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Prepaid Telco Mana yg paling lama tak perlu top up/reload?
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Nak mintak advise sikit kt sini...............sebenarnya mcm nie.....aku ada 2 numbers phone, 1 postpaid n 1 lg prepaid celcom xpax, yg problem skrg nie celcom prepaid nie la.....aku terlupa top up lebih 50 hari terus kena terminated, number nie aku sayang gk la sbb no dia cantik senang nak ingat lg pun no ni ekau guna dh lama dr masa student lg.....jd ramai dah kwn yg familiar dgn no prepaid nie....kwn2 lama still contact no nie.....aku mmg lak jarang la bt call guna prepaid nie sbb dh ada apa aku nak top up selalu prepaid tu.....sebelum nie aku akan dpt notification about termination then aku akan top up tp kali ni without notification celcom terus terminated....skrg kena topup RM100 unutk active bali no membazir apa la aku nak top up RM100 untuk prepaid sedangkan aku dah ada postpaid yg murah lg rate call skrg mcm mana ek? masih boleh ke aku tukar ke telco lain dgn maintain no yg tu dh kena terminate masih boleh ka???kalau tak boleh aku still kena ada 2 nak tau la telco mana yg offer tempah tak perlu top up/reload paling lama....sapa yg guna prepaid maxis, digi, tune talk, Happy, u mobile n etc...tologn share kt sini k...thanks in advance.. |
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wa pakai prepaid celcom - selalu wa dpt offer 2 taun utk tarikh luput..
tapi utk aktifkan 2 taun tu memula wa kena topup rm50...
so, bile dah activate 2taun tarikh luput tu kalo wa topup rm10 & tak pakai takde masalah..
kalau tak topup langsung pun tak de masalah..
wa tatau kalo telco provider lain ade wat camni...sekian |
Post Last Edit by matbuq at 15-2-2011 16:33
wa pakai prepaid celcom - selalu wa dpt offer 2 taun utk tarikh luput..
tapi utk aktifkan 2 taun tu ...
ice_szeto Post at 15-2-2011 15:58 
Maksud ice yg nie ka? copy dr celcom xpax website:
Customer need to request the Service via Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) ( 118#) or SMS (send EXP1 or EXP2 to 28882). Upon successful subscription and notification via SMS, Celcom Prepaid System shall deduct automatically from the customer's airtime balance the following subscription fees:-
a. RM30 will be deducted from customer airtime balance for 1 year subscription fee.
b. RM50 will be deducted from customer airtime balance for 2 years subscription fee.
yg nie mcm tak berbaloi just for extended credit.....
Post Last Edit by matbuq at 15-2-2011 18:03
Wa nampak plan Happy mcm terbaik ja........
min top up RM5 = 60 days, pastu ada 30 days lg sebelum kena terminate...
jan - mar = RM5
apr - jun = RM5
july - sep = RM5
oct - dec = RM5
hhahaha baru RM20 gila...started pack RM30 dlm airtime ada kena order online la pulak......ada sapa kt sini pakai Happy...leh tolong review sikit... |
sy pakai 2 nombor maxis & celcom...
sy lebih suka maxis sbb bg sy lebih jimat sama ada utk call @ s ...
RosesAre_Red Post at 15-2-2011 16:23 
mmg haprak pun sms tawaran celcom tu.....yg tu diorg leh send byk kali tp notification leh tak send aku dh check dgn call center mmg tak hantar.....nampak sgt nak recycle no aku sb lawa no tu...hahaa.....ada apa la dgn no tu....baik aku blah dr jd celcom punya roses digi lak berapa lama tempoh validity dia? |
mmg haprak pun sms tawaran celcom tu.....yg tu diorg leh send byk kali tp notification leh ...
matbuq Post at 15-2-2011 16:31 
ok, matbuq citer psl celcom ni, ni kisah 2 mggu lepas...
