with the role of containing self-determination ambitions. If Indonesian Islamic Extremists come to power as is possible given the introduction of Sharia Law (AKA Anti-Pornography Law) and President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's alignment with the radical Islamic Prosperous Justice Party (Partai Keadilan Sejahtera), then clearly Australia believes this would be the final straw for many Indonesians who would likely take to the streets in a popular uprising. If Indonesian democracy matures, then international legal rights such as self-determination will likely see all but Java and Southern Sumatra remain of the RI.
It is not announced in the political sense as Australia still tows the Jakarta line, officially supporting a "Unified Indonesia", though quite how unified the Papuans and others feel is another matter. It is simply part of the facts of strategic planning, which is a far more credible crystal ball then the rhetoric of any politician or federal officer. It is a fact a Unified Indonesia has three main beneficiaries; Jakarta, the USA and "Great" Britain. Australia would stand to clean up in a break-up of the RI, not least because of its strategic position, its expertise and fortunately, its willingness to put right previous wrongs, vis-a-vis peacekeepers in East Timor. OK, on that subject, East Timor is no paradise right now but why? Look closely and you will see the hand of Jakarta; another reason for wanting to see the back of Java as a substantial political centre.
I say "Bring it on, let's give it as many little legal pushes here and there as we can!". Let us boycott anything and everything Indonesian for starters. Wake up and smell the Java; who do you think you are financially supporting when you buy questionnably made or sourced Indonesian products? Whose pockets are you lining when you go on holiday to Bali; the Balinese slaves on minimum wage? If you claim to love the Balinese, help give them their island back. Hopefully then one day all the Australian and other "bule" foreign idiots who have sunk their life savings into properties they can never own (under Indonesian law) or even stay in their villas legally for any amount of time, hopefully Bali will gain independence from its historical adversary, vile Jakarta, and do what is right for the western money trees who are currently being ripped off.
Come on, think about it; making the world a better place, giving the regions of Indonesia their legal rights, telling Uncle Sam and its patsy British lapdog to go and stick it where to sun does not shine all in one foul stroke! Don't "Buy Buy Indonesia" say "Bye Bye, Good Ridance Indonesia"! |
Post Last Edit by SChong at 9-12-2010 15:36
Indonesia: Police now bigger concern than military
by Greta Nabbs-Keller - 6 August 2010
Greta Nabbs-Keller is writing a PhD at the Griffith Asia Institute on the impact of democratisation on Indonesia's foreign policy.
Last May, footage* of a mortally injured Papuan man apparently being taunted by Indonesian Police Mobile Brigade (Brimob) personnel was leaked on the internet. The video appears to be a shocking example of a human rights incident perpetrated by the Indonesian National Police (Polri), but is also a metaphor for the wider impunity and corruption systemic in Polri.
The footage, posted one year after the death of Papuan separatist, Yawan Wayeni, shows Wayeni defiant and dying, officially from an accidental bullet wound, though it looks more like disembowelment. Brimob officers appear to stand around taunting the dying man about the stupidity of Papuan independence aspirations without proffering any urgent medical assistance or even empathy, based on the evidence of the video. Media reports claim Indonesia's Ministry of Law and Human Rights will investigate the video.
The Indonesian military (TNI) has long been the focus of human rights concerns by international NGOs and foreign governments, but the emphasis on Indonesia's civil-military relations has arguably obscured a more serious threat to Indonesia's democratic consolidation: Polri.
TNI reform remains an ongoing process, but arguably, constitutional and legislative changes separating the police from the military and mandating TNI responsibility for external defence, combined with a general culture of reform within TNI itself, have largely been successful. This is not to say that TNI does not need further reform, but the systemic corruption and excesses within Polri, evidenced in recent years by a raft of corruption and intimidation incidents, and now the Wayeni video, are cause for real concern.
The specific concern is that Polri now acts with the same impunity as TNI did, and that the incremental scaling back of TNI's internal security functions now means that Polri's paramilitary unit, Brimob, appears to be continuing the past excesses of TNI in Papua.
The general concern is that Polri, an institution pivotal to upholding Indonesia's democratic laws, is shockingly corrupt and undermining Indonesia's democratic consolidation. This is compounded by the nexus between Polri and Indonesia's notoriously corrupt judiciary. Finally, Jakarta's determination to deal with Papua unilaterally, away from the attention of the international community, is also at risk if the government and legislature do not seriously address Polri excesses.
* Ed. note: The Interpreter has decided not to link to the footage, which is extremely distressing and graphic. Readers can search for it at their own risk. |
wahhh...hebat aussie punya prediction ni.....makin banyak laa negara baru bakal wujud kalau camni.. |
Konker tak ada Schong muncul........  |
Post Last Edit by SChong at 9-12-2010 16:23
wahhh...hebat aussie punya prediction ni.....makin banyak laa negara baru bakal wujud kalau camni..
foranz Post at 9-12-2010 15:29 
Don't be happy ....the break up of Malaysia, especially by Sabah, Sarawak and Pulau Pinang, is predicted to be happen in the next 10 years ... So, by 2020, you can choose your citizenship ...... Republic of Penang, Republic of Sabah, Republic of Sarawak or Malay Kingdom .... |
Don't be happy ....the break up of Malaysia, especially by Sabah, Sarawak and Pulau Pinang, is p ...
SChong Post at 9-12-2010 15:52 
boleh bgi penjelasan,sebab musabab 3 negeri ni nk kuar dari malaysia?  |
Prediksi itu mah udah lamaaaaaa... 
Prediksi yg gagal total  |
Don't be happy ....the break up of Malaysia, especially by Sabah, Sarawak and Pulau Pinang, is p ...
SChong Post at 9-12-2010 15:52 
This is propaganda from Australia ..There only Stupid people are easily eaten their propaganda .. |
sebenarnya dia nak chinese take control this malay archipelago.. |
Post Last Edit by SChong at 9-12-2010 22:01
This is propaganda from Australia ..There only Stupid people are easily eaten their propaganda..
ayahanda Post at 9-12-2010 18:50 
Do you want to say that this article is only propaganda from Malaysia to look down your country?... 
Don't be angry .. coz for me .. Malaysia is similar with Indonesia ....
Petronas, Pertamina And Expatriate Talent
By Syed Akbar Ali
Looks like the Talent Corporation has their first target ‘Malaysian expatriate’ whom they should try to bring back to Malaysia.
The news is that Tan Sri Hassan Merican, the former President and CEO of Petronas now works for the Singapore Government. Hassan Merican is a non executive director of SembCorp Singapore – which is controlled by Temasek Holdings.
Hassan Merican would therefore fulfill all the requisites as a potential target for Talent Corporation. He is an extremely well accomplished Malaysian, is working in a high profile foreign company in a well known country and has a very longtrack record. Plus he has been replaced by someone whom the public does not know as well.
Here is a story from about ten years ago.
There was a strategy meeting one day and various folks were present including the boss of a Malay chamber of commerce in KL (there are two in KL).
The boss guy was complaining that Petronas was not helping the Malay contractors much.
When the chamber of commerce guy asked Hassan Merican to ‘tolong kontraktor Melayu’ Hassan Merican replied ‘Please talk to our procurement guys. Just follow our procedures.’
Meaning no special favours. You meet the requirements, you get the business.
Well quite a few Malay companies are oil and gas contractors with Petronas.
Agree or not, Petronas is now considered a ‘player’ in the high stakes, hugely capital intensive,heavy hitting, international oil industry.
Over 20% of Petronas revenue is now derived from their overseas operations, where there is little Malaysian Government help. Petronas is among the Top 10 profitable companies in the world. Tun Dr Mahathir helped to open doors and make introductions for Petronas in foreign countries but even Dr Mahathir could not make the oil come out of the ground by itself. Thatwas an achievement by Petronas under Hassan Merican.
This is only possible if Petronas has developed world class business and management skills. Its all about management and leadership. I think this is also why Hassan Merican was able to get that top job in Singapore so quickly.
In my banking days I was involved in the financing of Petronas’ MLNG 2 gas liquefaction plant in Bintulu. It was a US Dollar international loan syndication and we helped put it together. Tan Sri Hassan Merican made a very professional appearance in a couple of the meetings with the international bankers (Mat Sallehs and Japanese). He looked exactly like in the picture above.
Now lets talk about Pertamina. Pertamina is the Indonesian national oil corporation. They have more oil and gas in Indonesia than in Malaysia and they have had it for a longer time. Chevronhas built a complete American neighborhoodin Pekanbaru, Riau with sidewalks and jogging trails for over 40 years now.
Yet Pertamina has gone near bankruptcy more than once. It was once identified with huge amounts of corruption and wastage.
An Indonesian ‘billionaire’ once sent his advisors to KL to source out financing and/or investors for some of his projects in Indonesia. I was asked to speak to them.
One of their projects was an undersea gas pipeline transporting gas for Pertamina from one of their gas fields.
This was a sure deal. Sure jadi kaya. Pertamina gives you the concession. You build the pipeline. Then you charge a toll to Pertamina for every cubic feet of gas that the pipeline carries. Sure money.
No need to go to university or to business school. What can go wrong?
Everything had gone wrong. It was Indonesia.
Strings being pulled, cronies who wanted to be subcontractors, political connections, everyone wanted a piece of the action. The cost was inflated to take care of everyone. Then contracts were given out not based on "what do you know” but on ‘who you know’.
End of story : the undersea gas pipeline sprung many leaks. Gas keluar daripada pipeline, air laut pula masuk. It was a disastrous project. They did not have someone like Hassan Merican in charge.
So I made a discrete recommendation to my Bosses at the Bank to just drop the matter (this was an Indonesian billionaire’s company ok – so we had to be polite lah).
So I hope Petronas will make sure that since the cat has now bounded across the Causeway to Singapore, the hungry rats will not start making holes in their pipelines. Forget the Alamo. Remember Pertamina.
Petronas vs Pertamina
boleh bgi penjelasan,sebab musabab 3 negeri ni nk kuar dari malaysia?
5229 Post at 9-12-2010 16:25 
We can further discuss it at another thread ... not here ... |
ckckck.. forum militer bawa2 pertamina segala.. |
Dah la chong.... Stop la chong orang.... |
We can further discuss it at another thread ... not here ...
SChong Post at 9-12-2010 20:57 
why do not you explain in here? .. are you afraid that others will know your lies?..because this article is HOAX SUPER .. |
Reply 14# ayahanda
Now ... I know who you are .. childish in the forum discussion ...
For your info, it is common in the international relationship that one country don't want and like other country is stronger than them in their backyard ... |
Asek habis ini boleh post gambar kereta api,.... sama bus damri di marih ...  |
Cara chong ni chong orang sama mcm freddie kruegger.... Adoyai..... |
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