kwn rose bgtahu dia br je convert no. celcom dia kpd digi
sbb dia ckp setiap sms tawaran yg celcom hantar tu dlm diam dorg ptg kredit kta
awk boleh perhatikan bila awk top up je berduyun2 sms tu masuk, smpailah kredit dah tggal ciput baru dia x hntr lg
sbb duit dh tggal ckit, kwn rose call celcom centre wat aduan psl ni
lepas tu operator tu bgtau mmg dorg akan potong kredit kta, utk mengelakkan kredit dipotong kita jgn bkk sms2 yg dorg hantar tu kalo dpt terus delete je... (hampeh x mcm ni ), tp mslhnya x baca pun dorg ttp potong kredit gak 
rose sendiri pernah call celcom centre kt KL last yr nk tanya dorg kadar caj internet speed perkb sbb kitorg wat projek comparisson between maxis n digi, celcom terang2 bgtahu dorg punya caj mmg mahal iaitu 10sen perkb
so, sekarang ni rose pun dh tawar hati dgn celcom (mmg dr dulu pun tp alasan sama dgn matbuq, syg no. tu), rose nk tukar g pelan digi tp no. still remain the same, tentang validity rose xtau la pula... x tanya kwn hr tu... tp kwn bgtau mmg murah, top up rm10 boleh pakai lama ckit la dari celcom punya, nnti pas rose tukar rose bgtau ye
p/s: aku bkn anti celcom tp dh tawar hati |
ok, matbuq citer psl celcom ni, ni kisah 2 mggu lepas...
kwn rose bgtahu dia br je convert no ...
RosesAre_Red Post at 15-2-2011 16:48 
terdesak sgt ka celcom nie??????suka hati ja tukar rule n regulation........nak activete balik kena top up RM100, motif sampai RM100 awat tak RM500 terus??????telco lain berapa lak kena kalau nak active balik? |
Maksud ice yg nie ka? copy dr celcom xpax website:
Customer need to request the Se ...
matbuq Post at 15-2-2011 16:19 
ha'ah..yg ni laa..motip tak berbaloi..entah laa bro, pendapat masing2kan..
bagi wa sangat berbaloi sebab wa jarang topup..kalo wa taknak topup 2 taun tu pun takde hal..
kalo tak jenuh laa wa kena topup setiap minggu coz tarikh luput cepat sangat...
sat..ekceli wa tak paham..bro nak carik prepaid utk 2nd hp tue kann? so, napenye tak berbaloi ?? kata pun jarang gune..konfius wa  |
Wa nampak plan Happy mcm terbaik ja........
min top up RM5 = 60 days, pastu ada 30 days lg sebe ...
matbuq Post at 15-2-2011 16:23 
kawan wa dulu gune Happy...macam tak hepi je beliau..wakakaka
tapi dia gune hepi nie utk call je..sbb dia kate best..skang ni dia dah x gune dah pun.. |
wa rase wa dah salah paham bro punye thread nie..wakakaka...
sori bro...jangan parangkan wa 
papehal pun celcom kalo bagi tawaran ke hape ke jangan gatal tgn nak click yes/answer...zapppp 70 sen dia cantas ...wa dah kena...:@
tapi wa stay celcom sbb wa setia
takde arr..member2 wa sume dah familiar ngan no. ni..wa pun malas nak tuka2..belasah je laa..asalkan wa tak bankrupt pakai celcom.. |
kawan wa dulu gune Happy...macam tak hepi je beliau..wakakaka
tapi dia gune hepi nie u ...
ice_szeto Post at 15-2-2011 17:08 
sbb apa dh dia tak happy? |
sbb apa dh dia tak happy?
matbuq Post at 15-2-2011 17:19 
tatau laa..nnti wa tanye dia bile dia online..okeh  |
70 sen tauuuuu..dia kate kasik bonus laa hape..pastu suh wa check ngan tekan #118* camtu k ...
ice_szeto Post at 15-2-2011 17:23 
tu dh kira menipu pengguna...leh report kt KPDNHEP nie...... |
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